One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 299 Kidro VS 4 Emperor BIGMOM

Chapter 299 Kidro VS Four Emperors BIGMOM
"Then I'll leave this place to you!" Mao Viper didn't doubt the strength of his companion. Just when he was about to leave with the others, he felt the temperature around him was rising. He instinctively looked up and saw the scorching ceiling.

"Get out of here! It's on fire!" Inulan immediately reminded, and several people quickly retreated to a safe distance to see that the wooden ceiling was burned, and a five-six-meter-wide fire front square fell down.

Looking up from the burning ceiling, it can be seen that the upper part has become a sea of ​​flames. The Huoqianfang that fell on the ground continued to burn. The wooden floor was quickly scorched and caught fire, and the high-temperature flames continued to spread along the wooden materials.

"Whose ability is this?" Yizang frowned, and suddenly remembered the secret that Marco had told him in a low voice after landing on the island, but when he saw the fire that was going to burn the ghost island castle into a sea of ​​flames, Fang Shi believed that this was not his ability, [No, this should not be Ace's ability!If the Oni Island catches fire, not only the enemy, but even the companions will not be spared! ]
"There is no way to put out such a big fire!" Asura tried to extinguish the spreading flames but failed, and the burned buildings above began to fall continuously, "I have to tell other people not to come here!"

On the other side of the fire, Lei Zang had already fought Fu Lu Shou, and he also realized the danger of the fire spreading.Quickly jumped to a high altitude and unfolded a huge scroll tens of meters long. The long scroll circled several times around the Huoqianfang that was about to burn the ground and continued to fall. With Lei Zang's loud shout, the gathered scroll will be huge All of the Huoqianfang were stored in it, and after being automatically wrapped tightly, it fell into Lei Zang's hands.

However, he was distracted to deal with Huoqianfang, and Lei Zang leaked a loophole. Fu Lushou, who didn't miss this opportunity, mercilessly threw a dozen sharp shurikens at him.

"Bang bang bang" gunshots sounded, and the bullets shot by the flames knocked all the shurikens that were shot at him into the air, with a 100% hit rate without missing a single shuriken.

"Thank you, Yizang!" Lei Zang, who fell safely on the ground, did not forget to thank him, put away the scroll that sealed Huoqianfang, and disappeared in place holding Kunai.

After confirming that Lei Zang's strength can deal with Fu Lu Shou, Yi Zang and the others hurried to the next battlefield as soon as possible.

In the huge ghost island castle, no one noticed that a shambling figure had been sneaking around in the shadows, leaving a painting with a huge paintbrush and then leaving like a ghost.

One after another, burning Huoqianfang appeared out of thin air in many dry places on Oni Island. The scorching flames burned and spread on the wooden materials, quickly turning the surrounding buildings into a sea of ​​flames.

The fifth floor bordering the dome was affected by the battle above, and the original wooden material had been completely transformed into transparent crystal, which also prevented the flames from spreading up.

But the flames from every corner of the third and fourth floors were unstoppable. The fast-spreading flames ignited some explosive objects from time to time, and there were several scary explosions every now and then.

"It's on fire!! Extinguish the fire quickly!!", and the rational pirates quickly started to put out the fire. Fortunately, there were fire extinguishing equipment everywhere.

"First put out the fire, and then get rid of Kaido's subordinates!", the SMILE capable user who was transformed into a partner also started to put out the fire for his own safety, and got rid of the PUPPETs that came out by the way.

"Kill! Kill!!!", the puppets only have the order to eradicate the intruders in their minds, ignoring the raging flames, holding up their weapons and rushing towards the enemies they see, and occasionally chopping down members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates fall.

"Why do these guys keep popping up?!", Master Bing managed to gather a group of companions, but the number was far less than those crazy puppets.

Seeing that those puppets seemed to be unable to feel the flames and would only rush towards them in a daze, Master Bing immediately changed his previous head-to-head strategy, raised his knife and pointed at the scorching flames, "Lead those guys into the fire! Those After all, the guy is still a body of flesh and blood, so it is impossible to resist the flames!"


