One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 85 Rescue the Treasure Ship in Jianlou Village

Chapter 85 Rescue the Treasure Ship in Jianlou Village
Jinbe over there a few hours ago.

"It should be fine to hide the boat here," Jinbei drove the Qianyang out of the whirlpool and dried the dry food and clothes on the boat, then drove the Qianyang into a cave and hid it.

Jinbe threw the bubbles given by Encore on the Qianyang, and saw that the Qianyang disappeared after it broke. After reconfirming that the ship would not be discovered, he was relieved and prepared to contact other people And meet them first.

When he first entered the land and began to walk in, he was going to join other people first. After all, he only knew about Luffy's plan to attack Kaido temporarily, and he didn't know much about the specific plan and the participants.

[If we really want to compete with Kaido's Hundred Beasts Pirates, we probably don't have enough combat power here.However, it is estimated that not many people in the Hundred Beasts Pirates can resist Xiaowa's illusion, and it is estimated that one-third of the enemies will defect. ], the blue murloc walked in while thinking, and couldn't help frowning when he saw the increasingly desolate land, [The situation in Wano Country is really getting worse and worse, 'Founding the Country' is a must Indispensable, but the process will be more difficult than imagined. ]
After a while, he heard the intermittent conversations of two young men in the distant wilderness. One was cursing, and the other lazily replied occasionally:
"I haven't been to this place for a while and it's still such a shit! Why are we landing here? Just go to Ghost Island."

"We're not here to find Kaido this time, what are we going to Ghost Island for..."

"That's right, but if it's just the two of us chasing the witch, we'll probably be chopped off!"



Hearing these two somewhat familiar voices, Jinbe stopped for a while and hid behind a huge rock. He poked his head out cautiously and looked in the direction of the sound. After a while, he saw two A young man in a white kimono and a pink coat is walking towards this side.

One of them held a machete on his shoulder in his left hand, and pulled the pink coat on his body with disgust, "And why do we have to wear the kimono prepared by that bastard, the boss?!! I have never worn such a girl since I was a child." The color of the heart! What kind of aesthetics is that bastard?!!" (Code name: B, one of Tiger Shark's guards.)
"The color matching is quite good, just get used to it." The other was biting a lollipop, and was still counting a dozen colorful candies with both hands, "For illusionists, gender is not a big deal, it's just an illusion. (Roren: one of the most senior illusionists who belonged to the Navy Headquarters, and was incorporated under the banner of Tiger Shark before the battle on the top.)
"Of course you have strong receptivity!" B rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Didn't you just fabricate an identity for the witch and pretend to be a woman for more than two years?"

"Boom!", the lollipop in Lauren's mouth was directly crushed, and he gave him a hard look before continuing to walk forward.

B smiled smugly, and continued to follow him slowly, "I remember to say a few nice words when I saw the witch, I always feel that she is also a guy who protects the calf."

"It doesn't matter whether you protect the calf or not, I just don't understand why the boss is having a fight with her and wants the two of us to run errands..."

"And the kind of errands that don't have a salary increase, you think the two of us should change jobs?"

"Before the job-hopping, I might break my leg..."


"Speaking of which, what is that guy going to do?"

"When you can't see it."

"to make."

Chatting without saying a word, the two disappeared in the dust in the wilderness, and Jinping came out from behind the stone where he was hiding.

But he didn't think he hadn't been discovered, he frowned slightly and looked at the direction they left and thought, [Are they sent by Tiger Shark to find Xiaowa?But listening to their dialogue, it doesn't look like a friendly army.Is it because it's not the right time for you to pretend you didn't find me? ]
After looking around, Jinbe decided to tell others what he saw first. If there are third-party forces intervening at this time, it will be troublesome.


Over there in Jianlou Village.

The food on the treasure ship is like manna from the sky to the villagers of Jianlou Village. They have not seen decent food for many years. When they saw the fresh fruits, meat and vegetables on the treasure ship, they were all moved to tears. When they knew that the food was all distributed to them, they all thanked the people on the treasure ship gratefully, and then happily distributed the food away.

"Water is coming!!"

Luffy’s shout came from a distance, and it didn’t take long for him to run over holding a huge wooden bowl ten meters wide and five or six meters deep. After putting the wooden bowl on the ground with a bang, he stood On the edge of the wide and thick wooden bowl, Ju shouted to the master, "Clean and non-toxic water! Come and drink it, everyone!!"

"I'm so grateful! Now I'm saved!!", the villagers in shabby clothes flocked up, and many even knelt down excitedly to the benefactors who brought the food.

Many children who haven't eaten good things since birth don't even know what those fruits and vegetables are called, but they all know that these foods are something they could only dream of but could not afford.

"Hahahaha, everyone is very happy~", Ayu, who was sitting on Mamei's back, laughed happily, looking happily at the villagers who were distributing food.

Luffy walking towards this side nodded to the villagers who kept bowing and thanking him, and then asked, "Ayu, did you eat anything good?"

"Not yet, I'm waiting for big brother~", Ayu just smiled obediently and narrowed his eyes, kicking his legs happily on the horse's back.

"Is that so?" Luffy reached out and took an apple from the treasure ship and handed it to her, "Here."

"Wow, apple~ so good, today's birthday is really unprecedented happiness~", Ayu happily looked at the red apple, rubbed it for a while but was reluctant to eat it, carefully holding it and preparing to take it back to her master.

"This is to repay Ayu for your kindness to cook for me. This is the beginning." Luffy just patted her head now and said seriously, "And don't get too happy because of this little food, I will Take it for granted. When we leave, we'll make this country a place where you can eat!"

Hearing these familiar words, Ayu's eyes suddenly widened, and the tears overflowing uncontrollably moistened her eyes.

Four years ago, she also heard this sentence.

The man who promised to pick her up when she turned into a coquettish female ninja said this!

'When we come to this country again, we will make this country a place where you can eat! '


Under the warm sunset that day, the man who was as warm as a flame said the same thing to her.

The seriousness on his face was like making a vow, just like the expression of this boy wearing a straw hat today.

After staring blankly at Lu Fei for a while, Ah Yu suddenly recovered, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then nodded vigorously, "Mmm!!"

After Chopper and Brooke also laughed, they carried the medical kit and prepared to look around to see if there were any patients.

(End of this chapter)

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