Chapter 23 Apprenticeship
Huo Yunche watched the two of them enter the testing ground.

With the two teachers Zhou Yi and Fan Yu watching, she was not worried about any accidents.

She was even more curious about everything in front of her.

Knowing that this type of weapon was a forbidden area for ordinary people in the previous life, it's no wonder she was curious.

Huo Yuhao and He Caitou came to the edge of the test site.

He Caitou patted the dark belt around his waist, and a 1.5-meter-long black metal pipe engraved with many strange patterns appeared in his hand.

It's a custom-installed soul guide cannon!

He Caitou skillfully found the cover behind the metal tube and opened it, and then put a piece of shuttle-shaped metal inside to close it.

Uncap, reload!

After some skilled operations, He Caitou raised his right hand, and the metal pipe reached his broad shoulders.

"Spiritual detection sharing!"

Before He Caitou could speak, Huo Yuhao took the initiative to follow up.

There was a golden light in his eyes, and the mental detection sharing accurately landed on He Caitou.

Like many people who experienced Huo Yuhao's skills for the first time, He Caitou showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It's just that he has more important things to do now than surprise.

I saw him excitedly shouting into the distance, "Move the target, launch!"

A disc-like moving target ejected from the far corner, He Caitou didn't make too many movements, he didn't even go through careful calculation and pre-judgment as usual, he directly lifted the metal pipe——


There was a violent roar, and the eye-catching black light shot out, and the huge airflow that suddenly appeared surrounded the field, and the metal poles everywhere were knocked rustling.

Getting closer!
Huo Yunche's eyes were fixed on the jetting black light.

The mass of black light was getting closer and closer to the moving target leaping in the air until——

With a sound of "哐——", the black light successfully hit the moving target that was flying freely, and the violent impact caused the target to hit the distant metal plate fiercely, leaving behind bursts of ear-piercing roars.

However, it is a pity that, according to the data on the moving target, this test only left traces on the outermost periphery of the moving target.

"Just a little bit!" He Caitou murmured regretfully.

Zhou Yi also had a look of pity on his face.

Fan Yu didn't draw a direct conclusion like the two did.As a teacher of the Soul Guidance Department, he deals with various Soul Guidance Devices every day, which is more rigorous and meticulous in some aspects.

As if thinking of something, he asked Huo Yuhao, "Huo Yuhao, what is the range of your mental detection?"

The scope of mental detection?
Huo Yuhao didn't think too much about it. He had already felt this problem after he first entered school and discussed with his 404 friends.

So he replied without hesitation: "At present, it is possible to detect a distance of about 50 meters in diameter. If the linear distance is maintained, the detection can be maintained at about 100 meters."

Fan Yu grasped the point: "You mean at present?"

Huo Yuhao nodded in confusion: "Yes, at present. My spiritual detection share will increase the detection range as the soul power increases, so I don't know how big it will eventually be."

Both Fan Yu and Zhou Yi were obviously taken aback.

Not sure about the final range of Spirit Detection shares?

what does this mean? !

This means that if Huo Yuhao achieves something in cultivation, is it possible for his spiritual detection sharing to cover a city or a country?

Is this really the soul skill that a ten-year soul ring should bestow? !

I'm afraid this is not a future magic skill, is it? ! !
Seeing that the two teachers had worries in their hearts, Huo Yunche didn't know what they were thinking, but she knew that this must be an opportunity for her brother.

Although neither of them knew what this opportunity was, they must not let it go.

Huo Yunche covered up the deep thought in his eyes, raised his paw and nodded frantically: "I can testify that the range of my brother's soul skills is indeed getting bigger, sister Xiaoya and senior brother can do it too!"

Huo Yuhao keenly sensed the message from his sister, so he couldn't waste his sister's kindness.

He added with a serious and sincere expression: "Actually, I feel that my control of this skill is still very shallow. However, since I have this skill, the detection range has increased by nearly 8 meters in diameter."

Zhou Yi and Fan Yu couldn't care less about being shocked when they heard the words.

If Zhou Yi just thought that these little guys had good talents and could be cultivated well at the beginning, then now she can be said to be more sure of her thoughts.

No, they must be cultivated well, and their talents must not be wasted.

Fan Yu withdrew his initial assessment of Huo Yuhao's talent, and it was impossible for someone with such skills to be mediocre.It doesn't matter if the talent is a little less, it is no longer the world of soul masters, as long as Huo Yuhao's soul power can be steadily improved, and the range of spiritual detection sharing can be effectively evolved, he can have the confidence to use Huo Yuhao's talent to the extreme.

Shrek, there is a great need for progress in soul tools.

What's more, today's world cannot be changed by a simple soul master.

The days of peace are probably numbered.

Fan Yu withdrew the worry in his eyes, exchanged a glance with Zhou Yi, and reaffirmed the thoughts in his heart.

He looked at Huo Yuhao: "Huo Yuhao, are you willing to learn how to make soul tools from me?"

"I am willing!" Huo Yuhao's eyes lit up, and he quickly saluted respectfully, "Yuhao has met the teacher!"

Fan Yu raised his hand and patted Huo Yuhao's shoulder, and said with a smile: "During this time, you should first learn the basics of soul tools with your senior brother, Caitou. Today is a bit of a hurry, so you put away this storage soul tool first. When you officially enter Shrek Academy, the teacher will prepare two generous gifts for you to celebrate."

"Yes! Thank you teacher!"

The excitement in Huo Yuhao's eyes can be said to be beyond words.Since coming to Shrek Academy, he has obtained too many things that he never had before.

Seeing the joy from the heart in his brother's eyes, Huo Yunche also smiled happily.

Sometimes, happiness is as simple as that.

"Since the matter is settled, I'll take the two little ones away first, there is still a place to take them." Zhou Yi slightly nodded at Fan Yu, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, Teacher Zhou." Huo Yunche seemed to have remembered something, and said to Fan Yu with some embarrassment: "Mr. Fan Yu, when my brother comes to learn about soul tools, can I come and listen?"

Fan Yu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "Can you tell me why you want to come and listen?"

"Because my martial soul is a bit special." Huo Yunche stuck out his tongue, but didn't hide it.

Under the circulation of the soul power, the bronze-colored small door earrings quickly grew larger, and a shield-like thing spit out from it.

Huo Yunche took the spit out shield with both hands, but never thought that the shield itself was too heavy and almost brought her to the ground.

(Seeing this scene, Zhou Yi's inner os: Weak chicken, practice, you need to practice more!)

(End of this chapter)

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