One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 345 Golden City Vacation Chapter 9 Treasure of Tezoro

Chapter 345 Golden City Vacation Chapter 9 Treasure of Tezolo

A dozen or so warships have been following the large luxury ship of Entertainment City not too far or near, under the direct command of CP0, and one of the CP0 sent over this time is Lu Qi.Their task this time is not only to transport the gold from the sky, but also to protect the three Tianlong people who came to the entertainment city to play.

"Report!" A sailor hurried over, "The communication with the entertainment city was suddenly cut off, and now we can't contact anyone in the city! The patrol boat we sent out also reported that they can't enter the city now!"

Lu Qi frowned, and the pigeon in the white windbreaker jumped from his left shoulder to his right shoulder, "Is it the witch's illusion?"

"But the reconnaissance equipment didn't find any abnormalities, and the patrolling sea soldiers said that they seemed to be blocked by a transparent wall." The sea soldiers reported cautiously, "Do you want to approach the entertainment city?"

"Hmph, it seems that after two years, we will meet the Straw Hat Boys again." Lu Qi sneered, looking at the resplendent ship with some expectation.

But just when he was about to order all the warships to approach the entertainment city, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and instinctively looked towards the ship's side in front of the left.

The tiger shark that appeared on the ship's side at some point stood there with a suit jacket on, with no emotion on his face, "Back off."

Lu Qi was stunned for a moment, not wanting to let go of the opportunity to fight his old enemy two years ago, "But Your Highness, there are still two Celestial Dragons inside."

"And then?" Tiger Shark asked casually.

The other party's face was calm, but Lu Qi moved his heel back slightly.After looking at each other for a few seconds, he lowered his head first, "Yes."


When Lu Qi looked up again, there was no one in front of him.After pursing his lips for a while, he waved his hand and ordered all the warships to keep a distance and follow behind the entertainment city to wait for the order.


The execution ground was located at the big stage on the ship, opposite to tens of thousands of auditoriums, and several video phone bugs were broadcasting to them in real time.

After Tezzolo announced the execution time and left, there were only a few bodyguards left in the execution ground to stare at the immobilized prisoners.

"Woooooo Luffy!!" Chopper was still crying sadly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuu Encore!!" Nami also had tears in her eyes.

"Wooooooo Zoro!!" Usopp was crying loudly.

"Those two guys actually let the cutie get soaked in water!" The crying blond cook seemed to want to hit someone even more.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Luffy, Encore!!"

"Why did this happen, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"


The blue murloc was extremely calm from the beginning to the end. When he found that he couldn't cry, he helplessly asked Robin next door, who was bowing his head in silence, "I really can't cry, what should I do?"

"Like me, so sad that you can't speak?" Robin blinked at him and continued to bow his head in silence.

The three pairs of different-colored pupils who were identical except for the different characters stared at the members of the Straw Hat Pirates with different performances. After blinking for a while, the three little ones followed suit and shed two tears:
"Oh, my lord." Yi Hua

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lord." , Sihua
"..." Blue Whale quietly looked at them who were howling, and suddenly realized that he was too normal to fit in with them.

Amidst the tears of various acting skills, the silent mist was fleeting. Unknowingly, those film and television phone bugs began to broadcast false pictures, and the bodyguards guarding here stood like a pillar in a daze.

"Seeing that you are enjoying listening to it, you suddenly don't want to save you."

Amidst all the howling, a funny and helpless girl's voice suddenly appeared.

"Encore/Little cutie/Little baby/My lord/Lord/Oh!!", the people who recognized the voice and a snow leopard immediately looked down at the platform below, not surprisingly, they found the 'drowned' Luffy, Encore and Zoro are standing there.

"Yo, everyone~" Luffy, who held the flesh and blood in his right hand, greeted them with a bright smile.

Sauron gloated at the blond cook who couldn't move, "It's really a good treatment, curly-browed kappa."

"Well, it's better than a certain drowned green algae head." Sanji sarcastically said without compromise, "Soaking in sea water is just like real green algae~"

"I'll kill you!" Sauron immediately waited for him angrily, and the two who had always been at odds fought each other with their eyes again.

"Okay, okay, let's go down and rest first, and then perform again when the execution is executed at night." Anke looked up, and the black vortex that appeared out of nowhere gushed out a large amount of sea water, drenching them all like a waterfall up.

After touching the sea water, the golden gold unexpectedly turned into taupe soil, and everyone who was trapped got out easily.

"My lord~", three wet little balls ran over, hugging her legs happily.

"Aww!", the drenched steamed stuffed bun also seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and rushed over with wet hair shaking.

"Baozi has lost a lot of weight hahaha!" Luffy stretched out his hand to pick it up, and was soon filled with joy by Baozi.

Anke lowered her head and rubbed their wet long hair respectively, and asked with a smile, "Are you having fun?"

"Well, there's ice cream!" The three little ones nodded at the same time.

Blue Whale came over and whispered guiltily, "I'm sorry, my sis, I have caused you trouble."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Anke stepped on his foot and rubbed his head funny, and took a piece of seaweed, "Where did that shark go?"

"Lord Tiger Shark is going to take the gold from the sky, and this year the gold from this ship has been assigned to him." Blue Whale replied obediently.

"What??" Nami, who is very sensitive to money topics, rushed over immediately and asked incredulously, "He wants to take away the sky gold from this ship by himself?? Why??"

Blue Whale replied habitually, "Because this is Mr. Tiger Shark's pocket money?"

