"Senior Ma Xiaotao?"

Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao had strange expressions on their faces. The impression this senior left on them was really strange.

"Do you know each other?" Mr. Xuan was startled, then waved his hand, "Since you all know each other, I don't need to make any introductions. Xiaotao, is your teacher in there?"

The last sentence was obviously addressed to Ma Xiaotao.

Ma Xiaotao glanced at Huo Yunche and Huo Yunche with some confusion, a look of surprise flashed across her pretty face, and then a smile that she thought was very friendly appeared on the corner of her lips, and she nodded slightly at Huo Yunche and the other two. .

Huo Yunche & Huo Yuhao: Thank you, you better stop laughing ()
"Teacher, he's in the office." She covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Recently, there seems to be some changes in the direction of the mainland. Inner courtyard students who have been sent out on missions from various places have returned a lot of official documents. Teacher, he has been overwhelmed by official documents. Now he is very anxious and has been holed up in the office for several days."

"Unusual movement?" Mr. Xuan's eyebrows tightened. Could it be that the evil soul master came out to act like a monster again?Or the Empire of the Sun and Moon?

Huo Yunche and his two men looked at each other with their noses and noses, but they did not say a word. This kind of important matter related to the situation of the mainland was obviously not something that small characters like the two of them could get involved in.

Mr. Xuan led the two little ones through the dim corridor with familiarity, and came to the only office that leaked some warm orange light. He raised his hand and tapped lightly.

"Knock Knock-"

"Please come in—"

The office door opened in response.

Huo Yunche raised his eyes curiously.

What caught the eye was not the figure of Yan Shaozhe reading at night. Countless papers were stacked on the brown-red desk that was engraved with the vicissitudes of time. They were so densely packed that they actually gave the impression of towering into the clouds.

Moreover, there was more than just one stack.

Huo Yunche's eyes showed a little sympathy.

It turns out that what Senior Ma Xiaotao said about being overwhelmed by official documents was not an exaggeration!
This is more than just submerging, it's like taking a dip in it!

"Xiao Tao, didn't you say you don't have to come over if you have nothing to do?"

Yan Shaozhe's head popped out from the gap in a pile of official documents, and he also got a hand out to lift his glasses that had slipped a little.

Ok? ? ?
This official document actually won't fall down, and even twisted its waist humanely to create a gap for Dean Yan to meet the guests? !

See you soon!
Huo Yunche blinked in shock and raised his hand to close his brother's jaw, which was also slightly open in shock.

"Teacher, it's not me this time~" Ma Xiaotao pursed her lips and spread her hands helplessly.

"It's me." Mr. Xuan said calmly, "Why, you don't welcome me, a bad old man?"

"Elder Xuan?"

Yan Shaozhe was startled, his hand on the desk became unsteady, and he almost knocked over the pile of shabby official documents in front of him. He hurriedly used his soul power to maintain the crumbling official documents, and then raised his head. Come.

"How could it be! Why are you here?" Yan Shaozhe wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked.

Mr. Xuan didn't care and pushed Huo Yunche who was watching the show behind him with his backhand.

"I'm here to give you a closed disciple."

"Close the door, disciple?" Yan Shaozhe and Ma Xiaotao exclaimed at the same time.

"I remember that little classmate Huo Yunche's martial spirit is the summoning gate, right? Why?" Yan Shaozhe's gaze on Huo Yunche was full of inquiry.

No, not right.

Why did this girl suddenly have such strong fire-attribute power?
His eyes darkened.

The figure suddenly appeared in front of Huo Yunche.

The big palm landed on Huo Yunche's head without any warning.Huo Yunche was suddenly startled, and subconsciously wanted to use his soul power to resist, but in the next second, he suppressed his impulse and suppressed it.

The power of light penetrated Huo Yunche's limbs and bones.

Not the slightest bit of malice.

Warm and full of kindness and gentleness.

Moreover, there is a familiar feeling of closeness that I don’t know how to describe.

"Have you awakened the second martial spirit?" Yan Shaozhe's voice was a little unsteady with excitement, "This aura is that of a phoenix! No, no, although it is very similar to a phoenix, it is slightly different."

This power seems to be more pure than the Phoenix?
"It's Suzaku, Dean."

Huo Yunche felt an inexplicable emotion well up in his heart.

Everyone on this continent knows Phoenix. Even the three-year-old baby has heard the name of Phoenix, the top martial spirit, but no one knows the name of Suzaku.

She recited Ling Guang's name silently in her heart. After all these years of imprisonment and separation, have you ever felt so aggrieved or unwilling?

Ling Guang in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be aware of it, and turned over. The fiery red feathers gently brushed on the transformed surface of the spiritual sea, causing ripples.

As if to appease the little girl's sudden emotions.

Gone by in a flash.

"Suzaku?" Yan Shaozhe felt the sudden change in the little guy's mood. He was a little confused. He thought for a while and asked, "Can you introduce your Suzaku martial spirit?"

Huo Yunche's emotions came and went quickly.

She tilted her head and said: "In ancient times, there were four elephants. They were the Canglong elephant, the Black Tortoise elephant, the Suzaku elephant and the White Tiger elephant. They were responsible for the four spirits of gold, wood, water and fire. They were the most powerful ones. Only one of them is left in the world. , if the Tao disappears, then it will perish.”

Four elephants?

Yan Shaozhe and Mr. Xuan looked at each other. They should be martial souls from a single inheritance, so there is no record.It just means the other three elephants except the Suzaku Elephant.
No wonder the name of the White Tiger with Evil Eyes is preceded by the word "Evil Eyes".

Well, it seems that the Wuhun Encyclopedia can have new additions.

The two of them covered up the deep thoughts in their eyes.

Different from the reactions of Yan Xuan and Yan Xuan, as soon as Huo Yunche finished speaking, he was shocked to realize that there was no way to explain the origin of what he said.

Once you have it, let’s throw the blame to Wuhun himself!Anyway, Mr. Xuan and the others have nowhere to turn to for proof!

Thinking like this, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment: "Actually, I'm not very clear either. These are the things that suddenly appeared in my mind when my martial spirit was awakened! Dean, why don't you see it for yourself?! "

A slight blush spread on the little face, the soul power was flowing, and the power belonging to Suzaku was spread all over the body.

"Suzaku, possessed!"

The gorgeous fire lotus blooms suddenly!

This is?Yan Shaozhe's eyes narrowed.

Ma Xiaotao, who was wandering aside, was a little horrified to find that the soul power in her body was wrong. It was her martial soul that had a faint tendency to break out of her body.

Before she can activate her soul power——


The evil fire phoenix suddenly unfolded its unruly wings, with lightning speed,
Gather that little figure into your arms!
The fire lotus blooms!

The two figures, one large and one small, were completely engulfed by the fire!

"Xiao Tao, what are you doing?!"

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