One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 5: Island of Fog: Going to the Naval Base

Chapter 5: Island of Fog: Going to the Naval Base
Because of the slow light, the people on the beach and in the sea, and even the sea remained in a state of stillness. After 30 seconds passed like a year, almost all the people who couldn't react for a while fell to the ground.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief because they recovered, and Usopp dragged the fluffy straw hat captain from the sea to the beach.

Franky tapped his head, and looked at Usopp who was sitting not far away with a dazed expression, "By the way, what is that slow thing?"

Usopp raised his finger and pointed to the sinking head sitting on the beach facing the departing pirate ship with a downcast face, "Foxy is also from a capable person, he is a slow person who ate the fruit of slowness. Once hit With that guy's sluggish light, no matter whether it's a person or an object, it will become sluggish in 30 seconds."

"The 30 seconds just now felt unexpectedly long..." Brooke said with emotion, and then looked at the negative slot, "But it's really troublesome that even I become slow in the end."

Thinking of what happened just now, Luffy clenched his fist and slammed the ground hard, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth to suppress the anger and impulse that was about to explode.

"Woooo...", Baozi lying on the beach looked at the vast ocean with tears in his eyes, and choked sadly from time to time.

Usopp looked at the ship that had disappeared, and asked suspiciously, "Obviously they were able to capture us just now, why did they run away..."

"The deliberate mention of the resurrection mushroom is also very puzzling..." Nami walked to the beach, reached out to pick up the eternal pointer that floated to the shore, "and also wanted to use this to lure us there."

"It must be a trap." Chopper nodded affirmatively, then looked worriedly at the surface of the sea.Immediately, it noticed that Robin had been fiddling with a pair of sunglasses, looking thoughtful as if that pair of sunglasses was worth studying.

"What's the matter, Robin?" Chopper, feeling puzzled, asked, "What's wrong with those sunglasses?"

"I don't know, but I always feel a little strange..." Robin put on the sunglasses and didn't find anything strange.After taking them off, she explained, "The lieutenant general and the man named Dong Jack have been wearing glasses or sunglasses since they appeared on the stage, but after catching Miss Anke, they all took off the glasses they were wearing, which made everyone I care a lot."

"Could it be..." Nami broke into a cold sweat as she thought of a possibility, "That pair of glasses can prevent Encore from reading their minds, that's why Encore went to the competition so carelessly?? "

"Robin show me!" Chopper jumped up nervously and took the pair of sunglasses, after a quick study, cold sweat began to come down, "Nami is right, these sunglasses have traces of spells... ..."

Robin frowned, looked at the ocean, and said in a low voice, "Why, I always feel that everything is not so simple. Is that lieutenant general who looks like a strategist really just trying to lure us there?"

"No matter what he wants to do, but I must take Anker Zoro and Sanji back!" Captain Straw Hat stood up abruptly, clenched his fists and said in a low voice, "Let's go! We must catch up with them!"

"Indeed, Zoro Sanji and the others are alright, but the problem now is whether they will do anything to Encore." Nami also said nervously, "After all, she is the person the Navy Headquarters has always wanted to capture. ! Now it’s too late to care if it’s a trap or not!!”

Usopp nodded, and said, "We must also find a way to restore their spirits, that is, to find the resurrection mushroom!"

"I'll go for this!" Chopper raised his hoof, and then looked for something in his small backpack, "Also, because I don't know what those guys will do to Encore, so Luffy will bring some Things just go away."

"Wow!!" Fat Baozi, who had regained his energy, was also bouncing around, pointing at himself anxiously from time to time.

"Baozi said it has a good sense of smell, and it wants to help find mushrooms." After quickly translating what the fat Baozi said, Chopper handed the small bottle he found to Luffy, "Luffy, take this If there is anything wrong with Encore, you can drink it for her first, this is the potion that Teacher Angelia gave me to alleviate the damage of spells."

"I see." Luffy nodded, took it carefully and looked at the small bottle silently.After pursing his lips for a while, he carefully put it in his pocket.

"In addition, this should help a little." Robin squatted down, stretched his right hand in front of the two animals and explained, "This is the smell of resurrection mushrooms, there should be some left."

After sniffing and remembering the smell, Chopper and Baozi nodded.

"I'll go with you too." Brook also came over, and after squatting down, the soul with soul fire floated out of his open mouth, "As long as the soul and body are separated, I can detect any corner."

