One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 304 Sanji VS Quinn 2

Chapter 304 Sanji VS Quinn 2
Somewhere on the fourth floor.

The flames burning on the walls of the room were sucked away, leaving only the charred and smoking remains of wood.And because it is very close to the dome, there is almost no complete environment in this area, and fallen rubble is piled up everywhere.

With a loud bang, the scorched wall was broken, and an Allosaurus flew out, hitting the gravel-filled ground a few times before standing firmly with two powerful hind legs.

There are many deep and shallow scars on the thick and hard skin of Allosaurus, and a few candy arrows are stuck on its back.

Derek ignored the injuries on his body, gritted his teeth and looked at the big hole he had knocked out, and couldn't help but growl when he saw the looming figure, "Perospero, the eldest son of BIGMOM, Nicole of the Straw Hat Pirates- Robin, Kaido's subordinate Apu, why do you have a reason for alliance when you belong to three factions?!"

"We are just a temporary cooperation. The alliance needs the consent of our captain." Robin replied with a smile, and her wounds were also simply bandaged.She was originally carried by Apu to the dome, but after seeing the terrifying fighting in the dome at close range, Apu, who was full of desire to survive, turned around and ran away immediately.

On the way, Robin gave this long-handed family a popular science about his deputy captain's small abilities, which immediately doubled his desire to survive.

Coincidentally, they bumped into Perospero who was wandering around, and the ready-made example made Apu propose cooperation without thinking twice.

Although defection is not a glorious thing, it is better than becoming a puppet without autonomy and freedom.

The three of them hadn't discussed the content of the cooperation, and Drake, who was looking for Robin everywhere, appeared.

Drake, who was undercover in the Navy and sneaked into the Beasts Pirates, encountered this undecided battle before he had time to collect useful information.Knowing that his undercover identity was exposed, Drake decided not to stay long in this place full of pirates.But as a navy, it is impossible for him to leave without taking any information with him. After simple thinking, he made a decision.

Taking advantage of the chaos of war, take Nicole Robin away, after all, she is the only person in this world who can understand the text of history.As long as she is gone, there is a high probability that there will be no second One Piece to reach the final island in this world!
Drake's calculation was very good. After all, according to his estimation, Nicole Robin's strength was inferior to his. It would not be difficult to defeat her and take her away.

But unfortunately, by the time the target was found, that cunning woman had already slickly lobbied Apu and Perospero and formed a temporary cooperation with them.

Drake, who appeared in front of them, became their opponent in this cooperation crusade, which directly led to him falling into a disadvantaged situation.

"Even BIGMOM's eldest son has become a witch's pawn, so I'd better learn to be smart." Apu, who is very rational, has already settled his account. Before the battle is settled, he still It's better not to easily become an enemy of the witch.

"It's better not to shout about this kind of thing, I have to continue to pretend. What's more, to a certain extent, I am still very free hahaha~", Perospero even laughed out loud, the candy in his hand The scepter turned into a bow and stretched across the front, and the other hand held a large number of sharp candy arrows on it, "Candy rain!"

The densely packed sharp candy arrows shot towards the Allosaurus not far away, forcing him to turn around and run away again.

"Two hundred rounds of flowers blooming-horoscope lock." Robin crossed his hands, and suddenly a large number of hands grew on the fast-running legs of the Allosaurus, which combined into a crossed horoscope lock and tightened forcefully, allowing the running The dinosaur fell out in embarrassment.

When Robin's hand turned into petals and disappeared, Apu directly made a piercing noise, "Noise-boom!!"

The dinosaur that was just about to get up suddenly exploded violently, and the whole dragon was blown away.

After watching him break through a few walls and disappear, Apu danced a few steps triumphantly, "How? He probably won't come back now, right?"

"Probably not." Perospero fired a batch of sharp candy arrows in that direction again, turned the bow back into candy canes, and then turned and left. "I'm going to watch the fun elsewhere. Not seeing you, folks."

"Goodbye, goodbye, it's best not to show up," Apu quickly waved his hand, just about to leave from another direction, but he was afraid of being regarded as an enemy by the Straw Hat Pirates.After balancing the pros and cons, he decided to help Robin find her partner first, "I'll help you find the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates first, remember to explain the cooperation content to them clearly!"

Robin raised his eyebrows, but smiled and agreed, "Okay."

"!", Apu was frightened by her smiling face, and always felt that there was a big trap waiting for him, "Wait, wait! You won't let your companions beat me up?!"

"Who knows~"

"...", Apu was a little hesitant, and stepped back a few steps quietly.He remembered that there were three NUMBERS, Yimei Erya and Sangui on the second floor, and if he called out those three super giants, he might be able to steal the fruits of victory.

At the end of this battle, no matter which side wins, the winner will also be covered in desolation, and it will be a breeze to make up the knife at that time.

Robin's footsteps suddenly paused, and then he suddenly turned around and smiled softly, "I always feel that after Luffy and Kaido finish fighting, it will be easy to make up the knife~"

Apu's heart sank, and his fingers moved subconsciously.

