Chapter 330 Drunken Spring Breeze

Not only that, the seat under the huge golden statue is not an ordinary gold seat, but is made of golden palm-patterned stone carvings.

You must know that golden palm stones are not rare in the world, but golden palm stone is rare. Among thousands of golden palm stones, it is not possible to find even one golden palm stone that can be favored by God and is born out of the shackles of its origin. .

But this Xingjiu Auction House is so luxurious that it can be used as the base of an ordinary gold statue!

Although the gold statue is probably solid. Well, the person behind the scenes is a man who has a lot of money and doesn't like to hide it. Just such a little problem of "showing off" is not unacceptable.

At least it’s eye-catching!

Huo Yunche's eyes flashed with a hint of obvious envy. When will she be able to get rid of poverty and become rich, and lead her brother to a well-off society together!

Several people walked slowly forward along the transparent jade bricks on the ground that were faintly surrounded by moonlight.

Every minute of walking forward, there will be a pair of small pillars that look like two mandarin ducks crossing their necks. The patterns on them are extremely prosperous, the winding road between the clouds, the noisy world, and the level of sophistication. I am afraid that only a craftsman who is very good at this would have to spend several months to complete it.

But there are hundreds of pillars decorated like this!

What a shocking act of generosity!

In comparison, even capturing the moonlight and sealing it on the ground for viewing does not seem to be enough to attract the admiration of others.

At most, I just take a look at it and praise it a little for its ingenuity.

In general, the most intuitive feeling given by the entire Xingjiu Auction House’s dark scene is——

Hum! Wandered into Jinwo Wo Lai by mistake! ==(●●|||)!

"Ahem, little junior sister, your saliva is about to drop~"

Beibei coughed lightly, with a bright smile in his tone. He didn't seem to be fooled by the "heroism" in Xingjiu's dark scene. On the contrary, he was used to it. He didn't look away, so he had to laugh in a mood. Huo Yunche looked slightly absent-minded and almost had "I really want to empty this place" etched on his face.

Huo Yunche subconsciously raised his hand to wipe it on his chin. He only reacted when he reached it in mid-air. He blinked and glanced around, then with lightning speed, he pretended to be nothing. of letting go.


A few crisp laughs came from the side.

The tips of Huo Yunche's ears twitched, and he blushed. It was inevitable that a little more scorching temperature was lingering there.

"Ms. No. 999, could you please give us a brief introduction to the specifications of today's soul guide-based auction?" Wang Yan laughed and shook his head, then asked the person who was less than half a meter away in front of them. Miss maid.

No. 999 had a bit of surprise on her face at first, as she rarely met people who were gentle to her, and then she responded with a sweet smile: "Of course, sir."

"Our Xingjiu Auction House's head office only has five-level auction specifications, but we don't use it for dark auctions. We adopt a ten-level customization standard. The higher the level, the more valuable the items auctioned. Today's auction This soul guidance auction is defined as level six by Lord Jiu, so only soul guidance devices below level six will be auctioned."

Level six soul guide.

It was just as he imagined.

In this way, most of the soul masters who will come here tonight should be aiming for the sixth-level soul guidance device. It is not impossible to equip the little guys with defensive soul guidance devices or something. "Thank you." Wang Yan came back to his senses and nodded slightly towards Jiujiujiu to express his gratitude.

"You're welcome." Jiujiujiu covered her lips and chuckled, "Sir, you really are the kindest gentleman! It's a pity that you are a powerful soul master, otherwise Jiujiujiu would be tempted."

Oh haha! There is melon to eat!

Eight pairs of little ears stood up in unison.

Wang Yan: Don’t think that if you didn’t turn around, I wouldn’t have known that you guys were secretly watching the show next to me!
He coughed lightly and looked away unnaturally.

It's just that the running speed actually increased a few minutes in an instant, almost throwing the few people who were still resting on the spot several god-level distances behind them.

"Pfft, sir, don't be afraid, the little girl doesn't eat people."

Jiujiujiu chuckled, and then lightly drew a six-pointed star shape with his fingertips in the air. Purple soul power penetrated and was activated instantly. The six-pointed star was reversed and directly changed its direction, sticking tightly to everyone's heads.

The next moment, "昘——", nine jade masks of different colors fell out of thin air. They each found a host without any special guidance. They raised their legs, collapsed their butts, and jumped up, perfectly in front of everyone. His face made a home, and he lay on it comfortably and took a nap.

"Everyone, please." No. 999 cast a flirtatious look at Wang Yan, and then regardless of Wang Yan's reaction, he happily stretched out his hand to search for a while on the side of the cylinder, clasping his fingertips lightly.


A colorful vortex gate that resembled a teleportation formation suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone stepped in without hesitation.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The sudden and extremely powerful light pattern prompted Huo Yunche to subconsciously close his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he saw another scene in front of him.

Simple, elegant and as good as water.

The two hundred seats are not arranged in an orderly manner, but are scattered randomly with no rules, but it unknowingly lowers people's wariness, as if they are at home in comfort and harmony.

"Welcome all soul masters to the dark moment of the Xingjiu Auction House. Our sixth-level auction is about to begin. Please feel free to choose a seat and take a seat."

The dignified and cold female voice came from all directions. There was no trace of panic, but she was not as calm and self-possessed as a veteran. Instead, she had a sense of arrogance.

Huo Yunche and the other nine people followed the local customs, randomly selected nine seats that were not too far away, and sat down quickly.

The auction hall quickly became quiet.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

The swaying lights around him were instantly extinguished, and at the same time as it was suddenly dark, a melting warm light suddenly fell from the high platform not far away, and the shallow velvet yellow was glowing with golden light bit by bit, just like rejuvenation, at the moment of reaching the bright shore. , an elegant and intellectual auctioneer wearing a lavender dress with some fluffy curly hair hanging around his shoulders suddenly appeared in the center of the auction table!
It was a woman who looked to be in her twenties, with dignified appearance and elegant manners.

Every move is filled with skillful grace and spring scenery, which captures the heart and soul, and captivates the mind. The faint smile makes people tremble in their hearts, and the almost ubiquitous swallowing sounds in the audience are even more numerous. It adds a bit of charm and enchantment to the visitor!
This is probably the case when a beautiful woman smiles and is drunk by the spring breeze!

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