Unlike the crazy burning buildings, a certain courtyard on the first floor is rainy, and vigorous vines grow rapidly in the rain.A layer of cumulonimbus clouds floated over the courtyard, and above the cumulonimbus clouds was Zeus who had turned into a huge thundercloud.

"I'm coming!!", Kailot's voice suddenly came from the nearby promenade, followed by dense footsteps and a loud roar.

The nimble Miss Rabbit quickly jumped to the second floor by stepping on the vines, and her figure quickly disappeared into the void.

The dozens of puppets that were attracted were tightly bound by vines as soon as they stepped into the courtyard, and their bodies that were drenched in rain felt the sting of thunder and lightning.

"Watch out for thunder on rainy days~", Nami blinked mischievously, and pointed down with the weather stick in her hand, the calculated thunder and lightning fell from the thunder cloud Zeus, "Thunderstorm weather!!"

Due to the conductivity of the rainwater, the lightning that fell down spread across the entire courtyard, easily electrifying the puppets trapped there until even the skeletons were clearly visible.

After the clouds dispersed, Zeus, who turned back into a white cloud, happily flew over and met Nami, Kailot, and Usopp who were invisible, "Great, another batch of enemies have been dealt with!"

"Sure enough, it's my partner, you're amazing, Zeus!" Nami happily hugged Zeus in circles, and she has now become a tacit battle partner with Zeus.

"As expected of me, it's so effortless hahaha!" Usopp proudly raised his long nose.

"Everyone is amazing~" Carlot also clapped his hands, and then synchronized the information he had seen with them, "By the way, the southeast of the third and fourth floors of Ghost Island Castle are almost turned into a sea of ​​flames. , the fire is still spreading everywhere.”

"Is it a fire? Or is someone trying to die with us?" Nami hugged Zeus subconsciously, knowing that the castle was originally a pile of wood, and once it caught fire, there was no way to stop it.

"I don't know. I saw pirates putting out the fire, and I saw many people trapped in the sea of ​​fire."

"There should be a lot of companions alive on the island, we must get everyone out of the burning place first!" Usopp looked around, but did not see any communication system, "Damn! There is no way to notify other people first Get out of the castle!"

"It's even more dangerous outside the castle. Don't forget that Luffy and the others are still fighting the Four Emperors outside! If we go out, we will only distract them!" Nami jumped onto Zeus, who had turned into a huge white cloud, and said solemnly, " At this point, we can only put out the fire first and create a safe fighting environment for our comrades!"



Somewhere on the second floor.

"Ace!! There are flame monsters falling from above!!" Ayu yelled in fright, and soon found that they were surrounded by raging flames, and a hole fell from the ceiling. The huge Huoqianfang.

"Kaido shouldn't completely burn down his own territory, is it someone from our side who did it?" Ace held Ayu in his right hand, frowned and thought for a while, but he couldn't figure out who would do this A kind of thing that hurts others and does not benefit oneself.After he couldn't figure it out, he raised his left hand, and a slender long flame snake flew out of the red flame pattern, "Fire Spirit Snake."

The one-finger-wide flame spirit snake quickly entangled the falling huge Huoqianfang and flew several times. Before it could devour the flames, the burning Huoqianfang suddenly became blurred and exploded after a few seconds. Disappear.

"??", the flaming spirit snake, which was planning to eat a big meal, was stunned for a second, and soon it was so angry that it continuously spewed out hot sparks.

"Huh?" Ayu, who felt the rain on his face, raised his hand to wipe it, and when he raised it to his eyes, he saw black fingers, "Is this... ink?"

"Enke mentioned that there is a person who has the ability to turn paintings into reality," Ace raised his hand to wipe off her smudged smiling face, frowning slightly and looking at the burning buildings around him, "but the flames drawn are still burning Is it a real building?"

The rising temperature around her made Ayu feel uncomfortable, but she just waited quietly for Ace's next move.

Ace tore off a corner of his clothes and asked her to cover her mouth and nose. While quickly retreating from the sea of ​​flames, he shouted to the flame spirit snake who was still in the air, "Chiyue, play around slowly, remember to look at Ann But do you need help over there?"