"After fighting Kaido and BIGMOM, the three captains, Luffy, Kidd, and Law, will all fall down. It's really easy to make up the knife~", Robin continued to guess with a smile.

"Then the witch has not only had to deal with the four emperors but also deal with those miscellaneous soldiers. Nonoroa, Blackfoot and Jinbei are the three major boards under Kaido's command." Fallen, it is not difficult to intercept the final fruit of victory through a sneak attack.

"Yeah~", Robin continued to smile and nodded, with his hands behind his back naturally.

"No, no, no, no," Apu still felt that something was wrong, frowned and calculated the high combat power on the island, and suddenly found that he had missed a few people, "Portgas-D-Ace and Did Marco come here too??"

"Who knows~", Robin just smiled inexplicably, and in the next second, her whole body turned into petals and disappeared, leaving the frantic Apu jumping on the spot.

It's a joke, she doesn't want to stay near an enemy whose position is unknown.


On the negative floor, Quinn's virus research institute.

A lot of puppetS fell in disorder in the spacious corridor, and the island cloud floating in mid-air was patrolling the surroundings, knocking out any enemies when they saw them approaching.

In the pale laboratory, there are several glass tanks filled with concentrated sulfuric acid. The blue whale is checking the bottles and jars in the laboratory, occasionally throwing a few sealed test tubes into the concentrated sulfuric acid.

After checking out several dangerous viruses, he walked to Quinn's secret room with several layers of locks, and after studying for a while, he easily cracked those advanced technological locks.

"Master Blue Whale?" Dao Yunduo cautiously poked his head outside the laboratory, saw him enter the secret room and closed the door, and immediately flew in nervously, trying to hit the steel anti-theft door with his soft Yunduo body, but there was no movement.

There are holes in the secret room. Many viruses are still preserved in the low temperature environment. The surrounding walls are designed in the form of lockers, which are filled with papers full of secret information.

Blue Whale began to check the information at a glance and collected useful information.

[There is a lot of information about my sister...], Blue Whale frowned slightly as he looked at the information he had found. After thinking about it, he put all the information about her in another place, and prepared to destroy it in a unified manner.

The shadow cast over their lives finally completely disappeared, and the information about her identity should also be reduced to ashes.


Island of Ghosts, veranda.

The verandah located at the outermost edge of the castle was not affected by the battles that erupted in the various banquet halls, but the long-range attacks that came over still made several holes in the originally gorgeous verandah, and the main building was turned into ruins.

The women who usually lived here hid in each room, praying that the battle would not destroy their hiding places.Most of the wandering girls here were snatched from the Wano country by the Hundred Beasts Pirates, or brought over by Orochi as a tribute. human dignity.

Sanji, who was distracted and broke into this place, didn't even notice the rich aroma of the veranda. When he ran around along the corridor, he accidentally saw a geisha woman squatting in front of the collapsed rubble.

"I'm sorry! I... I'm not Kaido's subordinate! I was just brought here from the Flower City to deal with geisha, please let me go... Ah!", before the panicked woman could finish speaking, the whole The person flew out, and fell down not far away, clutching his bleeding forehead and wailing endlessly.

"Are you okay?!", Sanji subconsciously wanted to step forward to check her injury, but saw her trembling and crawling away, looking at him with eyes full of fear.

"Get out!!", the door of a nearby room suddenly opened and threw out combs, vases and other things. Several geisha hurried out with daggers. Two older geisha hurriedly dragged the injured woman back into the room , and looked at Sanji accusingly, "You are from the Wano army, right?! How could you do anything to our little girl?!!"

"No... I shouldn't have done anything..." Sanji, who was confused, didn't know what happened, and stared blankly at the woman who was holding her head in pain.

"It can only be that you did a good job?! Get out of here!!", the geishas who were overly afraid that the other party would continue to attack Sanji kept throwing things at Sanji, quickly retreated into the room and locked the door tightly , as if they could survive this sudden war.

"...", Sanji gritted his teeth fiercely, and continued to walk forward in a daze, his mind kept thinking of the cruel appearance of his three biological brothers who were cold-blooded and ruthless, even cruel to women.He didn't believe what happened to him at all, he only knew that he seemed to be getting closer to the person he hated the most.

After the body transformation is complete, will he also become like those monsters?

I don't know how long it was wandering, a huge yellow brachiosaurus broke through the wall and rushed out. When seeing him, the yellow brachiosaurus with a cigar in its mouth laughed and said, "Finally found you! You should attack every veranda , GERMA!"

Sanji looked up at the monster-like Quinn, and knew very well that with his previous strength, he could not beat him as a big Kanban.Moreover, one of the characteristics of animal-type ability users is that they are particularly resistant to beatings. Even though he has used his ultimate move, Quinn is still alive and kicking as if nothing happened.

