Chapter 59 Surgery
According to Nami's calculations, she will reach the inland sea of ​​Wano Country in a few days.But in just a few days, the blue whale's physical condition has declined sharply, and the number of nosebleeds has continued to increase. Even though I insisted that I was fine, I still passed out during a lunch break, and I haven't woken up until now. come over.

And Anke's previous indifference couldn't be pretended after he passed out, and she kept quietly guarding beside him. It was not difficult to see from the rare silence and depression that she was completely helpless in this situation.

Even if Captain Straw Hat wanted to make her happy, he only saw the corners of her lips raised somewhat reluctantly.

Jinping looked at the gloomy Persian cat, and then thought of the unconscious blue whale, and couldn't help but sigh, "The blue whale was in good health before, why did it suddenly decline after not seeing it for a while?"

"I heard that it was caused by experiments when I was a child. When I grow up, my body will start to deteriorate at the cellular level." Nami frowned worriedly, and when she saw Chopper who had been in a hurry these days, she hurriedly stopped him to ask Situation, "Chopper, have you found a solution? Enke hasn't rested and seldom eats for the past few days. I'm worried that she won't be able to survive before the blue whale wakes up."

"I found one, but it's a bit risky. I'll go discuss it with Encore first." Chopper, who was holding a thick medical book, finished speaking quickly, and then walked into the medical room. After driving out with the straw hat captain of the deputy captain, he closed the door.

"Chopper." Anke looked sideways at it, and subconsciously exerted a little force on the right hand holding the blue whale's wrist, "Have you found a way?"

"Yeah, but it's very dangerous." Chopper nodded, put down the medical book, and then checked his drip, "The cell damage in his body starts with the shortest-lived blood cells, and the damaged blood cells have not been metabolized in time and have been accumulating in the In the blood vessels, the reduced oxygen carrying capacity will also cause chronic poisoning. And this is just the beginning, after the blood cells, muscle cells and nerve cells will start to turn. This method is only temporary, if..."

"Try it even if it's dangerous, otherwise Noah's body won't be able to last for a few days." Enke looked worriedly at the bloodless boy on the bed, and then at Chopper who started to take out various medical instruments , "Then, what do I do?"

"I want to draw out the broken blood in his body. Although your blood type is very common, but the antibody is several times higher than that of ordinary people, and there is no way to replace it with ordinary blood. So this needs Encore's help.", Joe Ba hangs up five or six empty hanging bottles, one end of the conduit leads to a ceramic basin on the table, and the other end of the conduit is held in his hand, "The speed of replacement should be gentle, preferably consistent with the speed of discharge, roughly The principle is like this."

"I see. I've tried a similar technique before, and it wasn't difficult." Anke nodded, and after closing his eyes, a black line appeared in his bloody left pupil, "Leave it to me."

"The speed and blood composition are the same as the test yesterday, let's start." Qiaoba wiped the back of the blue whale's hand with an alcohol ball, and it stopped before the sharp needle pierced it, and then looked at the sitting opposite And Anke, who was holding the blue whale's other hand, "He is also resistant to anesthesia, although he looks lethargic now, Encore, can you put him into a deep sleep?"

"It's okay, let's start. He won't feel the pain." Anke held the corner of his mouth, and then held the blue whale's left hand with both hands and put it close to the forehead. After closing his eyes, he thought, [Everything will be fine. , keep going for a few more days...]
"That's the beginning..." Chopper took a deep breath, pursed his lips and looked at the needle in his hand before making up his mind to plunge into the vein on the back of his fair hand, and the dark red blood began to slowly flow into the translucent catheter .

To be honest, if it is not really desperate, it will not choose such an extreme method.Moreover, the cells in Blue Whale's body regenerate extremely fast. Even if the necrotic cells and poisonous blood accumulated in his body are temporarily eliminated, it will still recur in a few days.

What's more, during the inspection the day before yesterday, it found that the outer wall cells of the internal organs had also begun to be destroyed.If he didn't find the doctor with the ability to transform cells in time, he probably wouldn't last a month.

[The complete solution is to ask the doctor to rewrite the genes of the cells, but will the doctor agree to this request so easily...], Chopper looked at Encore with his eyes closed, always feeling that something happened in Wanokai Many unexpected things, [Although I don’t know the relationship between Anke and him, but I always feel that the doctor is very dangerous...]

Except for Jinping and Nami who confirmed the current and course on the boat, everyone else stayed outside the medical room, while Baozi, Dodo and the two homias were locked in the aquarium.

Carlot was later called to help in the medical room, while Luffy, Brooke, and Sanji watched in horror as plates of blood came out of it. According to their calculations, the blood probably accounted for an adult's blood. half of it? ?Are you sure there is nothing wrong with it? ? ?
After an unknown amount of time, Carlot came out with a stack of towels, wiped off his sweat and exhaled, "Brother Qiao said that the operation is complete, and we just need to observe the situation and rest."