Seeing this miraculous scene, the slot-splitting fox immediately rushed over and shouted in shock, "Straw hat boy, you have got an incredible partner!!"

"Brooke has a very long life," Luffy explained lightly, but his face was still solemn.After a while, he whispered to Foxy, "Sorry, I'm the only one who ate the resurrection mushroom..."

Seeing him like this, Foxy reached out and patted him on the shoulder helplessly, apologizing with guilt, "I wanted to frame you, I'm sorry..."

After a while, in order not to waste time, Luffy, Robin, Usopp, and Nami quickly returned to the Qianyang, preparing to follow the direction of the eternal pointer to where Lieutenant General Kong Ming was.Franky opened the mini Merry for all of them to use, and let them find the resurrection mushroom and take the mini Merry to find Luffy and the others.

Brooke also handed the three knives that Sauron dropped to Franky, "This is for you."

"Don't worry, it will be delivered." The abnormal robot stretched out its huge hand and grabbed the three knives, which were small for him.

Seeing that Brook, Chopper, and Baozi were already hurrying towards Shining Liang, Luffy shouted loudly, "Brooke, Chopper, Baozi! The resurrection mushroom is up to you!"

"Don't worry! We will definitely find it!" Chopper turned back and waved loudly.

"Awoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" Baozi turned around and yelled a few times, thinking of something, immediately raised his front paw and pointed at Luffy viciously and yelled a few more times, then wiped his neck with his chubby paw.

"Baozi said, 'Leave it to him!'" Chopper immediately translated dutifully, with an equally fierce expression, "Also, 'If the master loses a hair, I will bite you to death!! Straw hat monkey!!'"

"The latter sentence doesn't need to be translated..." Nami, Usopp, and Franky thought about it at the same time. After all, they could guess what the fat bun was talking about just from the movements.

"So cute~~" Robin was not on the same channel at all, looking at the chubby bun with a smile.

"Don't worry, Baozi. Leave everything to me." Captain Straw Hat's words were calm, but firm enough to be doubted.Fat Baozi blinked his golden eyes, snorted, and quickly followed Chopper and the others, the speed was too fast for his chubby body.

Just when Luffy and the others were about to sail, Foxy who stayed on the shore suddenly rushed to the shore and shouted, "Straw Hat Boy!!!"

"?" Feeling puzzled, Luffy jumped to the side of the boat and looked at the slot-headed fox below strangely.

"You are not the only one who has been taken away!! My ship was also taken away!! Although I know that such a thing is not very reasonable, but I also want to save my partner.", Foxy Shake He clenched his fists and shouted, and then under the shocked eyes of everyone, especially his partners, he bent his legs and knelt down with his hands on the ground, lowered his head and begged, "Please let me go together on your boat !please!!"

"Boss!!!", those subordinates were immediately moved and burst into tears.

"..." Lu Fei looked at the man kneeling there silently for a while, then smiled and stretched out his hand, "Come on!"

Foxy, who didn't expect him to agree, immediately raised his head and looked at him excitedly, but in the next second, the word "split head" hit him head-on, and the frail heart was immediately knocked down. Head, "Also call me 'slotted head'..."

Nearly 1000 members of the Foxy Pirates immediately ran up worriedly, some persuaded him, and some hoped to go with him.

The slotted head, which was shining brightly in an instant, immediately assumed the captain's posture, stood up and said to Luffy on the boat, "Thank you so much, Straw Hat Boy!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Come up quickly!" Franky said angrily, after all, they are in a hurry now.

"Boom!", the slotted head that was hit again hit the ground directly, and he smashed a hole in the beach.

The straw hat captain shouted directly at the thousands of people, "Okay! Everyone sit up!!"


Nami hurriedly dissuaded, "No, no, no matter how you look at it, it's impossible for all members! No matter how you look at it, you will be overweight!"

Usopp also said helplessly, "Our ship and our ship are not of the same model at all..."

"Wait, wait!", Foxy also knew that it was impossible to let so many people go together, and hurriedly persuaded his subordinates, "I accept your wishes! But this is caused by my negligence, and I will leave it all to you." Me! I will definitely save Polki, Burger and Kaboti!"

