Chapter 54

'heart? ’, although the young man in the spotted hat was a little puzzled, he didn’t ask the reason, but asked the request, ‘What do you want? '

"Live ones, not very noticeable~", the girl with different pupils just smiled and asked, shaking the sunflower bouquet in her hand with an innocent face, "By the way, cut a piece of nail for me~"

The young man just raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile, "What about my reward?"

"Here~", a sunflower in full bloom was handed to him, and the girl who smiled equally brightly wanted to cheat, "This is unique in the world, after all, I picked it myself~"


In this way, an ordinary sunflower was exchanged for a beating heart and a brand new life card.


just now.

The heart on the white palm was still beating steadily, and the smiling girl with different pupils just looked at it with crooked eyebrows, as if looking at some rare treasure.

But in the next second, the healthy beating heart instantly turned into a transparent crystal, and in the next second, it annihilated into powder, fell from the slender fingers, and scattered messily on the ground.

Faint bubbles are still flying, filling every corner of the aquarium, occasionally reflecting light to create a few fleeting rainbows on the glass of the aquarium.

The girl who still had a smile on her face just patted the crystal powder off her hands, with a peaceful and calm expression, as if she just brushed off the dust from her gorgeous skirt, instead of extinguishing a person's fire of life.

"Aww..." Baozi, who was lying next to the sleeping boy, turned over, smashed his mouth, and then continued to sleep on the island cloud. Many of the boy's long black hair curled up on his white body.

Dao Yun, who doesn’t need to sleep, opened his eyes, carefully stretched out two tentacles made of clouds to separate the hair wrapped around the bun, and then forced the chubby bun to the side with his limp body, so as not to disturb him The rest of the blue whale.

An Ke looked at them amusedly, then picked them both up, opened the door and threw them away, "Call me when you get to the island, go play first."

Regardless of the chubby creatures that rolled several times on the ground, Anke directly closed the door of the aquarium.When she turned around, she looked at the silver phone bug on the table, and after looking at it quietly for a while, she stretched out her hand towards it, and her slender fingers began to turn into crystals.

When the transparent crystal on the fingertips was about to touch the phone bug, the phone bug rang in time.There was a pause in the movement of reaching out, and after her right hand returned to normal, she took the phone bug to connect, and when she spoke again, her voice was already crying and sad, "Tiger Shark..."

If you only listen to the voice, it is not difficult to guess that the person who spoke is experiencing the sadness and pain of life and death at the moment, but looking at the expression, you can find that she is still smiling slightly.

The person on the other side of the phone bug was also deceived by the grief in her words. After a while, he spoke in a hoarse voice. The gentleness and self-confidence that he always had always had disappeared, 'What's going on?Wasn't he fine when you took him away...'

"I don't know..." Anke walked to the sofa and sat down, stretched out his hands and gently smoothed the boy's messy long hair, but the words that came out of his lips were full of unconcealable sadness, "He suddenly I fell asleep..."

The young man with a calm face breathed lightly, and translucent bubbles danced around him like a picture scroll.

'Haven't you arrived in Wano yet?And what about the medicine I gave him? '

"It's useless, he's been coughing up blood for the past few days, and Chopper can't find a solution," Anke lowered his eyebrows, pulled the blanket covering the blue whale, and told the truth in a sad voice. Fake and indistinguishable words, "Sorry, Tiger Shark, let's do this first. If you want to see him, I will send you the address..."

Before waiting for a reply from the other side, Encore had already hung up the phone, but the next second he couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, it's so fun~~"

"Encore, we're approaching the island~", Captain Straw Hat suddenly opened the door and ran in, seeing her smiling happily, couldn't help but giggled a few times, then asked, "What's wrong with Encore? Why are you so happy? "

"I made a little prank~" Encore stuck out his tongue, took back the bubbles full of the aquarium, then gently shook the boy who was still asleep, and said softly, "Noah wake up, let's go down Walk."

The cold young man, who rarely slept well, was sleepy, but he opened his eyes subconsciously and sat up, nodded in a daze, "Yes, sister."

"Hey, my sister will wait for you outside first." Anke rubbed his hair, and then pushed the straw hat captain outside, "Let's go, we're ready to go on an adventure~"

"Take your time, we'll wait for you." Luffy, who was being pushed out, turned around and shouted, but he was pushed outside the deck before he could respond.

Chopper, who had been waiting eagerly with the medical kit in his arms, finally saw Encore come out of the aquarium, and immediately ran into the aquarium to check the body of the blue whale.

