
Huo Yunche raised his hand to his forehead and leaned one hand against the stone wall next to him. It took him a long time to stop his spinning steps, which were swaying like a roly-poly.

What happened?

Where is this?

Where are my brother and the others?

She remembered. Before being sucked in, did Xiao Xiao say something about the barrier and open her mouth?

So, was she randomly teleported to an open space within the barrier?

She looked around and was about to check around, but as soon as she stepped forward with her left foot——

"Cack, click, click - click - click -" A heart-wrenching scream suddenly echoed in this strange space!

Huo Yunche's body was slightly stiff. She felt as if she had crushed an unknown object that was a little hard but not large under her feet. Under the influence of this ghostly sound effect, all the goosebumps on her body crawled to her arms to show her presence. .

No, no? ! This is a winner!

She wants to cry but has no tears. Although she is not afraid of any monsters, who is not a "weak" woman who needs protection? ! So it makes sense to get goosebumps or something!

Huo Yunche silently gave herself a psychological hint. She took a deep breath, with a firm and fearless look in her eyes, and then suddenly looked down -

It was actually half a broken skull that was obviously human!

Some traces can still be seen on the side of the damaged skull. It seems that the Tianling Cap was hammered hard in several places by something powerful, leaving half of the brain covered with coin-sized depressions!

Not only that, there were marks on the right side of the skeleton that seemed to have been bitten by something's teeth. The extremely sharp and sharp gnawing on the face shook Huo Yunche.



Huo Yunche subconsciously raised his hand and raised his thumb to wipe away the sudden coldness he felt on his left cheek.

A drop of cold liquid suddenly dripped from the top of Huo Yunche's head, like a warrior who was full of energy and charged, almost sliding down her cheek. With a "tick" sound, it fell almost to the ground. On a small pothole filled with water parallel to her toes.

This is? !

Huo Yunche licked her hand, and it seemed to feel a little greasy. She lowered her head slightly and raised her hand, bringing her fingertips to her nose and sniffing carefully.

Depend on! It stinks!

She suddenly raised her hand to the position furthest away from her, wrinkled her nose slightly, and raised her head in disgust.

A pair of green eyes, as if triggering some chain reaction, all opened their eyes, like will-o'-the-wisps all over the sky, staring blankly at Huo Yunche, coldly and mysteriously.

"Fuck! Why are you guys spitting! You are not ethical!" Huo Yunche ruthlessly rubbed his face with his sleeves several times, and then, very fiercely, stretched out his hand and pointed at the green-eyed bats all over his head. Silently he gave a middle finger gesture.


The black clouds all tilted their heads, indicating that they did not understand Huo Yunche's operation, but this did not prevent them from acting cute for a few seconds before showing their ferocious fangs and fluttering their wings under Che. !

"You don't talk about public ethics, and you don't talk about martial arts." Huo Yunche muttered, pouted slightly dissatisfied, and then waved his hand, and a small crimson flame met the tiny airflow caused by the fluttering wings of the black bat. , rose rapidly and counterattacked!

"唧——" It's so hot! So bright, so bright! So fierce, so fierce! Woohoo, I'm going to scare the bat to death!

The Suzaku Divine Fire surges again with boundless power!

The group of green-eyed bats once again showed their tacit understanding. Their wings suddenly flapped forward, and the wind suddenly stopped. Humanized cowardice flashed in the mung bean eyes, and they tremblingly buried their heads in their wings, seeming to cover their ears and steal the bell.

Like, from time to time, a green pupil the size of a sesame seed pokes out. Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me! Well, it seems that the power of the Vermillion Bird Divine Fire over bird soul beasts cannot be underestimated!

After all, it is the evolutionary aura left by the ancestor-like existence of all little birds!

Mmmmm, Lingguang is really great()*.

The corners of Huo Yunche's mouth curled up slightly, and a smile of determination flashed across his face after confirming his suspicion.

"That little green-eyed leader over there." Huo Yunche nodded slightly to a green-eyed bat that was stiff and had a hint of golden fur on its forehead, similar to a small crown-like mark, " Don't pretend you can't see it, what about you, little green-eyed crown?"


The green-eyed bat king was startled, shook his body tremblingly, and then slightly moved down the wings that blocked his eyes an inch, revealing most of his pupils. The one caught looked like he was begging for mercy.

"Let me ask you, do you know where the human who came in with me just now has gone?" Huo Yunche asked lightly, his tone calm, as if it was just a simple inquiry.

Of course, if you ignore the small flames that suddenly burst out of excitement in her hands, trying to recruit soldiers and "horses" to seek power and usurp the throne.

"Chirp-chirp-" Bat bat is an idiot! The manta bat knows nothing! Manta has only seen you, the big bad guy! And - heck - put it away quickly!

The green-eyed bat king glanced at Huo Yunche fearfully. Half of his hair was burned off by the flying flames and turned into gray soot, which fluttered to the ground.

"Chirp——" Bat Bat knows! Stop burning, stop burning! My beautiful feathers!

The green-eyed Bat King screamed in surprise, looking at the falling ashes of feathers with heartbroken eyes, and his heart filled with lamentation.

The group of green-eyed bats also cast a sad look at their king.

"I know~" Huo Yunche blinked thoughtfully, with a devilish smile on his lips, "Why don't you give me some directions~"

The Suzaku Divine Fire quietly jumped up in response to its master's bad taste, "歘——"

"Hah!" The remaining half of the green-eyed bat king's feathers suddenly stood up. It convulsed and turned around, its wings swinging up and down, left and right, up and down, up and down, left and right, and sharp screams coming out of its mouth from time to time.

The group of green-eyed bats looked at each other and again tacitly looked in the direction they were looking at - the back, flapped their wings, and quickly retreated a few steps.

In an instant, the originally dark cave with no bright color suddenly illuminated with a few traces of light. Although it was not obvious, it definitely showed that there were traces of living people ahead.

Because of the sudden light,

It is clearly the flickering light of illumination when the torch is burning!

Is the road this way? Huo Yunche raised his head and glanced at the group of green-eyed bats that were timidly but neatly divided into two lines waiting for her to speak, as if they were finally willing to let the innocent victims go after getting what they wanted. Like a bully, he waved his hands with a smile, "Okay, stand down~"

Sorry, I have to catch up with the Spring Festival Gala today. Tonight’s update is a little late~

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