Chapter 325 Path
"Of course we have to find another way." Jiang Nannan blinked and spat out a few words, "As far as the current situation is concerned, if soul rings become a rare thing, then the vast majority of human beings will stay at the low-level soul master level. Realm, then at the same realm, whoever can master a more powerful soul guide can take the lead and have the right to speak."

"So from another perspective, can the collision of continents thousands of years ago be called another choice given by nature to human beings?" Wang Dong pondered for a few moments, wiped away the confusion in his mind, and suddenly said .

"What can you say?" Wang Yan nodded approvingly, "After all, before the collision and fusion of Sun Moon Continent and Douluo Continent, although there were soul guides in Douluo Continent, the number was extremely rare, and only a few people knew about it and owned it. , it still belongs more to the era of soul masters, and the era of hidden weapons led by the Tang Sect."

"That's right." Beibei nodded slightly, his eyes falling on Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao, "Junior brother and sister should know that the Twenty-Four Bridges on the Moonlit Night are modeled after the soul guide of the ancestors of the Tang Sect. made.

But apart from this, in the Tang Sect's ten thousand years of history, there are no other soul guidance devices. And even the twenty-four bridges on the bright moon night, there are not many in stock, and the remaining ones are all handed over. It’s for you two, junior brother and junior sister. I have entrusted Xiaoya to customize the rest of the Twenty-Four Bridges on a Moonlit Night, so..."

Beibei smiled a little apologetically, she was a little worried because she had so many friends.

For example, even if he only customized the most basic version of Twenty-Four Bridges on the Moonlight Night, he and Xiaoya had already almost emptied the small treasury they had earned. During this period, if they had not been practicing with Mr. , I am afraid that everyone will have discovered that he is short of money.

"So, the future of mankind cannot avoid the infiltration of soul guides." Xiao Xiao blinked, completely connected what everyone said, and concluded with absolute certainty.

"No, it should be said that it has penetrated." Xu Sanshi shook his head and slightly modified the tense in Xiao Xiao's words. A faint light flashed across Chen Ning's eyes, "Let's not mention those advanced soul master academies for now. .

As for the Minghuang Senior Soul Master Academy that we are fighting against today, I noticed that almost all of them wear the same type of soul guidance device on their chests, and this kind of soul guidance device, if I remember correctly, You have the head too. "

"That's right, it's a soul-guided heart mirror." He Caitou nodded, "I just don't know if it's a self-triggering type or a manual triggering type."

It can be said that the students of Minghuang Advanced Soul Master Academy are unlucky. Their academy is equipped with self-triggering soul guides. As long as it senses a situation that threatens the safety of the host, a shield will automatically pop up to protect the host. Safe self-triggered defensive soul guide.

But who made them meet Xu Sanshi who didn't play by common sense? One of them was eliminated without any threat at all, the other was sick, and the other two probably forgot about the existence of this protective mirror.

Although this is also a common problem among Douluo aboriginal soul masters.

"This is what I want to say." Wang Yan pursed his lips, and his eyes swept over the faces of the children in front of him who had not yet been characterized by worldly opinions. He took a deep breath, and without hesitation, he kept the words in his heart. The words came out after a long time.

"Everyone must have some speculations about the causes and consequences of this surveillance mission. I can tell you with certainty that yes, this is not an accident. This is a provocation against our Shrek Academy and a deliberate murder.

I have been thinking about one thing during this time.

Why would someone choose to attack the Shrek Academy team even though they knew that Elder Xuan was leading the team?
I thought about it for a long time, and I only came up with this answer, because he saw through the confidence and arrogance of our college. "

Confidence and arrogance?
There were a lot of question marks on everyone's head, but they did not interrupt Wang Yan's remarks, but listened intently. Wang Yan continued:
"Our Shrek Academy has been rising for too long. It has been so long that such a behemoth can easily scare away more than 80% of the opponents on the mainland as long as it shows its name to the outside world.

But the general trend of the world is that if things are divided for a long time, they will be united, and if they are united for a long time, they will be divided.

In these long years, no one knows what kind of forces have arisen in the secret. Maybe apart from the Sun and Moon Empire and the evil soul master group, there is still a force in the secret that is staring at us eagerly, or maybe they have long been They were twisted into a rope, planning how to topple us from our high position.

Let’s just say Mr. Xuan.

Everyone should know that Mr. Xuan is very strong, but you may not have any idea of ​​how strong he is. Here, I can responsibly tell you that Mr. Xuan is one of the rare ninety-eighth level extreme Douluo warriors in the world, and possesses the rare Taotie Divine Ox Martial Spirit. In the entire Douluo Continent, there can be no more than three human beings who can perfectly suppress the existence of Mr. Xuan. "

Level ninety-eight? ! ! !
Is Mr. Xuan so strong?


The whole small group suddenly heard the sound of inhaling one after another.

Although everyone had already had certain assumptions about Mr. Xuan's power, when the number ninety-eighth appeared in front of everyone, they still took a step back at the same time. They were so shocked that they could not express themselves in words.

But the next second, they fell into silence at the same time.

Yes, with a team led by a level ninety-eight Extreme Douluo being, why would someone act so carelessly?
Aren't they afraid of attracting the wrath of Extreme Douluo?
All this doesn't mean anything.
Thinking like this, everyone looked at Wang Yan with bright eyes.

"What does this mean?" Wang Yan's face flashed with a hint of sadness and sadness as to why he only understood this truth now, "It means that the other party knows Shrek Academy better than us. In addition to the almost perfect calculation of Mr. Xuan's movements, There is also an understanding of our almost arrogant confidence in our own abilities.

Everyone has spent a lot of time in the inner courtyard during this period. In fact, not to mention the inner courtyard, even the outer courtyard. One thing that is not difficult to find is that although our Shrek Academy is also developing soul guidance devices, but for the soul The focus of a mentor is far less than that of a soul master.

Especially the disciples in the inner courtyard have an almost transcendent pride in their status as soul masters.

This is what the other party is betting on. "

Wang Yan took a deep breath and looked at He Caitou: "Caitou, let me ask you, if every one of our participating team members is equipped with a defensive soul guide, then there will be such a big problem in this inspection mission. Damage?"

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