One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 357 One Piece World Expo 5: The Treasure Hunt Begins

Chapter 357 One Piece World Expo 5: The Treasure Hunt Begins

The door of the aquarium was suddenly pushed open, and the bruised Luo staggered out clutching his arms, "The Straw Hat is in charge."

"Wow?" Baozi, who was sleeping in the aquarium, also looked outside, and then went back to sleep in the aquarium.

"First aid kit first aid kit!", Chopper hurried to the medical room to get treatment items.

"Why did you suffer such a serious injury?" Nami and Robin hurriedly supported him to sit down, and checked to see if there were any enemies nearby.

"That was really you just now," Lu Fei squatted in front of him, "Who hit it?"

"Lend it to you first," Encore, who was sitting on the side, stuffed the Apollo on his head into his arms.

"I'm fine..." Luo, who was seriously injured, returned the turquoise homias to her. He still hasn't forgotten how badly this guy was injured.

"It seems that everyone's injuries from the previous battles haven't healed yet," Encore put Apollo's tail feathers on him, and first let Apollo's ability lighten his wounds.

"I was careless too," Luo gasped and said with a serious expression, "You guys leave this island quickly, the people behind this celebration are not just Buena Festa. Those guys are plotting a very serious matter." Amazing. My crew is now safe and sound, but this place will soon turn into a battlefield."

"Battlefield???" Usopp was terrified.

"The battlefield," Anke thought for a while, and decided to give up asking for information this time, "I won't check the information this time, I want to be lazy..."

"The current focus is to find out who the guy who is working with Festa is. He must be a difficult opponent." Luo stood up with his saber and was about to leave here. Guys just 'thank you'."

"But what do you want to do when you're so hurt? It's not long since they just finished playing BIGMOM." Nami looked at him worriedly, "And how are you going to get back to the island below?"

"Go ahead." Luffy had already made a decision, and at the same time looked at Chopper who was holding the medicine box, "But you can't ignore Terran, Chopper, I'll leave it to you."

"Yes!" Chopper nodded vigorously.

"???" Luo, who was just about to leave, couldn't help but staggered when he heard this, and looked angrily at the former ally who had never understood human words, "Hey, hey, hey! I said I was leaving. "

"Then I'll go too," Robin also had his own plans, "Since you said that Festa is not the only behind this event, it means that there is an organized transaction or plan behind it. In case there are traps in this World Expo , then it’s not a matter of a pirate group.”

"Then I will be Miss Robin's flower protector~" Sanji floated over in a circle.

"I'm also good at investigating intelligence." Brooke also recommended himself to join the intelligence investigation.

"I want to treat this information as a bedtime story for the future~" A certain Persian cat silently raised its paw, "Then I'm counting on you guys~"

"Yes!! I will pull out the eighteen generations of those guys' ancestors!" The blond cook instantly burned.

"Very well, it's decided. The goal is Encore's bedtime story!", Luffy
"Leave it to me!", Sanji
"Should I also join the old man? There are four capable people, and a few more people who can swim should be better.", Jinbei
"No, no, stay on the boat, Boss Jinbe!!", Usopp

"Indeed, this is high altitude, you need to protect Qianyang, boss!", Nami

"Hello!!" Luo Cong listened to their twittering with disbelief, and it took only a few seconds to give up. "You guys can do whatever you want..."

No way, this is the powerful power of subtle influence.

He is now used to the incomprehensible and nonsensical words of these guys.

"Then let's go with the shark submarine," Frankie took them to the boat under the dock. As for how they returned from a height of tens of meters, that's what they should solve~
Near the apex, the sea current became fierce, and the whole pirate ship began to vibrate violently, and a large amount of seawater poured into the cabin.Accompanied by the violent water mist and hurricane, the boats that arrived above were all blown up by the air current, and one after another came to the sky above the island wrapped in bubbles.

