"My awakened power is responsible for the ultimate fire and the power of the soul." Huo Yunche breathed out, stared at Di Jiu's shining star eyes, and said word by word.

"You mean?!" Di Jiu was surprised, then happy again.

"Yes!" Huo Yunche nodded solemnly.

Emperor Jiu was silent for a moment, then walked to the edge of the cave and took a look at the quieter forest in the distance. Then he turned around and walked to Huo Yunche's house in a "pat-ta-ta", "ta-ta-ta" way. Sideways, elegant and calm.

It raised its head, stared into Huo Yunche's eyes and said a few words firmly: "Cheche, help me!"

"Aren't you afraid that I might do anything?" Huo Yunche was startled.

"Don't be afraid, Cheche is not a bad person." Di Jiu shook his head, and a humane smile appeared on the cute little lion's head, "My third eye tells me that you have never had any bad thoughts towards me.

Even if you don't know the preciousness of the three-eyed golden beast, the words "emperor auspicious beast" are enough to let you know what kind of existence I am, but you have never been afraid of me, nor coveted me, nor are you bored, but on the contrary He is mostly kind, followed by curiosity, and also has some vague worries, just like Di Tian.

So, you are definitely not a bad person. "

Huo Yunche touched his nose slightly uncomfortably.

Why do these words sound weird, like a confession? Besides, who says she has no ill intentions toward it? Hum, since it’s not of my race, its heart must be different !

She has great, great, great malice!

She wouldn't admit that she was shy because of the analysis of a little soul beast she met by chance!

It's impossible to be shy, she just wants to break the peach blossoms for her brother and sister-in-law! Yes, that’s right, that’s it!
  "Tsk, then it's better to obey orders than to be respectful!" Huo Yunche raised his eyebrows, his expression quietly showing a hint of intimacy towards Di Jiu, "I'll investigate first, don't resist me."

"啾啷~Okay()" Di Jiu nodded, his fluffy tail swaying slightly.

Huo Yunche no longer concealed his evil eyes.

Blood rose, but it took over her pupils in an instant.

The world has become a little clearer, but everything you look at seems to be covered with a layer of red gauze.

Her eyes fell on Di Jiu.

The threads outlined by the power of the soul were almost invisible under the gaze of her eyes.

The veins that generally match the attributes of Emperor Jiu are glowing with golden light, and the soul stretches out and dances with two flames of very different colors, clinging to each other and accompanying each other.

On the left is the red Ultimate Fire.

On the right is the ultimate golden light.

No problem until here.

The problem is that extra blue-gold color.

On the surface of the self-contained soul, there is also a ball of blue-gold light that cannot be seen clearly. If the ray of soul that had just been wrapped in the ultimate fire and the ultimate light was completely thickened in the image of Emperor Jiu, then this blue-gold ball of light was a "parasite" attached to it.

Not only is the soul fluctuation very different from that of Emperor Jiu, but the shape is also unclear. Tuanba Tuanba is just stuffed into this body, and it can maintain its own soul nourishment with the soul support of the three-eyed golden tiger. , so calling it a "parasite" is not an exaggeration at all.

But if it was intentional, it didn't seem like it.

This ray of soul does not seem to have any independent consciousness. Instead, it seems that it has been hit by some foreign object that can damage the soul. It is weak and pitiful, and there is only one soul, not much more.

However, I always feel that this soul fluctuation is unusually familiar.

The girl with pink and blue hair. The resonance in her soul is uncomfortable, unhappy, unhappy, and scared.
  Coupled with that extremely familiar soul fluctuation.
  In a flash of lightning, the words Di Jiu had said suddenly flashed across Huo Yunche's mind, as if he suddenly had an enlightenment and discovered his blind spot.

Does this blue-gold soul belong to Wang Dong? !
  Huo Yunche was stunned, why was Wang Dong's soul in Di Jiu's body? Moreover, this was not the first time she used Evil Eyes, so why had she never discovered that Wang Dong was missing a soul?
  Huo Yunche recalled the scenes of entering Shrek Academy and fell into deep thought.

It seems, maybe, probably, should, that she completely ignored this abnormal feeling!
  After all, Xie Mu has some of the evil nature of an "evil soul master". She uses it very cautiously every time, and it is always at a critical moment. All her attention is on the "enemy", so naturally she does not notice her little friend. strange.

Thinking about it carefully, every time she opened her evil eyes, Wang Dong's soul fluctuations were in a state of invisibility. If it hadn't been for the in-depth exchange of soul power on the night when she first experimented with martial soul fusion, she might have I didn’t know that this soul wave was extremely familiar, and I couldn’t possibly know that this soul actually belonged to Wang Dong!

Depend on! What a strange development these are!

I don’t know if Wang Dongdong himself knows that he is missing a soul. No, it should be said that how can he be so alive without a soul?

Huo Yunche suppressed the turmoil in his heart. What was originally just a desire to give it a try has now grown into endless pressure to succeed [-]%.

"Jiujiu, there are soul fragments on the edge of your soul that do not belong to you." Huo Yunche said with a solemn expression, choosing to tell the truth between concealment and honesty.

"A soul fragment that doesn't belong to me?" Di Jiu opened his eyes slightly in surprise. After a brief moment of confusion, he regained his senses and murmured, "No way."

"Do you know what's going on?" Huo Yunche keenly caught the hidden meaning in Di Jiu's words.

Di Jiu raised his paw and scratched his head: "About eleven or twelve years ago, one day when Di Tian was free, he imitated humans and cooked a meal of roasted soul beast meat for Jiu. As soon as I took the first bite, it suddenly turned sunny. Thunderbolt!

A bolt of lightning thicker than me struck down, the kind that struck me to death!

Although Ditian helped me block it, I still didn't know why I fainted. When I woke up, I always felt something was weird, but I couldn't find it out, and it didn't affect my daily practice life or anything. Over time, I Forgot about it.

Oh, by the way, the brothers and sisters in the forest were still laughing at the fact that the rice cooked by Ditian was so unpalatable that even God couldn't stand it and wanted to teach him a lesson! "

Thinking of Di Tian's slovenly appearance after being hacked to a blackened body, being chased and ridiculed by his other brothers and sisters, having to clean up the mess in the end, and guarding him for almost a month until he woke up, Di Jiu couldn't help but flash a smile in his eyes. meaning.

"Can this soul fragment be taken out?" Di Jiu tilted his head, his big soft eyes blinked, and cast cute light waves towards Huo Yunche.

Huo Yunche silently looked away, and unconsciously covered his face with his right hand to suppress the uncontrollable emotions in his mind.

Hey, how do you break the blood on your face after being cute (つд)
  Ask online!Very urgent!

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