"Okay, now that everything has been explained, let's go on our way."

A large chicken leg bone fell from the sky. The moment it hit the ground, it turned into powder and dissipated in the wind.

I have to say that when it comes to environmental protection, Mr. Xuan’s awareness is probably top notch.

Huo Yunche looked up along the arc of the chicken legs falling, and was speechless for a moment after seeing the picture clearly.

An old man wearing rags and linen clothes, disheveled, with his face covered by messy hair, ran up to the tree at some point and stepped on the tree trunk with one big foot, while the other foot looked like a naughty one. Childlike, dangling in the air.

Two extremely separated images.

"Ahem." Ma Xiaotao also saw the slovenly old naughty look of Mr. Xuan. She coughed lightly and suppressed a smile, "Our mission this time is in the Luoyang Mountains, which is also the Star Luo Empire. At the border with the Sun and Moon Empire.”

"Because time is tight, we will personally take the little guys below the fourth ring on the road. In addition, put away your supervisor's rings. Except for accidental missions, it is best not to expose them on weekdays. "

The eight little ones nodded one after another, and quickly took off the equipment on their bodies, as if storing treasures. They carefully put the equipment back into the Inspector's Ring, and then stuffed the Inspector's Ring into the storage ring they carried. .

Fortunately, the relationship between storage rings is not mutually exclusive.

Ma Xiaotao's eyes lingered on Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao and Huo Yuhao.

"Xiao Tao, you are in charge of Wang Dong. Dai Yaoheng, you are in charge of Huo Yuhao. As for Xiao Xiao, let Ling Luochen be in charge."

After completing the task of joining the reserve team, Mr. Xuan, who had not been very involved in task distribution, opened his mouth and gave instructions.

"Yes, Mr. Xuan." Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yueheng and Ling Luochen accepted the order without any doubt.

Is he going to follow Dai Yueheng?

Huo Yuhao was slightly startled, and his expression became extremely strange and subtle.

Perhaps because of Dai Huabin's arrogance and unreasonableness first, and because of the two assassinations later, he had somewhat tempered his emotions so that he would not lose control of his emotions in front of Dai Yueheng.


It's like being led on the road directly by him.

He didn't know how much he could hold back the disgust for people of the Evil Eye White Tiger lineage that had been buried deep in his bones under such an overly close contact.

Except my sister.

Huo Yunche, Xiao Xiao and Wang Dong all looked at Huo Yuhao with a hint of worry.

"Brother?" Huo Yunche grabbed the hem of Huo Yuhao's clothes and pulled gently.

"Yuhao, if you don't want to."

"Yuhao, otherwise we refuse?"

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao each completed Huo Yunche's unfinished words.

"It's okay." Huo Yuhao drew calm strength and courage from the concern of his friends. He felt warm in his heart and shook his head with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Just think of it as a matter of self-cultivation.

"Okay, let's set off."

Ma Xiaotao glanced at the location of the four little ones. Although she was curious about the sudden subtle atmosphere, she still suppressed her doubts.

She grabbed it with her right hand and passed it through Wang Dong's armpit. Then she fixed the little guy to her side, soared into the air and came to the front of the team.

Dai Yueheng and Ling Luochen also made the same move. They picked up Huo Yuhao and Xiao Xiao and followed the large army, getting ready to move quickly.

Huo Yunche hesitated for a moment. Although it would be easier for her to keep up with the large army by directly unfolding her fire wings, the amount of soul power consumed was also very considerable. Moreover, the forest road is not suitable for flying.

Phew, it’s rare to participate in a marathon like the Great Migration.

She took a deep breath, and her eyes became serious and serious.

The army began to move.

With this comprehensive acceleration, the gap in soul power becomes clear at a glance.

Although Ma Xiaotao brought Wang Dong with him, he was not restricted by Wang Dong at all. The extra person seemed to not exist. Regardless of his soul power and speed, he was still able to command like an arm, walking on the ground, slightly He happily rushed to the first position.

That smooth and wonderful texture can be glimpsed from time to time in the gap between her soul power that overflows, and the occasional loud and clear sound of phoenixes.

On the contrary, Wang Dong's impression of Ma Xiaotao has improved further.

He felt the barely visible light red soul power bubbles wrapped around his body, and there were some indescribable emotions in his eyes, which seemed to be gratitude, awkwardness, acceptance, and complete recognition. Someone's tenderness hidden deep in their great strength.

Dai Yueheng took Huo Yuhao with him.

It was different from the complete protection that Teacher Zhou Yi had when he took him and his sister to the Soul Guidance Department. Although it also had a quality of soaring into the clouds, the feeling this time was more intuitive, as if he was not being manipulated. Dai Yueheng was marching with him, but he was leaping forward on his own.

Perhaps because of his age, Dai Yaoheng's palms were more generous and powerful than Beibei's, and also rougher and more frightening.

The big palms that he supported under Huo Yuhao's armpits, and the occasionally exposed finger bones, actually had thick and long scars, which seemed to have some traces of time.

Huo Yuhao closed his eyes and thought deeply, maybe this is the reason why Dai Yueheng is more powerful than Dai Huabin.

The group of Ling Luochen and Xiao Xiao seemed particularly different.

As a control soul master, she doesn't have the amazing speed like Ma Xiaotao, the extraordinary strength like Dai Yueheng, and she doesn't have the strength to surpass the Soul King.

Theoretically, she should be the slowest one in the Soul King team. After all, she also carries a "small oil bottle" with her that no other Soul King carries.

But what a control soul master is best at is control.

Although speed and strength are not Ling Luochen's strong points, she has found a new way. Every time her toes touch the ground, a piece of thin ice will explode. The air flow inertia brought by the instantaneous explosion pushes her body, like Like an arrow from a string, it burst out instantly.

The moment she landed, a new piece of thin ice formed instantly. Not only was her speed not slow, but she was still in the middle of the Soul King echelon, second only to Xixi and Chen Zifeng.

Xiao Xiao: Except that my feet seemed a little cold, there seemed to be nothing else. Not only was I not scared, but I actually felt a little excited~

The seven main picks in front used their own methods, and no one fell behind. In order to follow the pace of the reserve team, everyone restrained themselves and appeared to be at ease.

This was a hardship for the remaining five Little Soul Sects in the reserve team who were struggling to catch up.

Xu Sanshi, who had a slightly better soul power level, had a bitter look on his face, and he made a "chuck, chuck, cheep" sound as he ran wildly.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a gasp.

It's the "pop" after every landing.

As a defense-type soul master, what he hates most in his life is running over long distances, because it makes him look extremely cumbersome and dull!

It didn’t leave a good impression on Nan Nan to begin with, but now it’s even worse! X﹏X I’m Xu Sanshi.

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