One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 32 Crystal Funeral

Chapter 32 Crystal Funeral
As close as the coast of Cocoa Island, as far as looking at the sea level in the past, it seems that the whole ocean has turned into a solid crystal in the blink of an eye.Not only the fleet that Smoothie and the others were chasing down, but even the fleets of Qianyang and GERMA66 were all fixed by crystals, and even the phone bugs carrying the battleships in GERMA were all solidified by crystals, staring blankly at Eyes stared straight ahead.

And the person who has the ability to create all this has been standing on top of the Qianyang before the start, and his hands didn't even touch the sea water.

Qiangzhi on the main ship looked at the phone bug ship that was covered by crystals and couldn't move, and then looked at the Qianyang ship that was also fixed on the crystal in the distance, and couldn't help gritting his teeth, "What is the witch thinking?" What! At this time, the sea surface is actually fixed!"

"Hahaha, what an idiot! Isn't it convenient for us to freeze the sea surface?!" Dafu looked at the crystal below, laughed a few times triumphantly, and then waved his hand, "Start turning to land warfare! The front row of one hundred Soldiers from one ship go down and surround the Straw Hats! The other fleet is ready to bombard!"

"Yes!!" The pirates, who thought it was the witch's miscalculation this time, also became excited, and rushed down the ship with their swords, "Come on!!"

"Oops! They're coming!!", Nami was taken aback, but quickly took out the weather stick.

Jinbe tried to move the side of the boat, but found that he could not move, "The boat is really fixed by the crystal! There is no way to move!"

"Oops! The others are still at the bottom of the sea!" Aladdin suddenly thought of his friends who were still at the bottom of the sea, and jumped to the ship's side with his tail to look down, but only saw a piece of transparent crystal.

"It's okay, uncle! They are well protected~", Luffy said with a smile, and then looked at the roaring pirates rushing towards this way, "Why do they have the courage to step on the crystal of the encore?" of?"

"As expected of the BIGMOM Pirates, your courage is commendable~", An Ke smiled lightly, and waved down with the trident in his right hand, and the thin clouds in the sky were vaguely engulfed.

"I always feel like there is some kind of trap there." Smoothie frowned slightly, and suddenly his heart sank when he saw the crystal shards flying around the Thousand Suns strangely, and immediately shouted to his subordinates who had rushed off the ship , "Everyone come back immediately! Stay away from that ship!!"

However, even though Smoothie was alert, it was too late.

The hundreds of pirates who set foot on the surface of the crystal sea, just like the shells before, stopped their movements in an instant, and quickly transformed into crystals under the dumbfounded gaze of the others. After a few seconds, they all turned into crystals. The fragments then floated lightly around the Thousand Suns.

The crystal shards reflecting the moonlight look very beautiful, especially when they are flying.

If they hadn't seen human beings turned into those crystals with their own eyes, maybe many people would admire this beautiful scenery.

" has become crystal..." The people who stayed on the egg tart boat were also stunned, and then they felt that the surrounding light began to dim.After looking around in doubt, they began to look at the sky one after another. After seeing the situation in the sky, they screamed immediately, "Ahhhh !!!! !!!"

When the people on the Qianyang heard the screams from the siege net, they subconsciously raised their heads to look at the sky, and the next second their pupils also shrank because of the scene they saw.

There are a few hazy clouds floating under the bright moonlight, and at this time, countless huge prismatic crystals are falling, each crystal is wrapped in a transparent bubble, falling like raindrops, the nearest one Several are only a dozen meters away from the sea.

There are countless crystals with bubbles, like stars under the bright moonlight, falling slowly like angels with broken wings.

"It's so beautiful..." Nami and Carlot couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and they trembled for a moment when their eyes turned to the flying crystal fragments around them.

It seems that the more beautiful Encore's moves are, the more terrifying the lethality will be.

"Is this a fusion of devil fruit and eye abilities?" Jinbe looked around, still a little confused, "but when did the little doll throw the crystal into the sky? And this move seems very troublesome."

"Although I don't understand, but..." Luffy looked at the crystals flying around, and said with a smile, "Encore seems to have been preparing for this trick for a long time."

Sanji looked at the crystals flying around, and always felt that something was wrong, "This place seems to have become a cute absolute domain, whether it is shells or enemies that come in, all become crystals."

Looking at the crystal layer in the sky that is wider than the encirclement net, Smoothie couldn't help but feel his heart sink, [The witch's ability is natural, is it really a large-scale attack? ! ]
Although I don't know what kind of attack will come next, but when they saw the countless crystals in the sky, many people on the egg tart boat were so desperate that their legs went limp and they sat on the ground directly, "It's over..."

