The night is cold as water.

The four people who left the big auction house chattered from Tiannan to Haibei, feeling indescribably relaxed and happy.

Although I owe the academy a huge favor, but——

Who says it was not of their own free will?

At least in front of the four little ones who are still young at this time, especially for the brother and sister Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao, Shrek Academy has long been their home, regardless of whether this favor is mixed in or not.

"Yuhao, you have murderous intent." Tianmeng Bingcan's voice, still hinting at weariness, suddenly sounded from Huo Yuhao's mind.

Huo Yuhao's eyes narrowed, and he didn't even have time to rejoice in Brother Tianmeng's awakening. He subconsciously put his arm on Wang Dong's shoulder, pretending to listen carefully, but he used the cover up between the few people walking to quietly tell him. Mental detection sharing is released.

Huo Yunche and the other three were slightly startled, but the tacit understanding among the team made them react almost immediately.

The pace and speed of advancement remained unchanged, and his words were still full of the same laughter and curses as before. The smile on his face did not disappear. Even his body was as relaxed as ever, without any tense posture, but his eyes were quiet. Become calm and self-possessed.

"Listen to me." Huo Yuhao's voice suddenly sounded in the minds of Huo Yunche, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao, "There is someone in front of us who wants to ambush us."

Huo Yuhao's mental detection moved forward slowly and cautiously, and soon it was released to the farthest distance he could reach.

The four little ones felt the vague murderous aura coming from the mental detection sharing, and the soul power in their bodies instantly flowed away. Just to avoid alerting the snake, they silently pressed on the meridians, as if they were about to attack to find someone. Hunting like a tiger, ready to go.

The murderous aura is getting stronger!
Huo Yuhao concentrated his attention, carefully controlled his mental detection and twisted it into a line, and concentrated his search in the direction from which the murderous aura was coming.

found it!
A sharp look flashed in his eyes.

Just more than 200 meters away, there were about ten people wearing heavy cloaks. The cloaks seemed to have a special effect of isolating spiritual power. Their appearance could not be seen clearly. I could only vaguely feel the depth of soul power hidden in their bodies. It's not something they can match now.

It was even dozens of times more powerful than the wave of pursuit he and his sister encountered!
Huo Yuhao adjusted his almost disordered breathing and said calmly:
“They are now on our only way back to Shrek Academy, and it is obviously unrealistic to go back to the academy.

And our current location is closer to the outer city.

So, after I shouted three, two, one later, we turned around and ran towards the outer city.

You must try your best, understand? "

All three of them nodded imperceptibly.


The smile on Huo Yunche's face became more and more vivid. As he spoke, he held Xiao Xiao's hand and smiled coquettishly, looking like a "scoundrel" who would not let go if he refused to agree.


Huo Yuhao's hand on Wang Dong's shoulder slowly slipped away. Because it was too close, there was some bumping.

Wang Dong frowned slightly in disgust, and then took the initiative to hold Huo Yuhao's hand, squeezing his broad and warm palm, and said the unforgiving slight -

"If you want to hold my hand, just say so! Damn it, can you be more polite?!"

Huo Yuhao blushed and retorted: "We are all big men, who wants to hold your hand! We just bumped into each other!"

"Okay, okay - I hit you, I hit you!" Wang Dong had to pout his lips to appease him, and then sneered softly, "Huh ╯^╰ It's too honest!"

"One!" Almost instantly——

The Baizhang Fire Wings, whose entire body was dyed with ink, leaving only a hint of red on the feather edges, and the dazzling blue and gold wings of the Light Goddess Butterfly suddenly bloomed in the night sky!

The two of them threw the man they were holding onto their backs at the same time, turned around and rushed towards the outer city of Shrek.

Xiao Xiao and Huo Yuhao almost subconsciously lay on their backs, crossed their hands, and hugged the neck of the person in front of them tightly.

Damn it, why is there such a long forest road between Shrek Outer City and Shrek Academy!

Huo Yunche clenched his silver teeth and complained while moving his hands, almost relying on intuition to assemble the metal block that came from his brother's hand the moment he took off.

"Xiao Xiao, go on!"

Huo Yunche threw the assembled propeller back, and Xiao Xiao stretched out his hand to explore it. He clenched his fingers tightly, his wrists were slightly heavy, and stabilized his body, then he put the still somewhat heavy propeller on his back.

Although she doesn't know how to assemble it, she can barely use it.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong were more direct. They didn't need others to endure it. He operated as fiercely as a tiger, and the assembly was completed in a few clicks.

Two dazzling white lights suddenly lit up, taking another piece of the mid-air filled with red, blue and golden light, pushing the two teams of Huo Yunche and Wang Dong, who were already stimulating their soul power, to accelerate suddenly. Like two falling meteorites, they streaked across the sky, leaving behind colorful tail feathers, and headed straight for the outer city of Shrek City, where the large auction house is located, the commercial center!

The six people who were ready for an ambush had been hiding in the dark for who knows how long. They obviously didn't expect that the four little guys who were laughing and chatting with each other and who were obviously not wary actually discovered their existence long ago and even performed on their own. A play was created for them to watch.

It's ridiculous that they really thought these were lambs waiting to be slaughtered, so they didn't bother to take action in advance, they just wanted to wait for them to walk into the cage on their own!

Watching them turn around and run away.

All six people were slightly stunned.

After a while, the leader of the men in black snorted coldly: "You are indeed a little guy who can alert the Poseidon Pavilion to hold a meeting of the elders."

If the old woman who was testing Huo Yunche and others at the big auction house were here at this moment, she would be surprised that the man in black had such good information.

You know, this meeting was held overnight after the two little guys Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao left Poseidon Island!
What this means is self-evident.

The leader of the men in black waved his hands and stared at the four little ones who were nearly a hundred meters away from them in just a few seconds. His brows and eyes were filled with a hint of loss of interest, but they were just struggling in vain.

A dense light with strange black textures suddenly took shape in the forest under the four little ones!
Suddenly, the forest seemed to come alive.

Huo Yunche sidestepped to avoid a long branch that was swinging in the air, and then lowered her head. Everything that caught her eye shocked her and her brows were filled with a heavy and indescribable complex expression.

Towering ancient trees rise from the ground.

Two strange, almost spherical eyes are clearly engraved on its body.

As his eyes turned, immeasurable amounts of soil fell down along its elevated body.

The originally flat ground became crisscrossed with ravines, and the rhizomes that had grown and spread underground for an unknown number of years turned into its broad soles. The moment it was pulled out, there was a "boom" sound——

The land collapsed on the spot!

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