Chapter 373 Can it or can’t it?

"Can, or can't?"

Beibei's deep voice poured out.

He stared into Jiang Nannan's eyes, and his usual elegant and slightly ruffian temperament disappeared. He just stood there quietly. He was still the same person, and his appearance was still the same. Nothing had changed, but his body was still the same. But suddenly there was a powerful aura.

That was what he had hidden in front of everyone in the past. As the inheritor of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus clan, he was under the influence of the pressure of a superior who seemed to control everything.

Of course, this pressure is not against Jiang Nannan, nor is it against anyone present.

It was only at this time when he had to shoulder the responsibility that he revealed another side of himself that he had always had, and showed himself completely in front of everyone. When the "war" subsided, there was a "tall man" to take over. , he will retire peacefully and return to that lazy and yuppie boy.

Only, not now.

Jiang Nannan laughed dumbly, but it was rare for Beibei to look like this. Xiaoya should really let Xiaoya see what kind of "goods" this "old fox" next to her was.

But, win?
Jiang Nannan felt her heart beat suddenly and fiercely when she heard the word "win", her red lips slightly raised, and her body suddenly burst into arrogance, as if she had been lying on the bed and snoring all day long, unnoticed by the outside world. The cute and shaky baby panda suddenly turned into a ferocious iron-eating beast!

There are a few yes-men among the students of Shrek Academy!
If she could win, why would she ever want to lose? !

and so--

"If you can win, why not?"

The girl raised her chin proudly, her eyes quietly fell on Xu Sanshi beside her, her eyes were slightly narrowed, her long legs swept across, and she forced Xu Sanshi into a corner, then she tilted her head slightly, and a hint of a smile appeared on her lips. .

"Xu Sanshi, can you or can't you?"

Uh-huh-huh! Holy shit! Sister Nannan is so handsome! Her Royal Highness the Queen!
Huo Yunche's eyes were shining, and he folded his hands to cover his mouth in excitement, fearing that he might accidentally scream and ruin the perfect atmosphere, but in the end he couldn't hold it back, raised his elbow slightly, and bumped to the side. little friend.

The three of them came together instantly, their eyes constantly communicating.

Huo Yuhao laughed and shook his head.

Xu Sanshi, the person involved on the other side, looked at the girl who suddenly came very close to him, and his eyes fell into a brief stagnation.

Ahhhhhhhh, so close!
The girl's fragrance circled around his side, and his face instantly turned red. The two of them seemed to have switched roles instantly. Xu Sanshi's eyes were filled with a little wetness. Obediently, like a grandma, he let the girl take care of him. Trapped in a corner, he answered quietly but firmly——

"Yes, I can, I can definitely win!"

However, his eyes were obviously more focused and deeper than usual, as if a gate blocking him was suddenly unlocked with a key, and his whole person instantly became the same as before. Extremely different, but I can't tell what the difference is.

Xu Sanshi himself couldn't explain clearly.

Everyone could only see the hidden love in his eyes as he looked at Jiang Nannan, which was almost unable to be concealed and turned into a thick cloud.

Jiang Nannan's breath was also felt slightly stagnant.

She took a deep look at Xu Sanshi, put down her long legs silently, with no unnecessary expression on her face, and calmly returned to the "surrounding" of her friends. No one knew that she and Xu Sanshi had just looked at each other. The panic that suddenly shook his chest when he made contact. Seeing that the most difficult team was defeated so easily.

Beibei's eyebrows softened a little, but he underestimated the big guy's determination to win. He smiled in a good mood, and then started to match the next group in an orderly manner.

Time passed minute by minute in the discussion among everyone.

Another star is at the forefront of romance, leaving a faint bright yellow on the side of the sky.

Night is approaching.

Everyone's conversation is coming to an end.

Wang Yan accompanied several children back to the room one after another.

She should have gone back to rest, but her toes turned uncontrollably as she passed by the conference room, and she walked straight into the conference room.

"Mr. Xuan." Wang Yan bowed towards Mr. Xuan respectfully.

"Are you worried? Xiao Wangyan?"

Mr. Xuan did not open his slightly closed eyes. At his level, people around him would be coerced by his scattered mental power to report even if they had a little thought of betrayal. Naturally, they would also be aware of everyone's movements and actions. .

"Mr. Competition? If Ling Luochen participates, our winning rate will be at least 80%, not to mention 100%. "

Wang Yan pursed his lips, raised his eyes and asked directly, without any tact or humility.

Mr. Xuan thought for a moment and did not answer directly. Instead, he smiled. Gu Zuo said to him: "Xiao Wangyan, look, they are discussing tactics like crazy, are they more serious than before? How youthful is it?”

Mr. Xuan didn't have any intention of asking Wang Yan to answer. He opened his eyes and chuckled:

"Don't young people just have to be unafraid of the distance, face the light, and then swim upstream? In that case, what's the harm in one game early or one game late? After all, isn't our main goal to train them? And since It’s training, and what could be more suitable as a sharpening stone than the masterpiece of Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy?”

Wang Yan understood that losing a match would not cause Shrek Academy to fall out of the promotion ranks, but it would be a good test for the minds of everyone in the reserve team. It turned out to be a plan that killed many birds with one stone.

It might have been just a normal dungeon difficulty, but it turned into a hell level difficulty.

Wang Yan looked at Mr. Xuan and felt worried. Based on his understanding of the kids in the reserve team, Mr. Xuan could really accept that the reserve team used an extremely tragic posture to tear apart the reserve team of Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy. Is it the desperate situation of blockade brought about by the crushing combat power?

The next morning.

The dazzling skylight shuttled through, shining on the closed eyes of all eight members of the Shrek Academy reserve team, waking them up gently and kindly.

They were still not very energetic when they woke up, but as if they had suddenly received a notice, everyone got up silently, yawned, washed up, and came together with their packed breakfasts.

cooked rice!

Huo Yunche ate his breakfast without hesitation. What if he made a mistake and lost the game because he didn't eat enough? You must take in good nutrition to nip the danger in the bud!

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