One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 309 Sauron VS Jhin 2: The Beginning of Despair

Chapter 309 Sauron VS Jhin 2: The Beginning of Despair

On the mottled and rugged crystal, the transparent crystal is constantly cutting deep and shallow gaps in the shadow of swords and swords.Sauron focused his attention on Jhin's fighting style throughout the whole process, and gradually figured out Jhin's tricks during the constant injuries and counterattacks. In one attack, he caught a small flaw in Jhin's and successfully broke through. His defenses cut his tight mask in half.

The success of the attack also confirmed Sauron's guess. He quickly adjusted his posture, and instead of taking advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, he continued to be alert to Jhin's movements. Sure enough, when the fire on his back disappeared, his movements would become faster! !

"!", the speed and attack power of the other party's sudden explosion exceeded Jhin's imagination, and he couldn't believe that he took off the mask that he had never taken off in front of outsiders, revealing the true appearance that was tightly hidden.

Handsome appearance, slender figure, and unusual black feathers, white hair, brown skin...

The special appearance shows that Jhin is from the extinct Lunaria tribe, and he can live to [-] million Baileys just by reporting his information to the world government.

Sauron didn't know Jhin's race, and didn't pay much attention to his appearance that was different from ordinary people, and was still vigilant about his next attack.For Sauron, defeating this powerful enemy in front of him is more important than anything else!
Jhin glanced at the young pirate in the distance, and was not surprised to find that his one eye was still full of fighting spirit.This slightly reduced his anger at the destruction of the mask, but he still looked in the direction of the capital of flowers.

"When Luffy fights with Kaido, An will not interfere. If you care about this." Sauron moved his feet to block in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "And, if you really want to rush In the past, it will only make me fall down completely, otherwise, even if I still have a breath, I will stop you!"

Jhin didn't express his opinion, but just threw the mask on the ground, moved his neck and glanced at the bruised him, "You young pirates are really daring to pick on two four emperors not long after entering the new world."

"Our captain is the man who wants to become the One Piece, and we don't intend to be subservient!" Sauron knew that they had to win this battle, and he, who had made promises to his childhood sweetheart and the captain, had no reason to lose. "I also think that you have sat on the throne for long enough, it's time to give up!"

"!!" Hearing that someone wanted to become the One Piece King again, Jhin's expressionless face immediately turned angry, "Don't get carried away!! Brother Kaidou is the man who will become the One Piece King!!"

It was Kaido who rescued himself as a test subject in the human laboratory back then, not only giving himself a brand new name, but also treating himself as his right arm and right arm!And Kaido made it clear back then that if anyone can change the world, that person can only be him!

From that moment on, he believed that if Joyboy existed in this world, it must be Kaido!

Sauron didn't care if Jhin was recalling the past, "Purgatory Ghost Slash!!"

But Jhin's back was burning with intense flames, and he avoided Sauron's attack by turning his body in mid-air.But when Sauron saw the cluster of flames, he also knew that his move was useless.

"Fire Dragon King!!", the flames behind Jhin wrapped around his long knife, and in the flickering flames, as he swung the long knife, the giant dragon formed by the flames opened its mouth wide and bit down on Sauron.

[This flame is like magma! ], Sauron quickly avoided the overwhelming flames, but Jhin had already broken through the flames and slashed down with a knife.Sauron was unable to dodge the extremely close distance, and the three knives immediately turned and lowered Jhin's long knife.But in the next moment, the blade of the long knife suddenly became like a sawtooth and jammed Sauron's three knives.

Sauron, who had been prepared for a long time, quickly drew the knife back before he spun the blade and jumped back. When he noticed that Jhin was going around behind him at a very fast speed and attacked, Sauron, who turned quickly, held the sword in his right hand. The knife blocked his kicking long leg, and the other hand swung a sharp and straight slash upwards, "Ergang Bird!"

"!!!", the center of Jhin's body was cut with a straight scar, and the original tight black shirt was also cut open to reveal a strong body.But he also kicked Sauron not far away, and touched the blood from the wound with his left hand wearing a black leather glove, "It seems that you have figured out my physique!"