"I asked you if you want to fight~" The girl with different-colored pupils smiled and said, her innocent smile was innocent and simple, "You guys said 'YES'~~"

The girl's voice was soft, as gentle as a whisper to a lover, but the bubbles wrapped in crystals began to shatter gradually, and the crystals wrapped in them began to swell rapidly like seeds.

"So~", the slender fingers nodded slowly, and all the crystals were shattered into sharp long arrows and scattered towards all the egg tart boats besieging the Qianyang.

"Good night, everyone~", An Ke raised the trident in his right hand, and then swung it down violently, "Crystal-the funeral song of the sky!"

In the next moment, crystal long arrows that were as dense as a storm shot towards the egg tart boats around them. The fierce but silent attack directly sank into those egg tart boats, and many crystal long arrows that deviated slightly from the target also shot. Into the ground, densely packed like thorns from the general.

The pirates who were not fast enough were directly pierced by the sharp long arrows that fell from the sky, and the pirates who were lucky enough to hide in the cabin had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief. Wherever they touched, they all began to transform into transparent crystals.

"Everyone escape into the boat!!"

"Help!!! Ah!!!!"

"I can't escape at all!!! Ah!!!"


Panic shouts and calls for help continued to come from the egg tart boat in the distance, but with the repeated attacks of crystal long arrows, the calls for help and screams from the distance became less and less. When they came down, all the egg tart boats were filled with long and short sharp arrows, and they all turned into transparent crystals like the sea surface.

On the egg tart boat, no matter people or objects, they all turned into transparent crystals, and many human-shaped crystals were pierced with a few sharp arrows. The originally delicate and beautiful egg tart boats all turned into hedgehogs at this time.

The whole world seemed to be silenced. The sound of shelling and human voices disappeared along with the crystal sharp arrows shot down like a storm.

In an instant, except for the Qianyang and the nearby Germa fleet, all you can see in the past are transparent crystals.

After a while, all the crystals in the sky were shot down, and the bright moonlight passed through the clouds again and reflected in the transparent crystal world below.And the crystal fragments that were transformed from humans and cannonballs are still circling tirelessly, adding a bit of beauty to this beautiful crystal world.

"Sure enough, it's better to be quiet~" An Ke smiled and squinted her eyes, and waved the trident to make the crystal fragments fall to the ground, then she jumped onto the sea that turned into crystals, and unlocked the sea near the Qianyang and the GERMA fleet. crystal, and dissolved a sea route before returning to the Thousand Suns.


As soon as his feet landed, a sticky straw hat captain hung on his body.She quickly took back the trident and supported the captain who was bruised but refused to rest, "Luffy, go lie down and rest first, and I will treat you later."

"Okay~~" After being settled down obediently by Encore, Luffy looked around at the egg tart boats that had completely turned into crystals, "But those guys have all turned into crystals, are you okay?"

"It will be untied after we leave. After all, most of the BIGMOM pirates' combat power is here, so it's impossible to solve them all~" Enke poked his cheek with many scars with a light smile, gently Looked at him and said, "Thank you, Captain~ Let's get out of here~"

"Yeah!" Luffy nodded vigorously, then waved his hand at Jinbe, "Jinbe, let's go!"

"Oh good!", Jinbe suddenly came back to his senses, and after looking away from the beautiful but creepy crystals around him, he quickly turned the rudder and left along the sea.

The surrounding crystal fragments are still flying, surrounding the Qianyang as if protecting it.

Nami hadn't recovered from the changes in front of her eyes, she stared blankly at the BIGMOM pirates who were all turned into crystals in almost a minute, and even Smoothie, one of the stars, didn't avoid it, [ Is this the power of Encore two years later...]
"As expected of Mrs. Encore!! Super powerful!!" Kailot couldn't help cheering, staring at the crystals shining in the moonlight around him.

"Really, it was solved in an instant..." Chopper couldn't recover for a long time, but when he thought of who the opponents of those guys were, he accepted it instantly, "After all, their opponent is Encore. Not too bad hahaha~~~"

"That's right, that's right, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~", Bone couldn't help laughing out loud, "When I saw those bubbles burst just now, I thought those guys would be hypnotized to kill each other again~"

"Sure enough, it's cute~", Sanji blew out a smoke ring, quietly watching the egg tart boats and enemies that turned into transparent crystals in the distance, but he had a different idea in his heart, [I also want to work harder to become more I need to be strong... The me right now is too weak...]

(End of this chapter)

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