"Really?" Luffy's eyes lit up immediately, and he wanted to rush in but was stopped.
"Wait a minute, Luffy! Don't be impulsive!" Kailot hurriedly stopped them and explained, "You can't go in now, the medical room is full of illusions set by Mr. Encore, if you go in without authorization, it will disturb everyone." of."

Luffy stopped quickly, but still poked his head there to know what was going on inside, "But what happened to Noah? And why hasn't Encore come out yet?"

"Master Anke said that she will wait until her younger brother's condition stabilizes before coming out, and Brother Qiao is still finishing the finishing touches. But don't worry, Mrs. Anke and Brother Qiao seem to feel much more at ease. It is estimated that the operation Very successful." After Carlot finished speaking, he ran to the bathroom with the pile of towels in his hands, "Then I'll wash these towels first~"

"It's fine as long as it's okay, this is the first time I've seen a cutie looking depressed." Sanji exhaled, took out the lighter and wanted to light the cigarette in his mouth, but he put it away after a pause.

"However, even with the support of Miss Encore's illusion, is it really okay to draw so much blood at once?" Brooke was still a little worried, "Although I am a bone now, if a normal person draws so much blood, No matter what..."

"The blood that was exchanged is all bad blood, and it's even worse if it accumulates in the body." At this time, Chopper came out of the medical room while talking, holding a plate of warm water that was slightly red in his hand, "I checked it just now. The blood produced by Encore's illusion can transport oxygen normally and support the normal functioning of organs, so there is no major problem for the time being. Next, we just need to wait for new blood to be produced, and then Encore removes the illusion."

Luffy blinked his eyes with a question mark on his face, and then asked with a smile, "Although I don't understand, it means that Noah is back to health, right? Then we just need to wake up, right?"

Sanji bit his cigarette butt, looked at Chopper's still dignified expression, and guessed about it, "I'm afraid it's not that simple..."

"Well, now it's just a tactic to delay the attack, and we can only fight for a few more weeks at most." Joe Barton paused, his tone a little sad, "If it can't be solved fundamentally, no amount of surgery will be of any use..."

Lu Fei's expression also became serious, he reached out and pressed the straw hat and said, "That is, the doctor in Encore's laboratory?"

"Yeah." Chopper nodded, wanted to say something but still didn't say it, and trotted away with the water basin in his hand.

"It seems that the doctor is the key," Brooke sighed, and then walked to the bow, "Then I will tell Mr. Jinbei and Miss Nami about the situation, and they have been worried."

"Little cutie said that there is news about that guy in Wano country. It seems that we need to investigate this matter after we arrive in Wano country." Sanji said lightly, and then looked at the captain on the side, "Luffy, Leave it to me, sometimes the perspective of the bystander will reveal more details."

Luffy looked at him sideways, nodded after a moment of silence, "I see, I will ask Robin to assist you when I arrive in Wano Country."

Sanji nodded, looked at the medical room worriedly, and then walked towards the kitchen, "Then I'll prepare some supplements first, and fry the medicine by the way."

Lu Fei's eyes lit up, and he quickly reminded, "Remember to prepare more meat! Noah will be hungry when he wakes up!"

"Do you think everyone is like you..." Sanji looked at him angrily, and then walked away.

Luffy just smiled, and then sat on the railing in front of the medical room, waiting quietly.


world government.

The kings have already entered the meeting room and began to discuss this beautiful world and some major decisions to come.

The two generals in charge of the guards also took the sailors to patrol from time to time, although most of them were patrolled by Fujitora, while the green bull spread his corpse on a chair.

Sabo's invasion seems to have not attracted the attention of others, and they have also seen the fate of the former revolutionary army cadre Bartholomeu-Xiong. The plan to come here to inquire about information was immediately changed, and the rescue of the bear was put in the first place.

However, they also knew that without a detailed plan, they would not be able to safely leave the heavily guarded holy land.

What's more, their intrusion only 'seemed' to have not attracted attention.

Somewhere in a gorgeous and luxurious palace, on a high balcony.

Wearing simple casual clothes, Tiger Shark was leaning against the railing of the balcony, with a life card the size of a fingernail that was still burning in the palm of his hand.That little life card tenaciously moved towards the direction of the owner, trembling and looking like it would be reduced to ashes at any moment.

A thin cloud drifted past behind him, and the background became hazy and then became clear again.

Two silver phone bugs, one large and one small, were placed on the railing within his reach, as if they were going to blend into the background alone.

At this time, the big phone rang suddenly, Tiger Shark just raised his hand and pressed the answer button, and a young male voice respectfully rang out, "Your Highness, we have found it."Now it is near Zangshu Pavilion. '

Tiger Shark didn't answer. After pressing the phone bug, he picked up the little phone bug and left the balcony.


(End of this chapter)

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