Chapter 2 Twins
As soon as the Duke left, the Duchess drove Huo Ling to live in the woodshed on the grounds that Huo Ling was suffering from an infectious disease.Huo Ling wanted to resist, but was surrounded by the duchess and gave her a choice - drink the abortion pill or abolish her martial spirit.

For Huo Ling, whose martial soul is the soul eye, abolishing her martial soul is tantamount to gouging out her eyes, but she still did it without the slightest hesitation. As an orphan, how could she be willing to hurt those who are connected with her blood? child.

She hasn't seen the Duke since.Even when the duke asked about it, the duchess took Huo Ling's dead body and two lives because of a serious illness.

The damage caused to Huo Ling by abolishing the Martial Soul is undoubtedly huge.Her originally strong body collapsed overnight, and the chill brought by the days of being imprisoned in the firewood room gradually invaded her body. Fortunately, the baby in her womb was stubborn, and the daily fetal movement became the only comfort in her heart.

After the twins were born, the duchess cut off all their sources of income. The maid who brought them food every day couldn't bear it after all. Sun can have a little time to go out and see the sun.

And this is the only scenery that twins can see before they are six years old.

But this is not a long-term solution after all, how can a little maid's salary support four people?Huo Ling tried to find some work to subsidize the family, but she was a blind woman who couldn't get out of the yard and had two children who were waiting to be fed. She could only negotiate with the guards and beg them to turn a blind eye. With one eye, she can help the servants in the courtyard to wash clothes, as long as she and her children can fill their stomachs every day.

It was in such an environment that Huo Yunche and his elder brother grew up to the age of six.

The children of the poor headed home early.The two little guys knew how to help their mother with work and wash some light and small items when they were two years old. They are well-behaved and sensible.

Little Huo Yunche even took advantage of the milk doll, he smiled when he saw people, and coaxed the guards in the chaifang yard into grinning with his sweet mouth, allowing the three of them to have a brisk few days. good day.

It wasn't until he was six years old that the duchess summoned them on a whim, that Huo Yunche knew that the day had come to awaken his martial soul.And that day became an eternal nightmare for the Huo family's mother and son, and it was also the day that Huo Yunche knew that he was the soul-passed Douluo Continent, the sister of Huo Yuhao, the protagonist of Douluo II, and their father, Duke Baihu, Never even knew of their existence.

She didn't know what went wrong. As a result, her elder brother Huo Yuhao, who was not welcomed by the duchess but was recognized by the duke, was hidden in this life. In addition to her whereabouts and assassination, and why her mother, who was originally a background board maid, once possessed extremely high force.

Her elder brother Huo Yuhao's martial soul was the same as the few she knew about—Spirit Eye—a spiritual attribute martial soul that was judged to be a waste because it only had a first-level soul power and the matching attribute soul ring was extremely difficult to obtain.

If it was just like this, it would not bring disaster to their family.

The problem lies with Huo Yunche.

Congenitally full of soul power, unknown weapon martial soul, a simple door with a slight bronze glow.

No matter how unknown the martial soul is, the existence of innate full soul power proves Huo Yunche's talent and inestimable future. Little Huo Yunche knows well that the Duchess will never let her grow up .

As soon as she got back to the dark woodshed, she took her brother to support her mother and hid in a small cellar in a deserted yard near the woodshed.That day, because the brothers and sisters were going to awaken their martial spirits, the original guards were on vacation, which happened to be convenient for a few people to escape.

That day, the hustle and bustle of the Duke's Mansion lasted the whole night, with cries and begging for mercy.Even the real child Huo Yuhao covered his mouth tightly and wept silently. They knew that those voices came from the attendants who had treated them tolerantly.

However, they were able to escape for a while, but they still couldn't escape from the huge Duke's mansion. Fortunately, this deserted cellar was originally used for storage, which avoided the fate of the mother and child being starved to death.

In this way, about five years later, Huo Ling finally passed away in the torment of illness. The only thing she couldn't let go of was the two children who were stuck in her footsteps.

The siblings are 11 years old this year. During the five years of hiding, Huo Yuhao's soul power has finally reached level ten, and Huo Yunche has reached an astonishing level 29.

In the past five years, her martial soul, that unknown bronze gate, has not attached any soul rings, but she still hides a secret known only to her mother and elder brother-twin martial souls.

The offspring of Spirit Eyes and Xieyan White Tiger are mutated, and they are the second martial spirit that can generate spirit rings by themselves - Xieyan.Of course, she didn't tell her family the truth about Wuhun, she just casually mentioned that it was the same spirit eye as her brother.

It was thanks to Xie Mou's first soul skill - soul control that they were able to hide in this deserted courtyard for five years.

In the past five years, Huo Yunche has become more and more proficient at controlling the soul. At the beginning, he could only control the souls of people whose soul power was 20 levels higher than his own for 5 seconds, and now it is 30 seconds. It can be said to be a leap forward.

It's just that the impact of mental consumption is far greater than she imagined.Excessive mental consumption and long-term malnutrition, plus she saved most of the rations to feed her brother and mother, and from time to time, she had to fight with people who almost found them, forcing them to Look into their own eyes to control their souls and delete memories.As a result, she is not as tall as a 9-year-old doll, and her body is covered with bruises, mottled and glaring, making Huo Yuhao hate his own powerlessness countless times.

Under the pressure of life, the mentality of the two also grew much faster than their peers.

The siblings discussed it and decided to cremate their mother's body on the day of the Duchess's banquet to celebrate her young son's successful admission to Shrek Academy in a few days, and take her ashes to escape from the abyss of the arrogant Duke's mansion. The whole family let the birds fly together.

Now, they finally left the White Tiger Duke's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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