Chapter 311 Accident?

Shrek Academy.

Time goes back to that day when Tang Ya accidentally caught a glimpse of Mr. Xuan——

Tang Ya's mind fell into a brief blank.

If she remembered correctly, Beibei and Xiao Yunche mentioned in a few words during their chat that Mr. With.

Calculating the time, today should be the first or second day of the competition. Shouldn't their group be in the capital of the Star Luo Empire at this moment? And why does it appear here?
Could there be some accident?
Accident? !
There was a hint of anxiety in Tang Ya's eyes. She bit her lip and paused on the grass jar for a while. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to follow her heart and quietly follow Mr. Xuan's path to find out. .

The moment Mr. Xuan's figure disappeared around the corner.

Tang Ya's figure jumped out from her little haven, and the blue silver grass came out. The light blue soul power quietly flowed along her palm, quickly flowing to her body, and then her figure flickered slightly. Somehow, the popularity on his body was actually strange, and it was covered up by the aura of Blue Silver Grass.

It's strange to say.

Tang Ya lowered her eyes and felt her own condition. She has had an inexplicable bond with Bluesilver Grass since she was a child. When she was a child, she would hide and seek among the Bluesilver Grass. Those childhood friends would There was no trace of her at all, and this natural sense of invisibility reached its peak after the martial soul awakened.

This characteristic has saved her countless times in danger. Even when her family was destroyed that day, she relied on this to finally escape.

This was one of the reasons why Mr. Xuan didn't notice her presence when he passed by just now.


Tang Ya breathed out a breath of turbid air, moved lightly, and moved quickly in pursuit of the remaining breath in front of her. Her light and vigorous swirling dance was like a ghost, shadowy, stepping lightly in this secluded corner. .

But what she didn't know was that the figure that disappeared around the corner stopped walking at some point, turned its head and looked back, and there was an extremely evil smile on its lips, which was boundless and ghostly. Resting leisurely on his cheek.

Weird squirming and cracking, the old but upright face suddenly distorted, as if a deep sea was dug on his face, and a whirlpool that could destroy the world was brewing on the sea surface, and strange lights were flowing. , black and gray air currents rotated rapidly along the vortex, and suddenly settled on the bloody face of "Xuan Lao".

"Little classmate, why are you following me?"

"Mr. Jian licked a strand of hair and twisted it around. He smiled and asked with a hint of anxiety, "I just want to ask, are Beibei and Xiao Yunche okay?"


There was a little confusion in the vigorous voice of "Lao Xuan", as if he was wondering who Beibei was, but he quickly retrieved Beibei's identity information from his mind. Tsk, the new generation has already decided on the next Shrek. One of the seven monsters, no, one of the eight monsters?
"I don't know if they are good or not~"

"It's better not to be good."

"Lao Xuan" responded lightly, with a hint of dissatisfaction and boredom in his tone.

Tang Ya was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, a creepy and subtle feeling filled her whole body. She raised her eyes in surprise and was caught off guard, meeting a pair of malicious ghost eyes! The top floor of Xingluo Empire Xingluo Hotel.

"Beibei!" Xu Sanshi grabbed Beibei's arm and pulled him back from the door that had not yet been opened. He frowned, his red eyes flashing with worry, "You kid, Why have you been so distracted these days?"

Beibei rubbed his forehead with a slight headache, woke up from his trance, and then turned to Xu Sanshi and twitched his lips: "I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy these days, as if something is wrong. Being out of control?”

He stretched out his hand and silently pressed it on his heart. The swelling and pain that came from there from time to time always gave him a slightly bad intuition. Little Yabeibei murmured in his heart, with a faint look of worry in his eyes. In the college Nothing will happen here, right?

"Beibei, it's time to go up and draw lots." Wang Yan reminded in a low voice.

"Okay, sorry, I'll go right away." Beibei nodded slightly, his hand attached to the door handle still trembled a little uneasily, his eyes darkened slightly, he turned sideways to block his gaffe, and strode forward Come forward.

"Brother, something doesn't seem right, senior brother." Huo Yunche tugged on Huo Yuhao's sleeve and whispered in his ear.

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly, but before he could say anything, Wang Yan turned around and motioned for them to wait at the preparation table. The two looked at each other, but they couldn't draw any useful clues from each other's eyes, so they had to first Putting this doubt aside for the time being, he followed the footsteps of the large army and migrated outward.

"Shrek Academy versus Tianling Empire Minghuang Advanced Soul Master Academy, this match will follow the format of two, two, and three tactics.

Next, both teams will have three minutes of discussion time to confirm and submit the playing order of the participating players of each team. Remember, once the lineup is submitted, it cannot be changed again.

In addition, the participating team members of the three competitions must not be repeated. "

The big mic of the host Parrot quickly spread throughout the square.

So fast? !

The faces of Shrek and others changed slightly. They had just walked to the preparation table, and the drawing above had already ended. What did this mean? !

Was Beibei completely suppressed by her opponent?
"I'm sorry, everyone," Beibei's face showed a rare look of dejection and paleness. Just now during the draw, he actually got distracted during the game with his opponent. What a big mistake it was!

"Senior Brother, don't be sorry, the two-two-three strategy is very good." Huo Yunche interrupted Beibei's unfinished words of self-blame with a smile, "The Tianling Empire Minghuang Senior Soul Master Academy actually has two As a team of the Soul King and five Soul Sects, we actually don’t have an advantage in a one-on-one single elimination match or a team match. The two-two-three strategy is our only breakthrough."

"Xiao Yunche is right," Jiang Nannan said, "The opponent will choose the two-two-three strategy. I am afraid they are also afraid of the double six-ring combination of Yuhao and Wang Dong. Tian Ji is racing, so who knows who Tian Ji is? It’s just that after this incident, our situation may not be easy.”

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Sanshi put his arms around Beibei's shoulders. "The boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge. It won't be too late for us to worry about the next event. Don't you think so, Beibei?"

"That's true." Beibei chuckled, "It's just that I'm narrow-minded."

I can only update one chapter tonight. I have some things to do here, and I will make up for the chapter I owe after I finish my work in a few days! Forgive me!

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