One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 57 Fierce Battle

Chapter 57 Fierce Battle

And Sanji, who was fighting fiercely in the distance, also caught a flaw that Siddell inadvertently revealed, appeared on Siddell's right side in an instant, raised his leg and kicked him fiercely towards the neck, "SHOOT! "

Unprepared for a moment, Siddell subconsciously raised his right hand to block the blow, avoiding the vital point but was still lifted to the steel pipe not far away, even knocking down part of the steel pipe.

"Hahaha, as expected of a man with a bounty of more than 3 million yuan, I really underestimate it." Siddell broke free from the steel pipe and stood up. After looking at Karana not far away, he couldn't help asking, "Karana, how are you doing?"

"It's okay!" Karana said in a deep voice. To be precise, she was about to explode with anger, "There are pirates with abilities everywhere! Trouble is dead!"

"The opposing captain hasn't made a move yet, so pay attention to preserving your strength. And aren't we good at harvesting the heads of ability harvesters?" Siddell said. He wanted to activate the device on his wrist again but found that the carbonic acid was not enough. At present, it is estimated that he can only Just fly a distance.

At this time, there was a heavy running sound from the mountain road not far away. It didn't take long for Jin Jia, who was riding a hippopotamus, to appear on the stage in a hurry, and at the same time fired extremely strong carbonic acid at Luffy and the others. While they avoided it, they also rushed to the west near Del.

Because of the sudden attack just now, Sanji also returned to everyone's vicinity, and couldn't help frowning slightly when he looked at the guy carrying two cannons, "This guy didn't just break into the hot spring where Pirate Empress bathes..."

Suddenly his words paused, and the next second his fangs roared like a volcanic eruption, "You bastard!! How dare you see the Pirate Empress taking a bath!! You are looking for death!!"

"It's you who are looking for death!", Karana, who had already answered near Siddell, choked directly. This is their territory. How dare these pirates come here to soak in the hot spring? ?Even Shichibukai is the same!
"Wow!!" Seeing Karana's appearance clearly, the blond cook instantly revealed his true colors, and shouted with a lot of heart, "I didn't notice just now that there is a beautiful woman hidden here~~"

"What the hell is this thing?! Sure enough, the pirates are all apprentices!" Karana shivered for a moment, and said, "What should I do? Should I kill them directly?"

"No, let's go back first." Siddell said in a deep voice, the device on his body has not much carbonic acid, and it will only be bad for him if he continues to fight, and he also wants to take the opportunity to test their secret weapon, after all, it is rare I met the Straw Hat Boy with a bounty of 15 billion and the Pirate Empress, one of the Seven Martial Seas, plus the witch who is very rumored in the underground world. This is an excellent opportunity to try out that equipment.

"Do you want to use that equipment?" Jin Jia asked with his head sideways. After seeing him nodding, the three of them flew to the factory not far away with the help of the carbonic acid sprayed out.

"Ah, let's go." Luffy said lightly, then suddenly thought of a good idea, smiled and looked at the blond cook who was about to chase, "Sanji~~ Do you want me to give you a ride??"

"No thanks, goodbye!!", the blond cook roared with fangs instantly, and flew into the air with both feet and chased after the three people in the distance.Nonsense, if I let that rash guy give me away, I might give half of my life to Hades directly.

"Then I'll go over and take care of the remaining two~" Anke smiled lightly and nodded to the others, and said, "This is a rare opportunity, Luffy, you should send Master Hancock back to their ship first. Then promise Ya, you go back to the boat and rest for a while, my sister will be back soon."

"Yes." Daoyun replied faintly, and then the white Daoyun slowly flew back towards Qianyang.

"Then, see you on the boat later~" Anke smiled and waved his hand, and disappeared in the next second.

"Yeah, it's almost over anyway." Luffy nodded, after all, that guy wasn't very strong just now, "Then I'll send you back to your ship first, or your sisters will be worried."

[Send me back? ?Dating? ? ? ], Hancock immediately burst into countless hearts, and nodded after a moment of fidgeting with a flushed face, "Yes~"

Luffy turned his head to look at the factory, and then casually asked a topic as he walked forward, "Speaking of which, why did you come to this island?"

Hancock was stunned for a moment, and after recovering, he replied softly and in a low voice, "I'm here to go to the Pirate World Expo~"

"The Pirate Expo? What is that?"

"It's the celebration that is held randomly every few years and only pirates participate. The total bounty can easily exceed 100 billion. Pirates on the great route will gather together, and there are various illegal operations of the Dark Ritual. And I heard that The theme of this World Expo is about the treasure of One Piece Roger."

"Really? That sounds super interesting~", Lu Fei's eyes lit up, and then he saw some stone statues that were petrified not far away. After thinking of what the aunt said before, he couldn't help but said, "Speaking of which, Han Cook, can you do me a little favor?"

"!!!" Suddenly, he heard his dream lover not only calling his name, but also calling him for help. Hancock blushed instantly and covered his face, shyly braving his heart and saying coyly, "Luffy... Just open your mouth if you want to talk to Luffy~~ I will help you realize it even if I am broken into pieces~~~”

"Hahaha, it's not such an exaggeration, I just want you to help unlock their petrification." Luffy pointed to the stone statue not far away, and explained, "When we came, we met a kind aunt who showed the way. She It is said that all the men on the island have been captured as coolies. Maybe these are forced to join the Sidel Guild, anyway, Sidel will be defeated in the future, so why not let them go."

"Luffy, you..." Hancock stared blankly at him, and then exuded a lot of heart in the next second, "Luffy, you are so kind~~You really deserve to be a concubine~!! "

The words that were about to be spoken were swallowed back into his stomach in an instant, and when he realized what he wanted to say, Hancock immediately covered his flushed face tightly, and thought shamefully and angrily while the deer bumped, [Ah! !The concubine almost said it directly! !No no no be reserved! !I want to be reserved~~~~]
"?" Luffy looked at her strangely, and asked puzzledly, "What did you want to say just now?"

"It's nothing~~~", Hancock immediately shook his head vigorously, unlocked the ability of those people to petrify, and then said shyly, "Then Luffy, let's go back to the boat first~~"

"That's right," Luffy nodded without thinking too much, and then shouted to those who hadn't recovered, "Uncles, Siddell Guild has been blown away, you can go home!!"

A group of people who just recovered from the petrification, look at me and look at you, they can't believe this breaking news. After all, their wives and children have been turned into hostages, so they dare not resist Siddell's order .

But while hesitating, Luffy and the others had already gone away. After a group of people looked at each other for a while, they decided to go to the factory to check the situation. If the Sidel Guild was really disbanded, then they would be free!

The Pirate Empress, on the other hand, deliberately slows down and moves forward at a snail's pace because the lover of her dreams is by her side, while asking various questions to know how Luffy is doing recently.

The straw hat captain who didn't think too much also had questions and answers. The two talked and laughed all the way, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Well, let's talk, let's talk, after returning to the Qianyang, a certain straw hat captain will regret it so much that his intestines will turn green,

After all, a certain Persian cat is not only willful, but also likes to drink vinegar recently~

(End of this chapter)

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