Anke just looked at the nervous look of the little reindeer boat doctor amusedly, but let him go. After all, the situation of the blue whale has temporarily stabilized, and it can last for a few more days.

A strange weapon appeared on the lawn deck at some point, and it had been disassembled into a wooden barrel, some pipes, and a few spray guns. It was obviously the weapon of the group who attacked before.Brooke and the others surrounded the wooden barrel containing the fuel, and basically determined that the fuel was compressed carbonic acid.

And the islands they are close to are rarely covered. The gray-white islands are surrounded by a strong smell of carbonic acid, and from time to time you can see a few bubbles popping out of the sea around the islands, and the islands The volcano-like mountains spewed out a large amount of carbonic acid in a straight column directly towards the sky.

Anke glanced at the disassembled weapon and guessed, "I see, carbonic acid? No wonder those aircraft have enough power to fly for so long."

"But this island is full of carbonic acid." Nami frowned and looked at the occasionally exposed brackets on the island. "The lair of that group of people just now may be here, we have to be careful."

"If they come again, just shoot them into the air~" Luffy clenched his fists excitedly, and looked at the chancellor on board excitedly the next second, "Compared to this, I am in charge with Encore and Blue Whale." Go and buy the Coke back! Nami give me money~~”

"Yes..." Nami rolled her eyes angrily, and couldn't help her eyes light up when she saw the carbonic acid all over the island, "But can't the fuel for wind-driven blasting be replaced by carbonic acid from the island? After all, Coke is also carbonic acid. Drinks, the most important thing is that the carbonation here is obviously free!"

Sanji lit a cigarette and said, "But Franky said that the fuel for wind-driven blasting can only be Coke, and any other substitution will directly destroy the device."

"Why is it so troublesome..." Nami, who originally wanted to save money, drooped her shoulders in frustration, and then could only accept her fate to get the money.

Encore looked at the island, thought for a while and said, "Sanji, you can come with us too."

"?" The blond cook who was smoking looked at her in confusion, but then he figured out the reason. Since this may be the lair of the group just now, maybe Encore wanted him to deal with them. By the way, practice the skills you have learned in the past few days.

"That's a good idea," Jinbe nodded in agreement, "Leave the boat to me."

"I see, I'm sorry to bother you." Sanji nodded seriously, and then looked at the bones on the side angrily, "You remember to protect Miss Carlot and Miss Nami! If they lose a hair, I will I'll kick you to pieces!"

"Yo ho ho ho ho ho ho! It's scary!! I already have a handful of bones left!!" Brooke immediately pretended to be scared and took a few steps back, and said cheerfully, "Don't worry, I will never let them lose one. hair!"

Miss Rabbit blinked her eyes, then suddenly pulled out a hair and said cheerfully, "It fell!"

"..." Bones, with only bones on his face, couldn't express his shock with his expression. Before he recovered, he was kicked to the stern of the boat by the violent cook who didn't know right from wrong.

"Okay, stop making trouble," Anke shook his head helplessly, and handed the bun to Carlot, "Carrot, take the bun for a few laps later, it has gained weight recently."

"Leave it to me, Mr. Enke!" Miss Rabbit saluted exactly the same, and then weighed the fat bun who was still asleep, "But it's really fat, it's a pity that fur people don't eat long Hairy animals..."

Nami came out with a thick paper bag, but avoided the gleaming straw hat captain and handed the heavy paper bag to Anke, "Anke, there is only so much cash on board, if your brother needs any medicine Or food, just buy them all, if there is not enough, call me to go to the island to exchange all the treasures."

After receiving the heavy paper bag, Anke subconsciously froze.She didn't say that her brother was still short of any medicine, and the Navigator, who has always loved money like his life, actually gave out all the money so far. It's really unbelievable...

"Don't tell them, I'll confiscate all their pocket money for the next few months~", the beautiful little Thieving Cat blinked mischievously, and after turning around, he waved his fist like a devil and urged others, "Quickly move the boat to the shore! Don't forget that this may be the enemy's lair, I don't want to be sprayed by those grumpy carbonic acid again!"

"Don't worry Miss Nami!! Your knight is here to protect you!" A certain blond cook appeared in time.

"Get out!", the irritable navigator kicked him directly to the island, and after seeing Chopper coming out of the aquarium, he said, "It's just right, Chopper, go to the pharmacy on the island too , Noah's body needs to be recuperated."

"I see," the little reindeer ship doctor nodded obediently, and it didn't know what Encore had done just now. The blue whale's body has stabilized a lot now, at least it won't cough up blood every now and then.


(End of this chapter)

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