Chapter 20
Huo Yunche and the others got up and followed Zhou Yi out after hearing the words.

Probably in order to better maintain a relationship with the students, Zhou Yi's office is not far from the classroom, just a room away.

Stepping inside, the interior decoration is not as serious as Zhou Yi's impression, but warm and warm, simple and relaxing.

The four voluntarily and consciously followed Zhou Yi to the office. The unknown in front of them made them a little nervous, but they were quickly comforted by the warmth around them.

Zhou Yi signaled them to close the door, then walked behind the desk and sat down.

Without any twists and turns, Zhou Yi got to the point very quickly.

"You four, as specially invited students of Shrek Academy, should know what you will face in the assessment two months from now?"

The four of Huo Yunche nodded at the same time.

"I don't like talking nonsense." Zhou Yi glanced around Le with a calm expression, "Huo Yunche, if my observations are correct, you should already be the soul master of the third ring, right?"

Huo Yunche was not particularly surprised and said "yes" obediently. She knew that Teacher Zhou, who valued today's competition, must have been observing their movements throughout the whole process, and her soul power level was naturally exposed.

"Although you are a soul master of the third ring, you lack physical fitness. From today on, in addition to the daily homework, you will pick up the exercises that you did not participate in last month. Although you are an auxiliary soul master, only a strong body can ensure that you can provide strong and continuous protection for your comrades in arms."

"Yes, Teacher Zhou!" Huo Yunche didn't have any dissatisfaction or complaints, she knew where her shortcomings were, and Teacher Zhou's arrangement was to find and make up for her shortcomings as much as possible.

However, auxiliary soul masters?It seems that the well-informed Teacher Zhou didn't see the particularity of her martial soul.

Not bad, just convenient for her to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger (#^.^#)~
"Xiao Xiao, your martial spirit is the Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron, right?" Zhou Yi's tone was not so much guessing, but rather certain.

"Teacher Zhou, I only showed a small cauldron, you can see that too!" Xiao Xiao paused, with a touch of pride in his tone, "That's right, my martial soul is the most important weapon in the country, the Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron!"

Zhou Yi glanced at Xiao Xiao indifferently, and said: "I have seen Dacheng's Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron, and that is the power that is worthy of the name of the country's most important weapon. Your Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron needs to be strengthened in terms of control. At that time, the catch of Huo Yunche almost affected all the companions around you, right? Think carefully about how to improve your control over the martial soul in the next period of time."

Xiao Xiao was able to be observed by Zhou Yi at such a secret scene without being there first, stuck out his tongue a little embarrassedly, and secretly decided that he must not hold back.

"Wang Dong, relying on the strength of the second ring, you can evenly compete with Dai Huabin from the second class and the third ring. Your explosive power and endurance are quite outstanding." A flash of approval flashed across Zhou Yi's face, and then he said seriously, "But why didn't you give Huo Yuhao to the support of the classmates who came behind when he was exhausted, or let Huo Yuhao who recovered his strength go on the road with confidence? You can trust your partners more. They are not weaker than you. They are not young eagles that need to be protected by your wings, but can be with you Comrades who stand side by side."

Wang Dong looked at the three little friends beside him who were furtively winking at him with a vague understanding. He seemed to understand a little bit what trust was.

Zhou Yi's gaze finally settled on Huo Yuhao: "Huo Yuhao, the martial soul of any of the four of you surprises me, but yours makes me very curious. To be honest, I can't feel what your martial soul is based on my experience, so now I want to know the answer."

Zhou Yi's words were forceful with some gentleness interspersed.

Naturally, his martial soul has nothing to hide from the teacher, Huo Yuhao said: "Teacher Zhou, my martial soul is the spirit eye, which has a spiritual attribute."

After hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Zhou Yi was visibly startled, and she muttered to herself, "It turned out to be the original Martial Soul?"

Immediately, a hint of surprise flashed in her bright eyes that did not match her old face, "Spiritual eyes are extremely important body organs, don't they?"

"It's just that the spiritual department..."

The spiritual department is not so easy to cultivate...

Zhou Yi's eyes were slightly closed, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, she looked at Huo Yuhao and said, "Make good use of your martial soul. It may be the most inconspicuous among the four of you, but it will never be the weakest. In addition, your soul power is the weakest among the four of you. If you want to pass the test, you have to work harder. From today, in addition to the cultivation of soul power, you also need to participate in physical training with your sister. Both of you siblings are too weak."

Zhou Yi paused, and then said: "Although it's a bit presumptuous, can you tell me what is your first soul skill?"

Although it is normal for a teacher to ask about a student's martial soul, soul skills are the most important ability and secret of every soul master.

If it is not an important person or a trusted person, generally soul masters will not tell others about their soul skills, which is as important as their wealth and life, so as not to mistakenly believe that others will suffer misfortune.Therefore, even with Zhou Yi's strength, he used a consulting tone.

However, Huo Yuhao did so without hesitation.

For the Huo Yuhao brothers and sisters who have lived under the eyes of others since birth, sensing kindness is the first skill they have learned in this life, and it is also their greatest foundation.

Don't look at Zhou Yi's always serious, indifferent, and unkind appearance, but her kindness and concern are clearly in the eyes of the siblings.

Therefore, someone else might hesitate, but Huo Yuhao and his sister quickly chose to trust Zhou Yi, a teacher they had only known for less than a day.

Moreover, with Huo Gua's particularity, revealing a skill doesn't actually affect anything.

Furthermore, he is a little soul master with only one ring, even if others know his soul skills, what can he do?

Those who are capable of attacking him don't bother to understand such trivial matters. After all, he is just an ant that can be crushed with a finger, so why bother?

And how can someone who is incapable of doing anything against him have the right to know about this?

You know, this is Shrek Academy!
Therefore, Huo Yuhao showed Zhou Yi his soul skills without hesitation.

"Spiritual detection sharing."

The pure white first soul ring slowly rose, and Huo Yuhao's eyes were also covered with a layer of pale gold.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yi felt a mental wave appear in front of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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