One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 39 The Mermaid Princess Who Comes to Land

Chapter 39 The Mermaid Princess Who Comes to Land

"That's Lieutenant General Karp's warship!!" The people at the port also saw the warship approaching in the distance, and immediately cheered and gathered.They had heard that this time the royal family of Dragon Palace City on Fishman Island was personally escorted by Lieutenant General Garp.

Now that Lieutenant General Garp's boat has arrived, it means that the mermaids of Dragon Palace City will also arrive!
That is to say, the mermaid princess who is rumored to be as beautiful as the world-class beautiful pirate queen Boa-Hancock is coming! !

While everyone was waiting and countless cameras were aimed at, a huge eel wrapped in bubbles jumped out of the sea, and at the same time, King Neptune, who was sitting on the black whale, also folded his arms and looked at the people in the port.

The three Dragon Palace Princes wearing bubbles also came to the sedan chair carried by Eel, trying to persuade his timid sister to come out of it.

After a long time, under the expectation of everyone, the huge but extremely beautiful mermaid princess finally came out.The exquisite face, good figure, fair complexion and gorgeous sparkling pink tail immediately aroused cheers and praises that broke through the sky at the port.

The guards in charge of blocking both sides of the road also hurriedly suppressed the bursting heartbeat, stopping the people who became crazy after seeing the legendary mermaid princess, lest they would do anything out of excitement.

Lieutenant General Karp was holding a bag of senbei, eating senbei leisurely and striding forward to lead the way. Under the awe-inspiring aura of the legendary naval hero, even if the fanatical audience wanted to rush up, it was even more difficult. Taking a closer look at the legendary mermaid princess, she didn't have the guts to really step forward, so she could only keep cheering on both sides of the road.

King Neptune waved his tail slightly and floated near Lieutenant General Garp, while the three princes behind him protected the huge mermaid princess, but the princes who came to the ground for the first time couldn't help but look at it in amazement. Looking at this land that could only be imagined in my mind before.

The strange cheers, strange flashing lights and strange scenery made Princess Shirahoshi, who had never left Murloc Island, a little panicked. She put her hands in front of her body nervously, a little scared but looked at the miraculous scenery around her like a child.

Bubbles reflecting colorful light in the sunlight are flying around, making the mermaid princess even more beautiful.

"Master Mermaid Princess!!", the crowd who had already prepared the banners kept cheering, Bai Xing looked over there, smiled and waved with some hesitation, and even louder cheers came in the next second.

Seeing that the human beings around him were all focused on his daughter, the huge Neptune bent his body awkwardly, and asked Garp, who was still eating senbei carelessly, "Garp, is Shirahoshi very happy?" Welcome."

"Speaking of the mermaid princess of Mermaid Island, she is not inferior to the beauty of the pirate queen Hancock. It has been rumored on the ground for a long time. She is so beautiful, she has already exceeded expectations, and she is still so huge hahahaha~", Ka Lieutenant General Pu couldn't help laughing out loud as he spoke, but his hearty laughter made Neptune feel ashamed.

At this time, Shirahoshi saw a few trees with bubbles nearby, and couldn't help but bent down excitedly and asked, "Master Luffy's grandfather, is that the so-called forest on the ground?"

Lieutenant General Garp looked over there and said lightly, "That's just a tree."

Encore, who was waiting at the elevator in the distance, saw a group of people walking in, and when he saw the old man who was leading the way but was still healthy, he couldn't help but curled the corners of his lips softly, [Great, Ka Master Pu looks very energetic~]
"Oh my dear Kemane!!!"

Suddenly, a worried middle-aged male voice came over, and then a short and well-dressed man came over with a few guards in full armor.There is no doubt that this is the king of Lulucia, the father of Enke's current status.

"..." Visually guessing that the guy's next posture would be to hug him, Anke frowned slightly and then said lightly, "Stop, calm down, and step aside."

"Yes!" The king stopped abruptly without hesitation, and obediently stood aside with the three guards who were all in armor.

"Wow!", Jiaozi, who had also become glamorous and noble, also tried to raise her chubby head, but within a few seconds, she started to use her claws to get the bow off her head.

