I don’t know what the college thinks, and it wastes time by offering such a course. However, what do these students in Class [-] want to do?
  Mujin clicked her tongue and focused her eyes again on the foursome who interrupted her class.

"Yes, we want to recommend talented people to compete with the acting coaches you have appointed." Huo Yunche looked at Mujin without being humble or arrogant, "After all, it was Teacher Mujin who said it yourself. The reason for choosing Dai Huabin and Wu Feng was because of them. He has a high level of soul power and is an attack-type soul master, with excellent combat experience and understanding."

Hibiscus's eyelids twitched.

"so what?"

"So are you willing to let Dai Huabin and Wu Feng come forward and have a discussion with us? If we win, we will take over the roles of Dai Huabin and Wu Feng and become the substitute coaches; if we lose, we will take your place. It’s as prescribed before.”

As you specified before.

Very good, the endless loop has turned on the nesting doll mode.

Hibiscus was silent for a moment.

Based on her many years of experience in teaching at Shrek Academy, well, let’s not sugarcoat it. Based on her extremely strong “talent” for good things but bad things, she told her that it would be better for fewer people to agree to this kind of competition. After all, there was a lot of bleeding some time ago. It was enough to give her a perfect lesson.

  If he refuses, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

After all, in yesterday's morning class, she said personally that the reason why she chose Dai Huabin and Wu Feng as assistant teachers was because they had the highest soul power level and they were both attack-type soul masters.

Now, if people from the first class refuse to question this, it will inevitably be suspected of being biased.

For a moment, Hibiscus was in a dilemma.

That's all, it's better to be slapped in the face than to be embarrassed.

Hibiscus opened her mouth to refuse.

But Dai Huabin took a step forward and interrupted her words before she spoke: "Teacher Mu, Hua Bin is willing to give it a try."

"Teacher Mu, the same goes for Wu Feng."

Wu Feng bared his teeth slightly in front of the four little ones, took a step forward and gave them an extremely provocative look.

Ning Tian, ​​who accidentally failed to suppress Wu Feng's little thoughts, held her forehead silently. Judging from her immature observation skills, she could not understand the situation. Dai Huabin and Wu Feng, who insisted on coming forward forcefully, were afraid that they would... A big loss.

That's all, it's just to buy another experience and lesson, but I can take this opportunity to warn Wu Feng about his bad temper.

Ning Tian's eyes flashed slightly, and he quickly chose the most advantageous side from the seemingly inevitable situation to ease his mind.

Is there something wrong with her teaching methods? Or are students like me just not very smart? Hibiscus frowned, her mouth twitched slightly, and she had to wave her hands with an ugly face, accepting this bet that she was not optimistic about: "Okay, since the parties involved have agreed, let's compare it."

(Zhou Yi: Just tell me, is there a possibility that this kind of "wisdom" that does not care about the lives of others is the same?)

The people from Class [-] and Class [-] retreated to both sides of the martial arts field and sat down cross-legged. Only Dai Huabin and Wu Feng from Class [-] were left on the field, as well as the four little guys from Class [-], and Teacher Mu Jin as the referee.

"Let me explain in advance that in this competition, it is forbidden to use martial arts spirits, and it is forbidden to use any soul ring or soul bone skills. Only pure boxing and kicking skills are allowed to be used in the competition. On the basis of meeting the above conditions, the use of soul power is allowed."

Hibiscus read out the rules of the competition with an expression on her face, and her eyes swept over the foursome calmly. She had never been so lucky to continue Zhou Yi's ban on using martial arts. In this way, the two children of the control system and the one of the summoning support system would be cut off directly. At least no matter who comes on the field, it can be guaranteed that Dai Huabin's side should be No problem at all.

"In the first round of the competition, the second class sent a representative, Dai Huabin, and the first class representative?"

Mu Jin cast her eyes on Wang Dong. Obviously, she did not think that Huo Yunche, whose soul power level was obviously suppressed by everyone, would be able to fight against Dai Huabin.

However, the truth always surprises her.

Huo Yunche took a step forward with a smile: "Huo Yunche, representative of the first class, please give me some advice~"

Huo Yuhao and the other three patted Huo Yunche on the shoulders one after another, with a look of complete trust, and then quickly blended into the class group and sat down cross-legged to watch the show without any hesitation.

Hibiscus: Did she miscalculate? Depend on! I always feel like nothing good will happen when I see this little bastard.

Hibiscus took a deep look at the four indifferent little ones, nodded slightly, and walked to the side of the venue. When passing Dai Huabin, she said a faint sentence.

"Dai Huabin, try your best to take action, just don't kill anyone."

Dai Huabin concealed the surprise in his eyes and nodded without any trace of "hmm".

Hibiscus's lips curled up slightly, she stood on one side and turned around.

"It has been confirmed that all members of the competition on both sides have stood still."

"Competition, start."

Dai Huabin and Huo Yunche activated their soul power almost at the same time. The majestic soul power spread from their bodies, and a faint force emerged from their bodies.

Huo Yuhao, who was watching the show, wanted to have a better viewing experience for his classmates. His first soul skill flashed away, and the effect of mental detection sharing directly enveloped all the students except Huo Yunche on a large scale. There are 119 people.

This was the first time he spontaneously built such a large spiritual network, which actually emptied two-thirds of his mental and soul power!
  Huo Yuhao was slightly speechless, but fortunately, the remaining one-third was enough for viewing.

On this side, Dai Huabin did not choose to leave any chance for Huo Yunche to react.

His figure was filled with a pale color, and he roared out like a tiger descending from a mountain. He punched out, without any fancy gestures, straight towards Huo Yunche's face.

Huo Yunche blinked without any intention of retreating. The soul power filled her eyes as her thoughts flowed. Although her eyes were only temporarily bright, she could still clearly see Dai Huabin's attack path.

She does not retreat but advances.

The right hand shot out boldly, and the left hand made a soft rotating shot from bottom to top. It was dangerous and dangerous to intercept Dai Huabin's fist only an inch away from the tip of her nose. A burst of explosive firepower exploded from his sleeves!

Dai Huabin's eyes widened slightly. He didn't know that Huo Yunche was actually the twin of martial arts. He made a prompt decision and with the surge of soul power, he cut off the entire sleeve and threw it away. His elbows were horizontal, his waist was twisted slightly, and his legs became long. The long whip crossed the sky and whipped down towards Huo Yunche's head.

Huo Yunche calmly turned his head and turned around, swept up his right leg, and suddenly collided with the long leg whipped by Dai Huabin, "Whoa -", the sky was full of light red and pale intertwined, refusing to give way to each other, The strong wind actually caused the hair of the surrounding theater students to rustle.

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