But on this island, everyone has their own main enemy to deal with, and the number of enemies is superior, and everyone has no skills at all.

If he can't defeat Quinn, then this big dinosaur will definitely go to the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates.Most of the pirates are not Quinn's opponents, and their fate is estimated to be the same as those pirate warriors infected with the virus.

And after landing on this island, Sanji stepped on the trap twice because of his obsession with beauty, and was almost beaten flat by Maria as a sandbag.

Sanji slowly clenched his fists, and suddenly remembered the conversation in the previous special training:

After being kicked hard again for being seduced by beauty, the girl sat on the rock with some helplessness and said funnyly, "Sanji, you have to hide. In the new world, most women are not Good fight. Me, Robin or Nami can't beat them all the time."

"When the opponent is LADY, I don't want to avoid it physically and mentally..." After being broken several ribs, he simply sat on the ground, and when he looked up and saw the girl's appearance as a princess, his heart burst out again.

"I know I'm strong," the girl raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "but this world is big, and I have enemies that I can't deal with, LADY~"

Sanji also knows this fact, but he hasn't seen an enemy who can defeat her head-on.

The girl just looked at him with a shallow smile, then suddenly raised her hand to press the plump left chest, and casually threw out a hypothesis, "If it was a lady who pierced this heart, would you save me? "

"!!", Sanji almost jumped up from the ground, looking at her with blood fading.

"..." Luffy, who was lying on the ground in the distance and regained his domineering aura, turned his head and glanced sideways, but he just pursed his lips and raised his hand to cover his face with a straw hat.

Sauron was wiping the autumn water, and the snow-white cotton was cut in half by the sharp blade.

"Sanji," the girl's eyes quietly turned red and purple, and she gently asked the seemingly unsolvable question with a smile, "Can you save me?"


Hey, Luffy... which one do you think is better?
It is an unreliable mortal body that has been helpless as long as it meets a woman so far.

Still ruthless and inhuman, but even a monster like Quinn can handle the opponent, a scientific warrior who can defeat any enemy as long as you give an order.

Hey, Luffy, which one can help Pirate King better?
Sanji took out the battle suit that had been hidden on his body just in case, and his slightly long bangs covered his eyes, "I've decided."

If being a monster can help, he'll do it.

After this battle is over, he is qualified to answer the girl's question...

"Is that GERMA's battle suit??" Quinn finally saw the battle suit box he had been thinking about,
"It must be because of passing through this thing that the original scientific factors in my body will be awakened? It's irreversible, I just hope there will be no more changes." Sanji let go of the box and let the box fall When it fell to the ground, it exploded with one foot, "I will never become GERMA!!"

"Ah!! What a waste!! Can you just let me see the transformation?" Quinn jumped anxiously, knowing that GERMA's scientific products are hard to find for money!

[Farewell, GERMA.Farewell, ladies' bathroom, I must at least end this battle first. ], Sanji took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth, stretched out his hand to touch his hair and called out a golden butterfly, and asked politely lazily, "Aren't you dead yet?"

Far away on the crystal sea of ​​the Utodon coast, Zoro, who was trying to resist in the shadow of swords and swords, caught a glimpse of a three-blade green butterfly flying out, and when he heard Sanji's voice, he quickly avoided the bullets that Jhin shot from the sky. "Idiot cook! Don't bother me!"

[Just a few words, listen to me.We're about to defeat the Beast Pirates. ]
"Yeah, isn't that nonsense?!" Sauron suddenly bent back, crossing the two knives in both hands to block the sharp bird's beak approaching from the sky.

The Illusion Butterfly was not affected by the fierce battle at all, it flew leisurely in various slashes and faithfully conveyed Sanji's words, "But if after the decisive victory, I am not normal, you will kill me." ]
"Huh?!", Zoro looked at the butterfly in astonishment, turned his head to avoid Jhin's sharp beak, distanced himself and replied without hesitation, "Okay, I understand! I will take care of it Killed you! Although I don't know what's going on with you, but now I can have fun after the decisive battle. So don't die before that, kid!"

[Thanks], the illusion butterflies shot by Jhin's fire bullets began to disappear, and Sanji's sigh-like voice came faintly, [It's just a pity that I can't answer the cute question...]
[Protecting the Encore has always been the task given to me by the captain!Go to hell! ], before the golden butterfly disappeared, there came a certain green algae head's bold words, which immediately exploded Sanji's original tragic and heavy mood, and directly yelled with his fangs, "Fight to the death after the decisive battle, bastard!! I will attack you With this sentence, I will kick you before I die!!!"

In the next moment, Sanji, who was covered in fire, appeared in the air instantly, and the whole person swooped down like a big fireball, and with the help of inertia, he kicked Quinn's chest with all his strength, "Hell value-memory!!"

The violent kicking technique erupted into violent flames like an explosion, and the entire dinosaur that was kicked out was even burnt a lot. The severe pain conveyed in the body even made Quinn, who was extremely defensive, cough up blood.


(End of this chapter)

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