"..." Keby, who was still on the side, stared blankly at the scene just now. It doesn't look like a normal way of getting along between a king and a princess, does it?
The king of Lulucia was stunned for a moment, and then he just waved his hands with a cold face and said proudly, "This is how I get along with my precious princess, you can go down."

"Yes." After Keby nodded, he led the previous sailors to the side, planning to report the situation to Lieutenant General Garp later.

Anke folded his hands, and after touching the white bracelet on his wrist with his fingers, he just waited there quietly.

At this time, there was a commotion in front of him. Anke looked over and saw a man with an unusually wretched appearance leading a few men to stop Lieutenant General Garp and the group of Dragon Palace City, and even facing Garp there. The lieutenant general gesticulated.

[What rubbish...], Anke frowned slightly, and then slightly raised the length of her skirt and walked towards that side. Lulucia's stubby king quickly followed with his guards.One of the guards paused before following up, but since their faces were blocked by armor, no one could clearly see the difference between these guards.People who didn't know saw it, and thought that the girl was the real speaker.

Standing there was King Staley of the Kingdom of Goa (Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea, the hometown of Aslufy Sabo. Staley was the younger brother of Sabo who was a nobleman at the time.), he saw Garp Will was born in the Kingdom of Goa, so he came to clamor for him to help him make friends with nobles from various countries.

Staley was once adopted by Sabo's aristocratic parents. Using this as a foothold, he set his sights on getting married with the royal family and married Princess Nand Kane.After that, the king and prince of the Goa Kingdom died unexpectedly, and Staley ascended the throne of the Goa Kingdom a few months ago.

And Lieutenant General Garp heard Staley's delusion of wanting to become a Celestial Dragon, and said directly, "Do you also want to be that kind of garbage?"

"??????" Staley, who was startled by his horrifying words, subconsciously stepped back, but fell down in embarrassment with his left foot and his right foot, and lay faceless on the ground.

How dare you turn the high-ranking Tianlong people into rubbish? ? ?Is this guy looking for death? ?If someone overhears it, it will be a death penalty! !He didn't want to be implicated and get down from the seat he had finally climbed to.

"Pfft..." A chuckle sounded, and then a weak young female voice came over, "You can't say such things, Mr. Garp~"

"Hahaha, that's right!" Lieutenant General Garp laughed for a while, then waved his hands neatly and said, "Then pretend I didn't say it."

"Boom..." Staley, who was about to get up, slipped and fell down when he heard this. At the same time, when he looked around, he found that other people didn't seem to have heard what Lieutenant General Garp said.

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Garp saw a group of people walking towards them. The headed girl with long black hair had half of her face covered by the white gauze of the top hat, and her off-white gorgeous tube top dress slightly touched the ground.A chubby white pet was following her feet, with a big red bow moving on its head.

There is also a middle-aged man wearing a crown followed by a few guards in armor, and he yelled anxiously from time to time, "Kemane, I will go up in the bubble pod later, don't mess around run."

The senbei in his hand suddenly fell without warning, Lieutenant General Garp's pupils shrank slightly when he found something.

The girl who stopped four meters in front of him lowered her head slightly, raised her skirt with both hands, slightly bent her knees, and gave a standard curtsy to Lieutenant General Garp who was standing there, speechless but with obvious respect.

"Wow?", although the white bun didn't understand why his master would give such a big gift to a strange old man, he tilted his head in puzzlement and spread his limbs outwards, and knocked his round head On the ground, there was a big gift that threw all five bodies to the ground in a funny way.

Neptune nearby saw his sudden gaffe, and didn't know what happened, but he subconsciously clenched his weapon and stared at the girl who came in front of them but couldn't even see her face clearly, " What's wrong with her, Cap?"

"..." Lieutenant General Karp paused, shook his head, just picked up a piece of senbei and continued to walk towards the bubble pod in the distance, "Nothing."

Anke still maintained that posture, lowering her head slightly as she watched the hem of the navy coat pass by, and she was taken aback by the seemingly non-existent "it's fine".

After slightly pursing her lips to endure the soreness in her heart, she just replied in a low voice, [Yes...]
(End of this chapter)

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