[What's going on? ?Countless pirate ships are flying in the sky! !This is an unprecedented situation! ], the voice of Donna Modillat’s commentary below still resounded passionately throughout the island, [The first ones to arrive on the island were indeed the Straw Hat Boys! ! ]
The Thousand Suns landed on the outermost bubble of the island, and after penetrating through the bubble, it landed on the lake of the island.

Not long after, other pirate ships also came to the island through the bubbles, and the voices of shouting for treasure rose and fell one after another.

The island is like a small forest. Because of its isolation, the plant species on the island are relatively ancient.The most striking thing is that the highest point of the island is a cliff with an old ship on it.

On and about the ship was piled with gold and silver, which shone like bait in a trap in the sun.

[There is actually a dilapidated galleon on the island, which is full of gold and silver treasures. This kind of development is really unexpected! ], the voice of host Donna Modirat was still ringing, dutifully reporting the progress of the treasure hunt in real time.

"Wow!", after Encore took a few photos, he patted Captain Straw Hat enthusiastically, "Luffy Luffy, go and bring the treasure back~"

"Okay!" Luffy nodded, glanced at Sauron, and jumped off the boat excitedly.

After Zoro and Jinbei nodded to each other, he came near a certain Persian cat, and the blue murloc tacitly followed the footsteps of Captain Straw Hat, and Franky came to the rudder, ready to retreat at any time .

Nami observed the treasures on the treasure ship with a telescope. Her sensitivity to treasures made her stare intuitively at a dilapidated small treasure box in the treasure, and quickly reminded the captain who was about to run away, "Luffy! There is an old treasure chest in the treasure." The treasure chest must be the treasure of One Piece!"

"Come on, both of you, get the treasure back!" Long Nose tremblingly held up the slingshot and stood on the height of the Qianyang, "I, I, I will be responsible for covering you."

All kinds of pirate ships penetrated the bubbles and dropped from the sky one after another, and hundreds of pirates began to join in the treasure hunting battle.The sound of fighting and shelling resounded everywhere, and the whole island became a battlefield for pirates to fight.

"There are more and more opponents," Usopra pointed his long slingshot at the guys who started to hinder his partners, "I must kill the green star - hit the wolf grass!"

The rapidly growing green plants turned into giant green wolves, and after running for a certain distance, they knocked away all the dozen or so pirates who wanted to stop Luffy and the others.

"Frankie-Laser Cannon!", Franky also cleanly dealt with those opponents who had just disembarked and hadn't run a few steps.

"It seems that someone wants to attack Qianyang," Nami noticed the sneaky guys in the nearby grass, and cooperated with Zeus to reward them with a few thunderstorms.

"I'm going to set some fire~", Prometheus, who was about to move, also flew out, spouting some fire from time to time.

Apollo nestling on Encore's head looked at the two of his kind who were having fun, and continued to doze in a buddhist way.

Zoro looked at the pirates who flew into the sky from time to time in the distance, "Luffy and Jinpei are over there, they should arrive at the treasure ship soon,"

"Everyone is fighting so lively," Anke sat on the side of the boat, looking at the forest with frequent battles with interest.

"Yeah." Sauron held the handle of the knife.

"Don't be so nervous, no one dares to approach our boat." An Ke looked at the expressionless swordsman with a smile,
The scuffle on Treasure Island was also broadcast to the islands below in real time, and the pirates watching in front of the screen kept cheering, enthusiastically cheering for their favorite pirate group.

As a high-profile contestant, the Four Emperors and their two pirate groups have naturally become the main focus of the audience.

"I'm here to open the way for senior Luffy!!", Bartolomeo led a group of subordinates, rampaging with an impenetrable barrier.

"Open the way, open the way!!", members of the Straw Hat Pirates also chased the other participating pirates.

In contrast, Cavendish seemed much calmer, leaving more than half of the crew to guard the pirate ship, "Don't let anyone get close to the Straw Hat Boy's ship!"


(End of this chapter)

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