"Oh!!!", the subordinates immediately cheered for their boss.But at this moment, a short man wearing a dark green and light green striped shirt ran out with a gun on his back and shouted, "That boss!"

Foxy looked back at him, and asked puzzledly, "Is it Kang Xiao? What's the matter?"

"No matter what, I hope you can take me with you! I just became your companion, so I hope I can do my part for the boss!" Kang Xiao explained earnestly, and after clenching his fists, he pointed at Usopp on the Thousand Suns shouted, "Senior!!"

Usopp looked around suspiciously, then pointed to himself inexplicably, "Me?"

"Your legendary sniper technique, I admire it very much! It's simply a stunt!!" After praising Usopp so quickly, Kang Xiao seriously analyzed, "The enemy is the navy, so they will definitely use it. A weapon for long-distance attack! Facing a gun, you must use a gun to fight back! I will definitely help!"

Luffy, who felt that what he said was very reasonable, nodded immediately, and shouted in agreement, "Okay! You can come too! Kang Qiao!"

Because of that name, Kang Xiao was so shocked that he squatted on the ground and drew circles, "My name is Kang Xiao..."

After Foxy and Kang Xiao boarded the ship and replenished the energy of the Coke, the Thousand Suns furled the sails and turned on the outer ship, quickly sailing towards the distance.

After seeing the golden pirate ship leave, Itomemis suggested loudly to his partners, "Everyone! Let's help find mushrooms too! It will definitely help if there are more people. !!"


The Thousand Suns was heading towards the place pointed by the Eternal Pointer at full speed, while Luffy was standing on the bow of the ship with a heavy heart, looking at the horizon in the distance.

Foxy, who came over, saw his heavy look, and after thinking for a while, he raised a topic to distract him, "Speaking of which, how did the partners who were taken away know you?"

Lu Fei was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice, "Anke and I went to sea together, and Zoro was our first partner..."

Hearing this, Foxy, who is also the captain, also felt a little emotional, "My first partners were Polki and Hamburg. No matter how the crew changes in DACY BACK FIGHT, they are the only ones who have always followed me."

"When I become One Piece, I can't be without one person. If it's not with them, then don't! Because they are my partners."

"Hahahaha," Foxy didn't say anything mocking to his words, after all he knew the nature of this straw hat boy.Immediately, he reached out and took out something from his coat and handed it to him, "That's right! As a proof of friendship, this is for you!"

"Wow!!!", seeing the commemorative medal of DAVY BACK FIGHT, Luffy's eyes lit up.

"I'll just be more generous, I'll give each of you Straw Hat Boys one!~~" Immediately afterwards, Foxy took out nine commemorative medals.Those commemorative medals are Foxy's head, with a slotted head and red nose and a treacherous smile.A hard press will also make a 'beep beep' sound.

When a certain pervert saw such a perverted thing, he subconsciously refused, "I don't want to..."

The captain of the straw hat has already put it on the left side of his clothes, and shouted happily, "Everyone, put it on~~~"

"What a shame!" Robin said mercilessly.

"Forget it..." Nami resisted.

Seeing their reactions, Luffy immediately said angrily, "He's obviously very handsome..."

"It's really touching! The two sides that were originally enemies are now joining hands to face a powerful enemy!" Kang Xiao was already moved to tears, and then he held a box of Foxy commemorative medals in his hand Respectfully handed it to Usopp, "Senior accepts it too!!"

"I don't want it!" Usopp subconsciously took a few steps back.

Luffy has already quickly taken out two pieces of bone meat from the kitchen, and handed one of them to Foxy, "That's right! As a thank you gift for giving me the medal, this is for you! After you're full, make a fuss Let's have a game!"


After sailing along the eternal pointer, the people on the Qianyang finally saw a small island appearing in front of them.The small island looks like a tadpole from a distance, and the main island is a certain distance above the sea, so it is not very clear from a distance.

Foxy looked at the island with his head and asked, "Is that the island?"

Nami looked at the eternity pointer in her hand, and said affirmatively, "It can't be wrong, the pointer is pointing there."

Luffy pressed the straw hat and said in a deep voice, "Wait for me, Encore, Zoro, Sanji."

Nami looked at him, then looked worriedly at the island.She really doubted that the lieutenant general really did nothing after catching Encore, and it looked suspicious no matter how he looked, but she couldn't tell what was suspicious.

