Chapter 297 Situ Yu

"Beibei, you don't have to put too much pressure on me. Whatever you get is fine." Wang Yan smiled slightly and said, "Go ahead."

Beibei gave a soft "hmm", but it was rare that he lost some of the frivolity he usually had when "flirting" with Xu Sanshi. His whole person became unusually calm and calm, and the figure with his back to the past seemed to have suddenly become much taller. Similar.

Well, it's quite a big brother's charm.

The person who walked slowly to the center of the stage to draw lots with Beibei was a young man who was almost the same as He Caitou in terms of body and height. No, he should be a young man in terms of age.

The golden hair reflects a bit of dazzling white light under the sunlight. Although the strong muscles are hidden under the white uniform of Yunluo Advanced Soul Engineer Academy, they are bulging. The undulating muscle lines are not obvious at first glance. That kind of fake water-filled incorporeal body is filled with an absolute sense of power and explosive power, and it also exudes a faint sense of shock.

But something that is not very consistent with his extremely strong muscles, or even completely different, is his extremely moist baby face, which is chubby. I don’t know if it is to make himself look good. Despite his majesty, he always had a straight face and an angry look, which only added a bit of his own "childishness".

The extremely cute face is paired with well-developed and strong limbs. The weirdness has a hint of cuteness, and the danger has a hint of harmlessness. It is very similar.
Huo Yunche covered his mouth and snickered. The captain of Yunluo Advanced Soul Engineer Academy really looked like Nezha Little King Kong from "One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes" that she watched with her classmates back then!
Ahem, the topic has gone too far.


"Situ Yu."

The two of them walked onto the stage at the same time, nodded slightly to each other, and then directed their eyes almost unanimously at the host parrot who was waiting in the center of the stage.

I saw the host parrot holding a transparent round rolling ball with a texture similar to glass. On the surface of the rolling ball, there is a long ball painting of stars sprouting in the dim light, which is the face of the lottery.

There is also a triangular-shaped vertebral body stored in the middle of the ball. Three of the triangular surfaces of the vertebral body are respectively engraved with the words "one", "three" and "seven", which respectively represent personal battles. , two-two-three tactics, and team competition.

And if the only blank side is drawn, the decision is left to the audience.

There is a decibel test soul guide on site. Whichever competition method has the highest demand will be adopted. This can be regarded as adding a little more fun to this serious and hearty battle, and at the same time giving the audience a sense of participation. and a sense of anticipation.

Beibei and Situ Yu took a step forward and stood face to face at the host Parrot's signal. Then they each stretched out a palm and pressed the glass ball against the palm of their hand with slight force.

It is said to be a draw, but it is actually a competition for the strength of the captains of both sides.

Situ Yu's eyes sharpened, remembering the instructions of the team leader before going on the field, his eyes slightly turned to the left, and there was a triangular cone marked with "one".

Although they could not confirm the authenticity of the 100,000-year-old soul rings of the Shrek Academy reserve team, it was undeniable that the soul-skill fusion skills possessed by the two teenagers who were suspected of possessing 100,000-year-old soul rings were so powerful. It is definitely a shocking effect. Whether it is a two-two-three battle or a seven-man team competition, encountering them is a dead end.

The two-two-three strategy is okay, maybe it's just a loss, but the other members of the Shrek Academy reserve team haven't made any moves, so there's no way to judge the strength of their abilities, so to be on the safe side, we'd better split them up. Come more safely!
It must be a personal battle! There was a hint of determination and strength in his eyes.

"One?" Beibei glanced at Situ Yu thoughtfully, and almost instantly saw through the hidden meaning behind his indifferent expression. It was a good choice, but it also suited him!

The corners of Beibei's lips curved slightly. The opponent's choice coincided with the tactics they had rehearsed, which really made him extremely happy.

"Are the two captains ready?" the host Parrot asked.

"Ready." Both of them nodded slightly, and the strength in their hands became stronger, but the glass ball remained motionless in the air without any fluctuation.

Obviously, the secret competition between the two captains was so controlled that they could almost be regarded as equals, even though neither side exerted any force.

"Okay, then I will count down three, two, and one, and the lottery can begin." The host parrot silently pulled his hand away from the position above the glass ball, and then drew a long voice, loud and slow He shouted loudly: "Three-two-one!"

Beibei and Situ Yu use their strength at the same time!

The soul power of both of them poured out unceremoniously, and the majestic and vast soul power suddenly rose up, causing their clothes to fly uncontrollably, but neither of them was affected by this force. He retreated a little under the pressure, but he was focused on nothing. All he could see was the triangular cone that was constantly surging between the blue-purple thunder light and the golden fan!
With the continuous infusion of soul power, the originally static scene in the glass ball was quickly broken!
The blue-purple soul power whizzed past and first landed on the triangular cone that was placed stably in the center. "Crack-", after a thunderous explosion, the cone body tumbled towards the side of the sign. It looks like the character "seven"!
Shrek's goal is indeed seven!

Situ Yu's eyes changed slightly, and the golden soul power followed and bombarded the triangular cone unceremoniously! A steady stream of soul power was pressed against the cone that was about to complete its fall, and it withstood the pressure under the last raised corner of his body. He still had the energy to fight back, and slowly lifted it to a single point to stand. Looks like!

Oh, it seems like we are bound to win.

Beibei's beautiful and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of cunning quickly flashed through them.

"Oh! Senior brother is going to do something bad!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that kid Beibei is about to act!"

Huo Yunche and Xu Sanshi exclaimed in a low voice at the same time. The two heroes, who had similar views, reached out and high-fived without hesitation, "Hey hey hey hey~", they both let out the same sinister laughter. They were bad, but they were very popular. .Conspiracy!

Beibei's soul power increased instead. In an instant, the blue-violet soul power gathered together in a sticky consistency, slowly forming the shape of a flying blue dragon.

Then the Brontosaurus swung its tail and whipped one tail directly above the triangular cone!
"Boom boom boom——"

The thunder and golden light intertwine, roar, and disappear with each other, and sometimes the soul power bursts out in all directions, and the whole ball turns golden or purple, just like the day, which changes three times a day, sometimes it clears up, sometimes it rains, The sound of thunder covered the weeping, and then turned cloudy to sunny again, just like changing face.

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