"!!!", Nami was so shocked that she immediately petrified.She guessed that the shark was rich and highly valued by the world government, but it couldn't be to this extent, right? ? ?
"Anyway, Noah, follow me first," Anke is not interested in Tianshangjin, she just wants to stab a certain shark now, "I'll go back after I stab that shark~"

"Okay, sister." Blue Whale didn't have any objections, after all, this is also one of the ways Encore and Tiger Shark get along.

Luffy finished eating the flesh and bones and threw the bones aside, raised his hands and shouted, "Since everyone has been rescued, we have to think of countermeasures to deal with Tezoro!"

"Hey??" Sanji and the others, who had missed a lot of things, were scared back a few meters by the word 'thinking' said by the captain, and shouted in unison, "You still have the brain to think??"

"You guys are going too far!" The single-celled captain of the straw hat jumped angrily, "Apologize to me!"

After calming down a little, Jinbe looked at him with relief, "Luffy has finally grown up."


In a luxury hotel.

"It's really weird to see myself tied up on the execution ground with my own eyes." Nami held the red wine and looked at the huge screen opposite the floor-to-ceiling windows. If she hadn't been convinced that she was herself, she would have been fooled by the picture on the screen.

"Miss Anke's ability is getting stronger and stronger," Robin looked at the people below who were talking and laughing freely, "If they know that Tezolo is in conflict with the Four Emperor Pirates, they will panic."

"Indeed," Nami looked at the people coming and going below, and then at the opposite screen before turning back to sit on the sofa.

Sanji leaned on the table with a cigarette in his mouth, and looked at Luffy who was lying on Zeus, "It's rare that Luffy started thinking, so what's the next plan, Captain?"

"That's right! I'll make the plan!" Luffy immediately stood up excitedly, cleared his throat as if something had happened, and began to speak, "First, let everyone be drenched in sea water. Second, knock Taizo into the air Lo!"

"Oh!", the companions who were surprised by his rare seriousness applauded, and Chopper looked at him with stars in his eyes, "Then what exactly are we going to do, Captain?"

Luffy nodded in satisfaction, and announced loudly, "First of all, we must smash this ship! Then everyone will be exposed to the sea water!"

Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "Sure enough, this is Luffy."

"Indeed, what Luffy wants to think about is simply super scary." Franky also nodded in agreement.

"You say that again!" Captain Straw Hat was furious, and turned to his deputy captain for comfort, "Encore~~"

The lazy Persian cat is nestling in the warm flames of Apollo, just smiled and asked him to come over, "Okay, okay, the captain has summed up the main points of the action, and then let everyone play freely~"

"Since you can play freely." Sanji bit the cigarette butt in his mouth, turned to look at Luffy, "Luffy, can you let me deal with that guy this time?"

"Ha!", Zoro suddenly laughed, raising his eyebrows with a very flirtatious expression, "That's the mission the captain gave me~"

"Crack", Sanji heard the sound of his own reason breaking, and in the next moment, a raging flame burst out and he kicked the swordsman who needed to be beaten, "Then I will kill you first! Then go and kill Tezoro! !"

"It just so happens that I've wanted to chop you off for a long time!" Sauron unceremoniously drew out his knife, and immediately began to fight back and forth.

"This..." At the end, Jinbe from the ship wanted to persuade the fight, but after seeing that the other partners ignored the two, he also tried his best to ignore the house-breaking fight.

"Knock knock knock" came a few light knocks on the door, and then Karina pushed the door open and poked her head in. She was soon startled by Zoro and Sanji who were fighting, "What happened?"

"Karina?" Nami was a little surprised, but still beckoned her over, "I didn't expect you to see through our acting?"

"I have some gossip~~" Karina smiled slyly, and took out a stack of maps like magic, "I also brought the distribution map of the underground pipeline~"

"Gossip?" Robin was a little interested, and subconsciously looked at Encore who was resting with his eyes closed.

The blue whale, which had been staying quietly all this time, arranged the grooming of the three little ones, and then prepared to leave, "Sister, let's go first."

"Have fun, remember to contact me if you need anything~", Anke raised his hand, a little mist wrapped around them for a while and then dissipated.

"Okay." Blue Whale nodded obediently, nodded goodbye to the others, and then turned and walked towards the gate.

"Goodbye, Lord." The three little ones waved their little hands to her in sync, and followed the blue whale to leave.

"Oh?" Baozi originally wanted to follow, but Usopp quickly grabbed Destiny by the nape of his neck.

"Goodbye~", Karina also waved at them, and when she wanted to continue studying the map with everyone, she found their inquiring eyes, and quickly waved her hand to explain, "I don't know him. But he looks like you My friend, let me say hello~"

"Really?" Nami looked at her carefully, crossing her hands suspiciously, "There shouldn't be many people in this city who can see through Encore's illusion. How did you find us, Karina?"

"It's all gossip," Karina hurriedly proved her innocence, "Don't you all have your own sources of information?"

Sensing the smell of gunpowder between them, Zoro and Sanji, who were fighting, also stopped.

"Don't inquire about other people's cards, Nami~", when the atmosphere froze, Anke just said calmly, "She is a friend you can trust, isn't she?"

Nami remembered the past, her face darkened, she wanted to refute but she paused, and said coldly after a few seconds, "Maybe."

"Then it's no problem, you and Karina can discuss the next action together~" Anke, in the warm turquoise flame, reached out and knocked on a head wearing a straw hat, "Luffy and I Don’t make a move this time, everyone is free to play~”

"Then I'm going to steal the most mysterious and largest Tezolo treasure!!", Nami's eyes were filled with Bailey's flash, "In order to become a rich pirate group, everyone rush!"



(End of this chapter)

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