One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 365 Pirate Expo 13: Tail Justice

Chapter 365 Pirate Expo 13: Tail Justice

But the naval fleet that was sailing towards the island was not so lucky. The huge waves washed the entire fleet back thousands of meters, and the shaking hull even caused a large number of sailors to fall into the sea.

When the fleet finally stopped, they found that it would take a little longer to get to the island, and they had to pick up their colleagues who fell into the water on the way.

"This is too much~" Huang Yuan patted the non-existent water droplets on the coat, and looked at the big white snake like a mountain with some unknown meaning, "If you don't destroy it, the warship will not be able to get through~"

Looking at the more threatening Barrett on the island, he was a little distressed, "But if the witch's little pet is killed, maybe the navy will deal with Barrett and the straw hat boy at the same time, it's really troublesome~"

Although he found it troublesome, he still ordered the warship to rectify and continue to approach the island.Judging from the Witch's previous performance, she probably doesn't want the Navy and the Straw Hat Pirates to officially start a war here, but there are things that should be done, anyway, the Admiral of the Navy has ordered it.

After floating up from the bottom of the sea, the big white snake found that there were many small spots hanging on its body, and the sailors who subconsciously climbed onto the big white snake in order not to drown were all scared to petrification when they reflected what they were holding.

Fujitora used gravity to control a rock and flew over, holding a knife and preparing to smash the snake flat with a meteorite.But before he pulled the knife out of its sheath, he sensed that the thick snake tail was carrying a few dying sailors near him, which made the blind general a little puzzled.

The scorching flames raised the surrounding temperature a lot. Sauron, who was standing on top of the small fireball, already had three knives in place, "I advise you to take the sea soldiers first, otherwise Xiaobai will think these are snacks."

Fujitora confronted him for a few seconds without moving, then put away the posture of summoning the meteorite, drew out the knife and used gravity to control the sailors and put them on the rock where they were.

After seeing him take it, the big white snake thought it was fun and picked up a few dying sailors from the sea and handed them over.

After reintegrating with the land, Barrett found that his current position was less than [-] meters away from the nearest coast, but because of the wall, he didn't think seawater could pour in.

Looking vigilantly at the big white snake in the sea, I found that it had already had a great time playing and completely forgot about the enemy not long ago.

Encore, who was already preparing for the second round of attack, found that the ridiculously big guy ignored him, completely exploded, and kept jumping in the hazy dust, "Hey! Your real enemy is here!"

However, from a practical point of view, Barrett, who is located on the head of the combined monster, cannot see or hear the too small enemies at all.

"ROOM-Slaughterhouse." Luo used his ability to bring reinforcements to the vicinity, raised his voice slightly when he saw her, and said to the people next door, "Look, even the head of Barrett can't see the head of Encore with a microscope."

"Let him see me now!", in the hazy dust, An Ke rushed up along the arm of the combined monster that smashed into the depths of the ground.

"A mantis' arm is like a car, and it is beyond its control!" Barrett didn't pay attention to her at all, and was about to raise his hand to crush her into scum.

Anke condensed a [-]cm revolving knife with the palm of her left hand facing down, but after seeing the size of the fist that hit her, she gritted her teeth and raised her hand. , "Crystal - Whirling Cicada Wing Knife!",
When the huge fist hit, the high-speed rotating crystal knife also came out, cut around the folded upper arm and then flew back to Encore's direction.

"It can actually break through my domineering?!" Barrett was stunned for a second. It was precisely because he didn't repair his arm in time that he saw the crystal falling from the sky knock the combined monster's arm in half.

"Is it now?" Jinbe clenched his fists, "That gap has not been covered by domineering, so it should be able to cause damage to the inside."

"Wait a little longer, this will break one arm at most." Luo gritted his teeth, also enduring his anxiety, "There is only one chance, and it takes one blow to make him unable to condense his body anymore."

"As if it wasn't broken enough," Encore appeared in the air in front of Barrett, stepping on the constantly rotating black vortex under his feet.She raised her right hand upwards, and countless crystals condensed towards a slender red tasseled spear.Crystals poured into the transparent crystal spear continuously, but its volume did not change at all.

At this moment, Barrett had already received all the broken arms, and was looking at the girl who seemed to be very strong with a fighting spirit, "It seems that you are also a strong one! Let me Let's see what you can do!"

"You are not qualified enough to see how much I can do~" Enke smiled lightly, and threw the crystal red tassel gun under his control to the black vortex under his feet, "Crystal-Cordyceps~"

"Hahaha! Are you self-defeating? It seems that you are not mediocre!", Barrett laughed loudly, and slapped the girl standing in mid-air with his destructive palm. Dust rolled along the way.

However, when the fist was tens of meters away from her, it stopped silently. Even Barrett couldn't control the movement of the fist, "What's going on?!"

Dozens of transparent crystals of different lengths pierced out from the combined monster's tough body, growing rapidly like larvae devouring the host.The areas where the crystals grew also began to gradually transform into transparent crystals.

"Is ability a crystal? But crystals are easier to combine than wood and stones, and they just work for me!" Even though the combined monster he was controlling was about to turn into a hedgehog, Barrett didn't panic at all. When all the crystals in the body were integrated and deformed, they were all broken and turned into fine particles.

Within ten seconds, crystal particles fell from the sky, revealing the combined monster with countless holes in its body.Large and small holes also reduced the load-bearing capacity, and the fit monster began to crumble.

"I thought there was domineering inside~" Enke looked at the remaining body that had not been assimilated into crystals with some regret, "It's a pity that the volume is too large, otherwise it would really become a cordyceps sinensis~"

"Damn it!", Barrett cursed, and quickly transformed and integrated the battered combined monster.

Seeing that its body began to disintegrate and deform, Luo immediately shouted, "Don't let him reintegrate now!",
Crockerdale's right hand wearing a gemstone ring was pressed to the ground, and after turning the surrounding land into sand grains, he raised his hand and created several sandstorms tens of meters high, ""Sandstorm! "

The sandstorm sweeping towards the transforming combined monster continued to absorb sand and dust on the way and became stronger, wrapping the combined monster in the center after a few seconds.

Countless sand grains fluttering rapidly cut off the rock, wood and iron blocks that were being combined, and it was difficult for Barrett to capture and integrate sand grains that were too fine.What's more, the sandstorm with its own weathering ability continuously turned the combined stones into fragments during the rotation process, making it even more difficult for Barrett to control those stones.

"Hiss?" The big white snake, who was playing a game of scooping up people, only now remembered the business. When he looked down at the island, he saw a combined monster spinning around in the sandstorm.Only then remembered the humiliation of being thrown away by it before, the big white snake raised its long tail silently.


The justice of the tail that fell from the sky smashed the dilapidated combined monster into the soil, and the force even caused the ground to shake three times. The scattered stones, boards and iron blocks were more like a strong man's version of a goddess scattered flowers .

The big white snake, who felt unsatisfactory, raised its tail again, and patted it hard a few times as if to vent its anger. After completely flattening the area, it felt better, and continued to fish for people from the sea with foolish joy.

(End of this chapter)

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