But when they approached the island, the six warships that had been waiting there quickly surrounded them, evenly distributed on both sides of the Qianyang.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!" Nami frowned and looked at the naval warships on both sides.

Franky is at the helm, and seeing the layout of the naval warships, he couldn't help frowning, "They want to attack us from both sides. The situation is not good! If the enemy ships are no longer in front, the lion's roar guns will not be able to fire!"

In the next second, six naval warships fired directly without saying hello, and dozens of pitch-black shells shot towards the sides of Qianyang.The urgency of time is too late to prepare for wind-driven blasting, so everyone can only prepare for a head-to-head confrontation.

"Leave it to me!!" Foxy yelled, and after gesturing with both hands, a pale pink blunt light was emitted directly to the sides, "Blunt light!!!"

Circles of dull light penetrated the shells, slowing them down.

"Plus enhancement!! Strengthen, strengthen, strengthen, strengthen!!!", Foxy continuously fired a lot of dull light towards the surrounding shells and warships. After the multiple effects were superimposed, the shells almost completely stopped in mid-air middle.

"It actually stopped???", Usopp stared at the shells that stopped there dumbfounded.Luffy also said in surprise, "What happened? It's amazing!"

Foxy said proudly, "Although it hasn't stopped completely, but if it is strengthened, it will become like this."

"It's amazing!!" Luffy looked at the red-nosed slotter in amazement.

At this time, Robin asked lightly, "How long will the effect last?"

Foxy proudly raised up three fingers, "Of course it's still 30 seconds!!"

Usopp's amazement was reduced a lot because of this sentence, "Is it still 30 seconds..."

Nami also complained angrily, "It's so-so..."

"Whispering!! Do you know how much effort it took me to master this skill??" Foxy said angrily, "That's an epic story, do you want to hear it?"

"No!" Luffy categorically refused.

"Answered too fast!!" Foxy was instantly knocked down to his knees.

Robin looked at the people who were talking, and suddenly said, "It's been almost 30 seconds now?"

"!!!" Because of her words, Nami remembered the most important moment now, and quickly looked in the direction of the bow, "Frankie?!"

"Thanks to the preparation of this move! Hurry up, everyone!!" After reminding loudly, Frankie pulled down the lever that activated the wind-driven blasting, and the Thousand Suns flew forward.

A few seconds later, the ability of the dull light was released, and the artillery shells fired according to the original trajectory directly hit the opposite naval warship. With the loud bang of "Boom Boom Boom Boom", all six naval warships were blown up into black smoke.

After landing on the sea, the Qianyang continued to drive forward.Luffy looked back at the naval warship in a large cloud of black smoke in surprise, "All the naval warships are gone."

Kang Xiao immediately praised his boss in surprise, "Boss! That's amazing!!"

Foxy was so proud that he was about to fly, "Sinked six ships in one go! How about it?! This is the power of strengthening!"

"It's really convenient to use the right words." Robin also said with a smile.

Nami recalled the previous games, and said with a smile, "But it's really tricky to be against him."

After hiding the Thousand Sun behind the reef and letting Nami hide it with a mirage, everyone raced against time to climb that hillside.It wasn't until Luffy and the others climbed onto the mountain wall that they could see the original appearance of the island clearly.Circular mountains surround the island, and in the middle is a sunken basin. There are high and low stone towers on the basin. Some windows can be vaguely seen on the stone towers, and there is also a volcano that is emitting white mist.

Luffy looked at the landform here in surprise, "What's going on with this island?",
After taking a quick look at the terrain, Robin said, "Is this the so-called caldera terrain? There is something like a crater in the basin."

Nami looked over there, and said suspiciously, "But that, rather than spraying smoke, it's more like water vapor..."

At this time, Usopp seemed to have discovered something, and said, "But this is really a naval base, and there are many buildings on each stone tower."

"It feels like there is no way to escape!" Nami looked at the basin inside, and then at the increasing number of warships on the sea, "The number of warships is also increasing."

After taking a quick look at the terrain, everyone seized the time to walk down the slope, preparing to dig out their partners from this place where so many traps were hidden.

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Kong Ming's voice sounded in the basin, "Welcome here, Straw Hat Boys."I am the Navy's Strategic and Tactics Research and Development Headquarters, Special Operations Staff Officer, Lieutenant General Kong Ming! '

Luffy heard the voice but couldn't tell where he was, and shouted directly, "Where are you?! Feather fan man?! Hand over my friends!!"

