One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 52 Exhausted Life Card

Chapter 52 Exhausted Life Card
"Noah!" Encore, who always felt a little uneasy, walked quickly into the aquarium, and saw at a glance that the blue whale was coughing in a low voice, and the handkerchief covering its mouth and nose had been stained red.Baozi and Dao Yunduo were also anxiously walking around, but they didn't know what to do.

Sensing someone coming in, Blue Whale quickly tried to wipe off the blood between the wings of his nose, but he couldn't stop coughing a few times and coughed up a lot of blood.

"Don't worry, let my sister take a look." Anke pulled him to sit on the sofa, took out a handkerchief to wipe his face, and said with a slight frown, "Are you still suffering?"

Blue Whale shook his head subconsciously, but still nodded obediently after seeing her eyes.

"It's okay, my sister is here." After making sure that there was no more bleeding, Anke put the handkerchief aside, stretched out his hand to help him lie down on the sofa, "Hey, take a rest first."

The slender white right hand closed his eyes, and after the indifferent mist drifted away, the pale boy quietly fell into a dreamless sleep.

En Ke, who wasn't surprised at all, just pulled the blanket on one side to cover him, then took the handkerchief just now and looked at the bruises left on it.

Unlike the bright red color of healthy blood, the blood stain on the white handkerchief was only a dull red color, as if mixed with a lot of impurities.But it's not surprising that the cells in the blue whale's body are rapidly deteriorating. Even though new cells are constantly being added, the balance has already been disrupted.All of this is the result of the experiment. In the early stage, they can obtain power beyond ordinary people, but almost all of them will die at a young age due to the corruption of their bodies.

And the cells in every part of the body are being rapidly destroyed and added every moment, presumably he is enduring the severe pain that goes straight to his heart every second.But for those of them who have experienced countless experiments, this pain may not be a big deal.


Now that he is no longer in that laboratory, why can't his life and death be in his own hands...

He raised his hand to comb his somewhat messy long hair. Anke, who was sitting on the side, just looked at his peaceful sleeping face quietly, but there was only a chill left in the different pupils in the dim aquarium.

Baozi and Dodo lay obediently on the side, keeping quiet so as not to disturb them.

After slightly restraining the coldness in her eyes, she just stretched out her hand to wipe the light-colored pattern at the end of the blue whale's left eye.It was a contract that she forcibly connected the lifeblood of the tiger shark to the blue whale in order to ensure the safety of the blue whale. If something happened to her brother, the shark would have no good end.

But looking at it now, this contract is useless.

The slender fingertips slid across the pattern, and the seemingly natural pattern disappeared quietly, as if it never existed.


World government, among the powers.

"Has the red hair left already?" Wu Laoxing, who was wearing a white warrior uniform, said in a deep voice, flipping through the nearby information.

Since there are no outsiders here, Tiger Shark has lost his previous serious appearance, lying on the sofa with a doll in one hand and a document in the other, and lazily said, "Well, I'm sending it away."

"Master Im also said about that pirate. It seems that the world is going to change a lot." The five old stars with short blond hair said coldly, and there will definitely be a lot of troublesome things after this World Conference.

"Well, troublesome D," Tiger Shark put the documents aside and sat up, complaining angrily, "Old men, why do I need to get in touch with government affairs, you didn't handle these before..."

"You know the reason, you're the only one who can come in handy now." Wu Laoxing with a big beard gave him an annoyed look, if it wasn't for the fact that this brat's talent was really terrifyingly high , they will not choose him.

Tiger Shark curled his lips, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly coughed up a big mouthful of blood, and the scarlet blood splashed on the clean and reflective floor, looking extremely terrifying.

"!!", the sudden change also shocked Wu Laoxing, and the atmosphere in the room immediately became tense in the next moment, and the heavy pressure would even make people suffocate in fright.

"It's okay, it's not an enemy." Tiger Shark just wiped the corners of his lips, looked at the blood on his fingertips, and then frowned, [What's going on?The contract is broken?Did something happen to the blue whale, or did the little witch do something? ! ]
Seeing his serious face, Wulaoxing probably guessed something, and the one in the samurai uniform asked coldly, "What did the witch do?"

Tiger Shark just took out a handkerchief to wipe the corners of his lips, and said with a half-smile, "That troublesome contract has been released, and she has no chips in her hand that can threaten me."

"Didn't you send that chip yourself? How dare you make a joke about your own life and death."

"People like a witch will take feelings very lightly. I just tested it a little bit. Who knows that she really slapped the contract." Tiger Shark said that he was very innocent. He didn't think that the witch would She really values ​​her younger brother, but fortunately she didn't play off.

"I thought you were really interested in a toy." The blond short-haired Wu Laoxing handed him a stack of documents, and said, "Go back and rest first, and continue to take over the world after the doctor confirms that your body is fine." matters of the meeting."

"Since you let me rest, don't leave the government affairs to me, it's just squeezing the coolies..." Tiger Shark pouted, covered his mouth and coughed a few times before taking the document and waving away, "Then I'll go back to the old men first , apply for sick leave for 50 years..."

"Well," Wu Laoxing, who was wearing a samurai uniform, nodded unexpectedly, and then added, "The place of vacation is your mausoleum."

"Excessive! Be careful and I'll complain to you!" Tiger Shark waved the document on his hand in a rare childish manner, snorted and left quickly.

Seeing that the door was closed, the five old star took out a phone bug, pressed the call button and said, "Send the doctor to Tiger Shark's palace, let the guards protect the kid, and report to us immediately if there is any danger. "

'Yes. '

After hearing the response from the cold female voice, he hung up the phone and continued to discuss political affairs with the other four five old stars.


In the spacious and tidy courtyard, Tiger Shark was walking quickly, completely ignoring the saluting officials and guards around him, and the guards protecting him in the dark were also puzzled by his rare anxiety.

[Judging from the witch's character of using everything, it is impossible for her to voluntarily give up the contract on me. ], Tiger Shark looked at the half-burned life card on the palm of his hand, frowning and looking serious.

Ever since Blue Whale's body had a problem, his life card was burning slowly every day, as if foreshadowing his destiny.

So he was not surprised to see that there was only a small part of the life card left, but he was just puzzled by the witch's sudden action.

Suddenly, the life card with the chubby whale drawn on the corner trembled slightly, and was burned to ashes in the next blink of an eye.

"!!", Tiger Shark, who hadn't had time to react, watched the corner of the life card completely turn into ashes in an instant. When the breeze was about to blow away the ashes, he subconsciously clenched his fists, but his eyes widened. There is still only disbelief and anger.

It took a long time before he seemed to accept the fact that the life card was burned to ashes along with the disappearance of the owner's life. His right hand wearing a white glove was loosened, and there was only a little ash left on the white glove.

The slightly trembling right hand was slowly clenched again, and the handsome face that always had a gentle smile was completely cold and vaguely ferocious at the moment, [Witch! ! ! ]

(End of this chapter)

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