The small team of more than a dozen people looked uneven.

Although they marched in a queue at first, after walking for a while, they dispersed. Everyone looked for partners with whom they had a better relationship and walked together in twos and threes.

Although it doesn't look like much, the distance between everyone is just right, and there is a shadow of a formation that can immediately rescue each other in case of trouble.

Mr. Xuan didn't seem to care about this.

He didn't put on a fancy outfit for a long trip like the kids.

He was still wearing his gray, slightly oil-stained shirt full of fashionable holes, coupled with his gray and messy hair like a chicken coop, plus his pair of wine gourds and chicken legs. He looks like an old drunkard who never leaves his body.

It can be said that it is very consistent.

"Teacher Wang, is Mr. Xuan really your master?" Wang Dong was bored for a moment, so he approached Wang Yan and asked.

His face was full of curiosity, and his pink-blue eyes flickered, making people seem a little embarrassed to refuse any of his questions.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Wang Yan recalled the confused look when he called Mr. He calls people old, so he rarely calls them."

"To be honest, it's hard to imagine that Mr. Xuan's casual temperament could cultivate an academic 'madman' like you." Wang Dong stuck out his tongue and replied with a smile.

Academic madman.

Wang Yan smiled gently and accepted the title calmly.

He even had time to think about whether he should work harder when he returned to the academy after this competition in order to deserve the praise of the children.

in academic research.

It's different from the silence when you get a cold reception in front of the regular team members.

In front of these little guys in the reserve team, especially the four little ones, Wang Yan's weak strength did not seem to be an obstacle to communication between the two parties.

Respect, understand and support.

In fact, except for his teachers, masters and very few friends, he rarely felt these emotions without any contempt from others.

This filled him with irony.

"Your teacher must be a very powerful person!" Xiao Xiao jumped to the other side of Wang Yan, looking up from the side, his eyes filled with the word "longing".

"My teacher?" Wang Yan pondered for a moment, then subconsciously raised his eyes to glance at Mr. He is indeed an amazingly talented person.”

"If the teacher can have the opportunity to meet you, he will be very happy."

After hearing this, Mr. Xuan was about to bite the chicken leg with his mouth. The next second, he was slightly absent-minded. He withdrew his hand and bit the air a few times with his teeth. He chewed a few times casually, looking a little lonely. , and swallowed the "chicken".

Completely unaware that he was just chewing air.

He seems to be a character with a story too.

Huo Yunche looked at Mr. Xuan, who had lost his composure without realizing it, and Wang Yan, who was pretending to be fine but couldn't help but feel melancholy, and his heart felt a little heavy.

However, there are too many people with stories in Shrek Academy!

Cry (﹏)!

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao also noticed the subtle atmosphere, and looked at each other in confusion. Are they in trouble?

"Teacher Wang Yan, why do we set off so early this time? It shouldn't take so long to get from Shrek Academy to the capital of the Star Luo Empire, right?" Someone stepped forward to break the deadlock.

Yes, that's right.

It was them who took matters into their own hands and shouldered the blame when it came to them. Ahem, I was wrong. Huo Yuhao, their good partner who believed in sharing blessings and sharing difficulties, stepped forward at the right time.

"Do you still remember what Mr. Xuan said before that the inner court is not about honor, but about life and death?" Wang Yan also duly accepted the "olive branch" handed over by Huo Yuhao, calmed down his emotions, and responded gently.

He never hesitated to answer, and the four little ones never failed to live up to his kindness.

"Remember." All four of them pricked up their ears and waited attentively for Wang Yan's explanation.

"Xiao Wangyan." Old Xuan's deep voice sounded.

Mr. Xuan, who was still far away just now, just took a slight step and came behind Wang Yan. His hand lightly patted Wang Yan's shoulder to signal: "I'll do the talking."

"Yes, Mr. Xuan." Wang Yan took a step back respectfully.

"Little guys, come here."

Mr. Xuan waved his hand, and there seemed to be a hint of dark murderous intent suddenly appearing in the air. It disappeared in a flash. Only Huo Yunche and the four people at close range looked at each other in slight fear.


The birds were startled and the beasts fled, and almost all living things within a hundred miles of the area fled in a slight panic under the terrifying pressure.

Fortunately, this wisp of murderous intent was only for short-term exorcism, not massacre. It only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

Mr. Xuan glanced indifferently at the fifteen little guys standing side by side in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "In addition to participating in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition during our trip, there is another very important thing. mission."


The eight people in the reserve team looked at each other in confusion. Although they didn't know what was going on, they all felt a thump in their hearts. Their eyes also broke away from the previous laughter and became a bit more serious and steady.

After all, a task that could make Mr. Xuan's expression become so serious must be extraordinary. If they don't face it with a cautious attitude, they may even fall into a situation where they lose everything due to one careless move, right? !

For a moment, everyone's minds suddenly popped up - "The inner court is not about honor, but about life and death." - Elder Xuan's original advice was full of sorrow and sorrow.

The eyes of the Shrek Seven Devils and Wang Yan who were being selected seemed to know what Mr.

The seven people rarely restrained all the "competing" emotions on their faces, and they were all solemn. Vaguely, it seemed that they could still distinguish a trace from their pupils. Although they were exactly the same, they didn't know what words to use. To describe the pride.

It was as if they were bearing the glory of Shrek.


Huo Yunche blinked and cleared away the deep thoughts in his eyes.

Elder Xuan looked at the mostly childish faces in front of him. If the mainland was peaceful and stable, he would not want these children to face these surging undercurrents so early. However, he sighed secretly and immediately hardened his heart.

He asked with a straight face: "Do you know how many disciples there are in the inner courtyard now?"

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