'Think I'll tell you the truth?But I will still say that I am in a certain stone tower, including your partner~'

Hearing this, Nami was inexplicably relieved and said, "After hearing what he said, Enke is still here..."

"This will indeed make people feel more at ease, but you still have to be careful." Robin looked at the clusters of stone towers in the basin, and said with a slight frown, "It seems that he is very good at using echoes, and he can't hear them at all." Where did the sound come from?"

Usopp also looked at the hundreds of stone towers, and said angrily, "What are you talking about in the stone towers...there are so many..."

"But do you think he's telling the truth?"

"Dubiously believe it, and you can't conclude that he is lying." Franky said, ""

"Don't go around for me! Isn't your target me?!" Luffy clenched his fists and shouted loudly, "Give me back the Encore! And Zoro and Sanji!!"

Hearing his words, Usopp couldn't help but said in shame, "Why are the two in the back like incidental..."

'The target is all of you, the witch is just special.Just look for it for me! ', Lieutenant General Kong Ming, who had his own plan, smiled confidently, and said kindly, "I will give you enough time, and the time is until dawn tomorrow morning. How about you? Before the sun rises, if you can rescue your partner , even if you win. Otherwise you will fall into my hands on this island. Hehehehahaha!!"

Laughter kept echoing in the basin, and the pride and confidence in it were obvious.

"It seems that the target is all of us," Robin propped his chin and said, remembering what he said just now, "but Miss Anke is special. What does this sentence represent?"

"It's useless to guess now, the most important thing now is to rescue the little babies first." Frankie frowned and looked at the basin where there were no figures in front, "And this provocation is also very clear, here It's also obviously full of traps."

"Indeed..." Usopp nodded, then suddenly clutched his stomach and said, "My old problem..."

"It's better to avoid it." Everyone who knew he would have this move said in unison.


"There is no way for the navy to keep an eye on us, but no matter what your purpose is, I must rescue my partner!!", Luffy bowed his waist, and the second gear of steam burst out from his reddened skin, " You said let us look for it? How could it be possible to listen to your words and obediently look for it?! I will destroy them all in one go!!"

Seeing that he did what he said, Kang Xiao couldn't help reminding him in a low voice, "There are still your partners in the stone tower..."

"I will avoid Encore! Don't worry! Although I don't know where she is now!" Captain Straw Hat, acting on animal intuition, said confidently.

"..." Usopp twitched the corner of his mouth, and said angrily, "I feel more and more that Zoro and Sanji are incidental..."

"Yeah!", the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates nodded collectively.

"Rubber Rubber-Eagle Machine Gun!!" The black fists kept hitting the nearest stone tower, and smoke, dust and gravel quickly spread.

Immediately, Usopp put on the goggles, took out his slingshot and said, "Sure enough, I can only bite the bullet."

"Yes." Robin nodded, then crossed his hands, and a stone tower opposite was immediately tied up by a dozen huge hands.Because of Robin's constant force, the stone tower began to drop gravel, as if it was about to be broken in the middle.

"!!!", Suddenly, Robin's face changed, and the strength of his body suddenly disappeared.The hands that bound the stone tower began to disappear into flower petals, and at the same time, she sat powerlessly on the ground.

At this time, Luffy, who was hitting the stone tower, didn't move, his outstretched hands were covered by the dust near the stone tower, but at this moment, he kept sliding towards the stone tower as if being pulled by someone, And "gradually, gradually losing strength..."

"Hai Lou Shi?" Nami asked nervously.

"It doesn't seem to be..." Luffy gritted his teeth, but he was still being pulled and slid forward, "I was caught by something, something like grass..."

At this time, the smoke had dissipated, and everyone could see clearly that some vine-like grass was wrapping around Luffy's hands.Before, there were no such grasses on the stone pagoda.

"What is that??" Nami asked in surprise, and when she found that Captain Straw Hat was still being dragged forward, she rushed to him and supported him with her hands, "Are you being pulled by your own rubber force? In the past??"

"What the hell is going on with those grass??" Although he didn't know what was going on, Usopp rushed up and pulled Luffy to prevent him from being dragged away.

Kang Xiao looked at that scene in surprise, "What happened..."

(End of this chapter)

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