The flaming spirit snake just spewed out a few sparks in response, and soon transformed into a gorgeous and luxurious phoenix, spreading its wings and flying into the scorching sea of ​​fire.

"Wow~ the flames are starting to disappear!" Ayu, who was lying on his shoulder, watched in surprise that the sea of ​​flames in the distance shrank and disappeared rapidly. When they turned the corner, the sea of ​​flames had already been extinguished and only smoking coke remained.

After devouring all the nearby flames, the chubby flame phoenix belched, and the spewing sparks turned the nearby wooden buildings into a sea of ​​flames again.

After blinking its slender red eyes, it took a deep breath guiltily and swallowed those flames back again.After confirming that there will be no more fire nearby, it cheerfully flies towards Encore's position in a straight line, [Master will definitely praise me when he sees my new form~~]
Regardless of whether it was wood or rocks in front of it, the fiery red phoenix burned a path with high temperature in a daze, without paying any attention to the flames spreading again where it passed.


In the wilderness northwest of Oni Island.

BIGMOM, who was beaten and flew here, just wanted to go back to the castle to find someone to settle accounts, but soon ran into Kidd and Luo who rushed here.

Seeing their plan, the embarrassed BIGMOM laughed angrily, "Well, well!! You two want to take my mother's head?! Have you been given some ecstasy soup?!"

And Kidd and Luo were also taken aback when they saw BIGMOM's embarrassed appearance. It seems that BIGMOM also suffered a lot in the previous battle.

"No wonder the witch also suffered a lot of injuries. It seems that BIGMOM didn't get much benefit." Kidd raised his eyebrows, but he didn't lower his vigilance because of this.

"ROOM! Scan!", Luo unfolded the space and enveloped the three of them inside. He held the long knife in his right hand and held it vertically in front of him. He pressed the knife with his left hand and moved the knife horizontally for a certain distance. Kidd, "Her left shoulder was seriously injured, and she should not be able to make large movements. There are varying degrees of damage to the chest and abdomen, and other parts of the body are also injured."

"I can't see any injuries from the outside. It seems that the witch's attack works from the inside." Kidd sneered, and the iron objects brought by him formed a huge mechanical hand under the magnetic attraction, " Now it looks like the odds are pretty good!"

"Then come and try to see if you have a chance of winning!" The underestimated BIGMOM laughed angrily, rushed up like a heavy tank holding Napoleon in his right hand, and slashed at Kidd with the sharp famous knife go down.

Kidd had just raised his hand to block the iron object, and when he was about to fight back, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. In a daze, BIGMOM's famous knife had already cut the iron object in half, and was about to hit him again. Only then was he reluctantly avoided.

But in the next second, BIGMOM's clenched left fist appeared in front of him, and the violent punch sent Kidd flying into the distance.

Kidd, who slammed into the ground in embarrassment, still felt the severe pain from the impact on his head, and at the same time, there were many wounds on his head, and the bleeding continued.

At this time, BIGMOM had already jumped up, and the domineering Napoleon pointed at Kidd who was still on the ground again.

Kidd, who was about to avoid it, felt his head hit several times again. When the grinning Napoleon was about to cut him, he was suddenly replaced to a safe position, and Napoleon's blade only Cut a stone in half.

"What the hell are you doing?! You can't help at all!" Luo quickly replaced himself with a stone in front of BIGMOM, and with his left hand clawed at BIGMOM's heart, "Shock electric shock!"

BIGMOM bent her knees vigilantly to avoid her vitals, the electric shock hitting her injured left shoulder made her grit her teeth subconsciously, and the next moment her huge palm slapped Luo to the ground.

Luo, who was knocked down, cracked the ground, resisting the fishy smell rushing up his throat, and quickly moved himself to another position, avoiding BIGMOM's next punch in time.

As soon as the bloodied Kidd stood up, he was hit by BIGMOM's fist again.Before the sharp blade slashed down, Luo moved him a little farther away again.

[Headache?What happened to me? ? ], the bruised Kidd didn’t know what happened to his body, as if his head kept hitting the wall, [I finally met the Four Emperors, if I die like this, my pirate career will be... …]
(End of this chapter)

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