One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 362 Pirate World Expo 10: Demon Slaying Order?

Chapter 362 Pirate World Expo 10: Demon Slaying Order?

However, in this short period of time, Barrett has completed the synthesis and transformation with the absorbed materials, and the real monster appeared in front of everyone.

Amidst the billowing dust, a monster occupying thousands of square meters was covered with a terrifying armed domineering aura. It could easily smash countless buildings and even humans into pieces by raising and lowering its palms.

In front of it, human beings are as small as ants.

"What kind of monster is that?" Nami's face turned pale, "Is Luffy going to fight such a monster?"

"He hasn't recovered from his injuries after the battle with Kaido before," Franky also felt uneasy. Although Captain Straw Hat's recovery ability is beyond ordinary people, it is impossible to fight against multiple strong people in such a short period of time. ah.

Sauron clenched the knife tightly, but rationally knew that he could not leave the Thousand Suns casually.In this situation, keeping the pirate ship is very critical.

A black butterfly suddenly appeared and disappeared after flapping its wings a few times.

"I see." Sauron nodded calmly, and then said to Nami, Usopp, and Franky, "Our mission remains the same, and we still prioritize protecting the Thousand Suns and preparing a retreat plan. The rest will be left to Give them to Luffy."

"I see," Nami nodded, and quickly called out her orange communication disk, "I'll contact Sanji and the others and ask them to come back quickly."

"I found the straw hat boy's boat!!"

A sailor shouted, and then dozens of sailors appeared in sight, and mortars and guns were already shooting at the pirate ship.

"Hahaha your shells are useless at all, my barrier is invincible~" Bartolomeo proudly maintained the barrier, but saw that many shells from the navy hit the ships nearby, " Hey hey hey! You are too cunning!"

"Unlock the barrier, get rid of them all and prepare to retreat." Sauron bit the word Hedao in his mouth, and when the barrier was untied, he rushed into the approaching sea soldiers with two knives in his hand.

"Senior Sauron is so handsome!" Bartolomeo's star eyes appeared for the umpteenth time, and he quickly jumped off the boat, creating a barrier and knocking the sailors away.

Zhan Taomaru originally brought a few pacifists to support, but after seeing the green algae head, he cursed and asked the pacifists to deal with other pirates, "Damn it, is Nonoroya the one guarding the boat?"

When the Straw Hats regrouped in Chambord, that guy teamed up with Blackfoot to kill a pacifist in one go.Zhan Taomaru still decided not to waste the pacifists, although the pacifists brought over this time are all old models.

A person flew over from a nearby warship. Sauron, who was dealing with the sailors, immediately turned his blade to block the sudden attack. The blind general who attacked was not surprised, "The general didn't deal with that big guy, but came Attacking us little pirates, the focus is wrong, right?"

"Your threat power is about the same as Barrett's now." Fujitora didn't use his ability on the blade that blocked him, "Also, I also need to confirm what justice is in this battle."

"I'm a pirate, and I'm not very interested in the word justice." Sauron now just wants to open the way and let his partners leave here safely.

"Really, that's really a pity." Fujitora didn't intend to release the water, and when he started to exert gravity, he felt the young pirate in front of him pull away, but the gravity exerted was like a tiger towards the person. Rush forward in the direction of retreat, "Gravity Knife-Tiger!"

The rocks and ground along the way were lifted by gravity, and sliced ​​to pieces by the swordsmen's slashes as they slammed Sauron into the nearby beach.

Hitting the sea water into waves with a knife, Zoro who jumped up in the sea swung his knife and slashed at Fujitora standing on the shore, "Jukitora!"

Fujitora, who was drenched in sea water, couldn't use his ability, and blocked his sword with his teeth.

Bartolomeo, who was rampaging with a barrier nearby, saw the battle between Sauron and Fujitora, tearing up excitedly, "You can even draw with the general, as expected of Senior Sauron!!"

Cavendish, who was dealing with the sailors nearby, was almost knocked into the air by him, and angrily yelled at the screaming Cockscomb, "Look out!"

"Huh?", Bartolomeo's expression was pulled to death in an instant, and he raised his leg and used the barrier to slam into him and the sailors near him, "I saw the enemy!! Annihilate Annihilate!!"

"You kid did it on purpose, right?" Cavendish, who was forced to run with the sailor, yelled.

The violent shaking of the ground once again interrupted the fighting between the pirates and the sailors, and the coast edge of the entire island rose like petals to form a giant fortress more than ten meters high, completely cutting off the chance of the pirates to escape.

The change of terrain caused all the people near the coast to fall down the slope, and the pirate ship that was about to reach the port was also overturned to the ground.

The monster that combined a large number of ironware and buildings has completely completed its transformation. After condensing its armed domineering aura into its right fist, it smashed down towards the ground, "Ultimate - Faust!!"

Hell begins.

With that punch, the entire island almost fell apart. The island was constantly blasting under the movement and compression of the ground. The entire island was almost covered by dust flying over ten meters high, and the entire sky even turned into a cloud. It became a cloud of gray.

The island has completely lost any traces of the previous celebrations, and has become the home of the monster that Barrett synthesized.Between raising one's hand and covering one's hand, the terrain will undergo drastic changes again.

The sailors and pirates who were on the edge of the coast could recover a life, but the sailors who rushed to the front as the forwards and the pirates who could not escape were all within the attack range of the combined monster. It is estimated that all the corpses could be found. It was lucky.

"Hahahaha! Go to hell!!!", the tens of meters wide palm of the combined monster kept slapping the nearby ground, every palm and every punch caused violent earthquakes and cracks, "This is the new naval admiral's leadership. Power?? Is this the power of the new era of pirates? Vulnerable hahaha!!"

The sailors and pirates within the range of the terrorist attack beyond imagination all desperately fled towards the coast, but they were smashed by huge flying stones if they were careless, and they were pressed into the soil by huge palms when they slowed down a little. Deep or buried by collapsing mountains.

On the warship surrounded by the outer sea, there is also the general Huang Yuan who is on standby. When he looks at the huge monster that destroyed the island, he also feels a headache, "It's terrible. I have been in prison for 20 years, but there are still Such strength?"

Not long after, the phone on the ship rang, and it was the voice of the current Admiral of the Navy, [We must resort to extraordinary measures, use all our strength to wipe out Barrett and the Straw Hat Boys! ]
Huang Yuan just tilted his head, very puzzled, "Are you sure? What if the witch also has extraordinary means?"

[They only fought Kaido and BIGMOM a few weeks ago, no matter how strong they are, they can't be unscathed.According to the information from the Golden City, the Witch's strength is now greatly reduced, and there is no better opportunity than now. ]
"Indeed, let's try." Huang Yuan didn't care, "Then start taking action in 5 minutes. If you delay for too long, they will easily notice."

[what. ]
After the sailors on the island received the information from the yellow ape, they hurriedly sent an order to their colleagues around them, and even ignored the captured pirate in a hurry:

"An order! An order! General Huang Yuan ordered! Everyone retreat!!"

"The retreat is complete within 5 minutes!! Go back to the remaining warships immediately!"

"Hurry up and get back to the ship! General Huang Yuan has launched a demon-slaying order! The second batch of large generals on standby in the open sea will start concentrated bombardment in 5 minutes!!"

"After 5 minutes, if you stay on the island, you will definitely die. Please retreat within 5 minutes!!"

"I can't get back to the boat in 5 minutes!!"


(End of this chapter)

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