"That's right, can you foresee your own defeat now?!" Sauron stood up from the shattered crystal, and was forced to retreat a distance by the scorching flames just as he was about to continue attacking.

"How is it possible? It is impossible for you to win me from a biological point of view!" Jhin, transformed into a pterosaur, flew to the sky again, and the flames behind him shot out a storm of flame bullets, "I will remember you He's an imposing swordsman."

"It's up to me to firmly engrave it in your mind, provided that you are still alive!" Sauron tensed his nerves to avoid those flames, and at the same time began to gather strength to prepare for the next big move of Jhin.

"Guard the Fire Dragon Emperor!!" Sure enough, the giant dragon formed by the flames roared and rushed down, the scorching light made the surrounding transparent crystals shine bright and dazzling.

Sauron, who didn't intend to hide, faced the fire dragon's attack. He raised the two knives in both hands and pointed backward. When the dragon's head was about to bite him, he kicked his legs hard and passed through the scorching fire at an extremely fast speed. The flame dragon, the flame dragon under the shadow of the sword, light and sword, was cut into more than a dozen sections. Before Jhin had time to defend, the sharp blade had already approached his vitals, "Three-sword style-flying dragon servant!"

"!!!", the speed and attack beyond imagination made Jhin resist the opponent's desperate move, and there was another terrifying knife mark on his chest, and the right wing was cut off by one-third one.

The strong domineering impact made Jhin lose consciousness even more. After falling from mid-air, he slammed hard on the crystal floor, lying on the ground without moving.

Sauron, who used all his arrogance and strength in this blow, also fell down, but was quickly caught by the flying blue bird Apollo. Apollo, who witnessed the whole process, twittered in disbelief, "You can actually hit me?" You have to beat that winged human?? Too powerful, right?"

"It's okay..." The exhausted Sauron panted heavily, his domineering and physical strength were almost exhausted, he didn't even have much energy to speak.

"I...!!!", Apollo just opened his mouth cheerfully, and the next moment the whole blue bird was cut into two complete halves.

Although Sauron relied on super instinct to sideways avoid that move, a huge black shadow more than ten meters long passed before his eyes in the next moment.The speed of the black shadow changing its position in mid-air was as fast as an afterimage, and the next second appeared in front of Sauron's eyes was a bird's beak that was as sharp as a sharp knife point, and then the waist and abdomen were hit by the beak, which seemed to be broken. The sharp pain and the sharp wind in my ears when I fell.

"Boom!!!" With a loud noise, a huge pit seven or eight meters deep was formed on the mottled crystal floor.When the terrifying black shadow flew out of the deep pit, it gradually shrank and turned into a burly man ten meters high.

Sauron, who fell to the bottom of the pit, became unconscious under the fatal impact of this move. Even though he used armed domineering to protect his vitals at the critical moment, his body still suffered damage beyond the limit, and his waist and abdomen were severely injured. There was a bloody wound.

Jhin, who was originally more than eight meters tall, has now grown to more than ten meters tall, and his entire physique has become two or three times stronger. The huge and strong muscles burst out of the clothes on his upper body, and his white hair has grown to his waist.

Jin Leng, who instantly reversed his occupation, looked at the immobile young swordsman at the bottom of the pit, with admiration for his swordsmanship, he explained clearly the cause of his defeat as if pity, "One of the reasons why you lost to me, It's not clear that I was also a test product of the world government. The white mouse who can obtain extraordinary abilities from cruel experiments is not the only one."

Sauron tried his best to keep his consciousness clear, his hands with multiple fractures wanted to continue to pick up his knife to fight, but his body, which was on the verge of limit, couldn't do so.

"The second reason for your defeat is that your vision is still too short-sighted. If you can be seen by others, that's not a trump card," Jhin moved his shoulders, and transformed into a huge Pteranodon with a height of more than ten meters, which was even sharper. His wings, stronger body and sharper beak gradually blocked the moonlight on the deep pit, and told the real reason for his failure to the young pirate who fell at the bottom of the pit where the light was gradually deprived:
"Don't you know that the devil fruit of the animal department can also be awakened?"


(End of this chapter)

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