Chapter 396 The game begins

"Shrek Academy representative team, Huo Yunche."

Huo Yunche's eyes were as clear as water, his voice was as calm as ink, calm and indifferent, without a trace of restraint, and he no longer looked as cute and harmless as he usually did in front of his friends.

Her posture was upright, the corners of her lips were half hooked, and her deep blue eyes revealed a calmness and a touch of unruliness that was not as good as her appearance. Then her crystal clear eyes fell on Zhengtian Senior Soul without any surprise. The last member of the Teachers College who has not yet spoken.

The appearance of the male team member was the same as that of their captain. Although he was not handsome, he was not ugly either.

It's just that some young people seem to be older.

Especially the sparse patch of hair on the top of his head, which looks like a pitiful person who is overusing his brain. Coupled with his flat nose that seems to have been crushed by thick glasses, and his stubborn hair that is sparse. The long bangs block the front mirror, giving her an "introverted" look.
Judging from his appearance, it’s hard to tell that he is less than twenty years old!
"Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy, Shangguan Can."

Shangguan Can's voice sounded weakly. When he raised his eyes and met Huo Yunche's gaze, his shoulders shrank back because of fright. The next second, he timidly raised his eyes again and mustered up his courage. , looked towards Huo Yunche and the others.

Although he looks like he is easy to bully, in terms of auxiliary control, he is one of the best in this competition.

It can be said that compared to captain Ye Wuqing's strength, Shangguan Can's auxiliary control ability is more impressive to Wang Yan, who has seen countless geniuses in his life.

In other words, in Wang Yan's mind, Shangguan Can's auxiliary control ability is ranked among the best even in Shrek Academy, of course, among the kids in the outer courtyard.

After all, those who can get into the inner courtyard all started at least with the fifth ring, and almost all of them were among the best in their generation in their respective fields of expertise. How could they be worse than Shangguan, who only had the fourth ring?

However, it is worth mentioning that Shangguan Can and Yan'er are both four-ring soul sect-level beings in the Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy representative team.

It's just that although they haven't been able to break through the fifth ring yet, the gap between them is only one and a half points. If there is one person willing to "push" them, they may be able to break through in an instant.

And Ye Qingqing
As mentioned before, Ye Qingqing is the only one in the Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy representative team who is close to the sixty-level soul emperor - the fifty-eighth level assault system soul king.

I have to say that this speed of cultivation is not a compliment from Mr. Xuan in vain.

"Please go to the waiting position and wait." Upon hearing this, both the enemy and the friend turned around almost at the same time, standing back to back in one place, with the main goal of not touching the other, and no one trying to get in touch with each other.

The next moment——

"Although I don't know why Shrek Academy sent you a bunch of immature-looking little guys to participate in the competition, but..." Ye Qingqing thought about the words, turned them over and over again, and finally blurted out this sentence , "You have used your strength to win this respect and honor for yourself, Shrek, and the team."

"It's just that we also want to win, so we will never have any reservations just because you are still young. In this last game, victory will definitely belong to our Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy."

Ye Qingqingnan from the Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy said softly. As he spoke, there was a sharp cold light in his eyes. The first two competitions were so humiliating that this one was so hard on him. The pressure on my body has increased dramatically!
You know, there are three soul kings in the team, but they can't beat the top one, which is just a soul sect. Especially when Shrek's most powerful offensive soul sect has not yet come on stage, this is such an abstract story!

An unknown "Sanskrit sound" emerged crazily in Ye Qingqing's heart. However, the team that has reached this point is second to none in terms of character and belief. He quickly suppressed the complicated and distracting thoughts in his heart. , his eyes faintly glanced at the three. The sense of intimidation surged instantly!

Little Three: Well, how can I put it this way? Isn’t this pressure really cool? But do they look like fragile ghosts who could be threatened with stabbing? Obviously it can't be done!

"Then I think you will be disappointed." The corner of Huo Yuhao's mouth twitched, and his face was indescribably serious, as if he was sending a very sincere blessing.

"I bet on a clean sheet in the end."

Huo Yunche shrugged and laughed.

Everyone thought that Shrek Academy was a soft persimmon that could be easily squeezed, but they insisted on covering the soft persimmon with thorns.

If you want to obtain the honorable title of "the first to defeat Shrek Academy's representative team in thousands of years" by suppressing them, you have to explore the thorny path first.

However, this thorn is not a simple thorn bush.

But I really hope they won’t “stab” me in the end╮(‵▽′)╭

The teams on both sides stayed in place for a brief moment, exchanged a few words of humiliation, and then strode towards the waiting area.

The next moment, Duke White Tiger's voice suddenly sounded, filled with the indifference of wanting nothing:

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, the Shrek Academy representative team will face the Zhengtian Advanced Soul Master Academy representative team, the third round of the round-robin two-two-three format, the game begins!"

Accompanied by this sound that was silent but resounding in their heads, the positions of both teams instantly flashed several different lights one after another. They were multifarious and colorful, and it could be said that the flowers were becoming more and more charming!

Huo Yuhao was the first to flash his eyes, and the silver-white first soul ring lit up instantly!

"The first soul skill, mental detection sharing."

An invisible virtual network suddenly formed from the air. Huo Yunche and Wang Dong were instantly pulled into a world with sharper ears and eyesight. Virtual silver rays of light flew and repaired in mid-air. In an instant, the opponent's large-scale movement trajectory suddenly changed. Completely formed in their minds!

In front of him, dazzling golden light burst out of the sky in an instant along with brilliant blue, and the two colors of blue and gold followed the flapping wings behind Wang Dong and instantly covered his whole body!

The beautiful feather scales glow with faint broken light under the blue and gold colors. What is reflected in the ultimate broken light is the ultimate beauty!
It’s the goddess of light, Butterfly!

Huo Yunche's body suddenly ignited with flames. The flames were bright and the beating heart of the flames burned every inch. After the heart of the flames climbed to the extreme distance, it instantly shrank into a ball again and clung tightly to its owner's body. Between the wrists, along the skin, you are watching the world faintly, as if if someone dares to come forward, they will immediately fly out and use your own small flames to wrap them up and cook them fiercely!

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