Chapter 4 Stars
"Fifty miles ahead, we will enter the territory of the Star Dou Great Forest. There are spirit beasts infesting, please pay attention to safety."

finally reached!

Star Dou Great Forest!
Can you finally take the first step to rewrite your destiny?
Huo Yunche, brother and sister looked at the huge monster in front of them in a daze. How many fellow soul masters who were more powerful than them were buried in this quiet and secluded place. Can they succeed in getting what they want here?
"Brother, let's go!"

Nervous yet somewhat uneasy, Huo Yunche stretched out his hand to hold the white tiger necklace on his chest, took a deep breath, and walked forward with firm steps.

No matter what, becoming a soul master is an inevitable choice for her and her brother to embark on the road of cultivation; becoming a soul master is also the only way for them to defeat the enemy, this is the obsession in the hearts of the two brothers and sisters.

They will never allow themselves to regret and waver
Star Dou Great Forest!us!coming!

Something is wrong!
Too quiet.

On the outskirts of the vast and boundless Star Dou Forest, all kinds of groups of ten-year-old soul beasts are indispensable. However, since the Huo Yunche brothers and sisters stepped into the forest, they have never seen any soul beasts. The flowers are the blue silver grass everywhere, the only sound echoing in the forest is the cautious and slight footsteps of the brother and sister, even the occasional wind that passes through is silent.

This is not right!
A somewhat weird feeling appeared in the minds of the siblings. Huo Yunche and his elder brother Huo Yuhao looked at each other, their hands clenched the dagger pinned to their waists, ready to strike.

"elder brother!"

The early warning function of the spiritual eye successfully left a way out for Huo Yuhao, his soul power circulated, the dagger in his hand was thrown out, and his body quickly fell to the left, leaving only a golden phantom in the faintly bright eyes.

It should be a golden butterfly with a mist-like purplish airflow all over its body. It was so fast that even the spirit eyes couldn't capture the complete image, and could only vaguely perceive the extreme danger contained in its beauty.

Huo Yunche's pale face flushed from nervousness and anger. She almost lost her brother who depended on her for life.

Bloodthirsty bright red diffused in her blue eyes.

As a variation of the spiritual eye, although the evil eye does not act on the spirit like the spiritual eye, it has full observation and vigilance on the surrounding environment, but it directly affects the soul, and everything in the world, as long as it is a living thing with a soul , can't escape the perception of evil eyes.

But at this moment, its most obvious function is positioning, which is why Huo Yunche can promptly remind him when the soul beast appears.

The petite figure ruthlessly dashed towards the open space beside him. The dagger thrown by Huo Yuhao at the soul beast that was suspected of being a butterfly was not useless, but probably because he looked down on the ants. The track left a shallow scratch on the wing, and bought Huo Yunche a few seconds.


The cold light came down bitterly, and it was about to hit the butterfly beast's fragile and fragile neck.


The Butterfly Beast also seemed to feel the threat from the cub in front of it. It suddenly opened its mouth wide, and a flame of golden light spewed out from the Butterfly Beast's mouth, straight towards Huo Yunche's face.

Huo Yunche could only forcibly stop his figure, rolled sideways, and relying on the powerful resonance to the soul, the dagger in his hand pierced through and hit!
However, some daggers with rolling blades did not seriously injure the butterfly beast as Huo Yunche hoped, and only left a scar about an inch long on its butterfly wing. Blood gushed out and dripped on the butterfly. On the ground, in just a few breaths, the blue silver grass on the ground quickly withered and withered, and in the end there was not even a trace left behind.


That misty purple air flow is actually the poisonous gas diluted from the butterfly beast's body!
"Plop! Plop!"

The nervous heartbeat sounded clearly, Huo Yunche's pupils shrank slightly, and his breathing became obviously rapid.The enemy this time is different from what she has faced in the past. In her few "death fights", she always attacked secretly, and then controlled them with evil eyes, controlled them with evil eyes, and controlled them with evil eyes. eye……

"To create conditions for Xie Mou..."

Huo Yunche licked his slightly dry lips, fixed his eyes on the butterfly beast, and the palm holding the dagger was already covered with sweat. Even if he wanted to brainstorm, but because of the threat in front of him, he was somewhat restrained and dazed. I don't know how to deal with it.

It's still a pot with too little combat experience!

"call out!"

Falling rocks the size of a fist rained down on the butterfly beast's location. It was Huo Yuhao!
Huo Yuhao, who didn't have the dagger in his hand, knew that he was only causing trouble for his sister by going forward, but he couldn't just watch his sister fight with the soul beast while he watched the show.

He looked around for a while, collected materials locally, and picked up the rubble scattered around him, which was trampled by some spirit beast.With the blessing of the spirit eyes, the gravel he threw was extremely accurate. Although the damage was only to tickle the butterfly beast, the wounds on the butterfly wings were hit several times, and a few small pieces were smashed on the head. The swollen butterfly beast is annoying.


The Butterfly Beast suffered from the hands of the two two-legged cubs several times, and its temper also came up. It ignored the bloody left wing, spread its wings, and suddenly a strong wind blew up, and the two brothers and sisters were engulfed by the strong wind. "Bang--", it slammed hard in front of the giant tree behind it.

"Cough cough..."

Severe pain swept through her whole body, and the dagger in Huo Yunche's hand had fallen to nowhere when it was blown by the wind. She tried her best to get up, but fell to the ground fiercely because of the severe pain.


The butterfly beast in the distance had a fierce look in its eyes, and it rushed towards Huo Yunche quickly. According to its perception, this female cub was far more threatening than that male.

Are you going to die here?
Huo Yunche's face showed despair, and the butterfly wings glowing with cold light enlarged in front of her eyes. It took only a few seconds, but it seemed as if a century had passed.


Huo Yuhao rushed over and hugged his sister's body, and blocked the butterfly beast's blow with his not-so-thick back. He only felt his eyes go dark, and he lost consciousness instantly.

"elder brother!"

Huo Yunche hugged his brother's slipped body in a daze, and pressed the wound on his back with his small hands, trying to block the blood that kept flowing out, but her hands were too small, and the wound was too long and deep, so there was nothing to block it at all. possible.


The butterfly beast's playful laughter came from the ear.

Huo Yunche carefully placed Huo Yuhao on the ground and raised his head abruptly.

"Second Soul Skill, Splitting Soul!"

"Crack the soul!"

"Crack the soul!"

"I want you to be buried with my brother!"

Cracking the soul, as the name suggests, tearing the soul apart.In the past, Huo Yunche felt that Xie Mou's second soul ability was too weird, and the damage to the soul would cause some changes, especially if the soul was completely torn, theoretically, the soul would be scattered, and every time it was used, it would be destroyed. , she always has a hint of addiction, so she can not use it if she doesn't use it, but today she can't control so much anymore.

"Crack the soul!"

"Crack the soul!"

"Crack the soul!"


Sensing a strange deadly danger approaching, the soul beast's instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages made the butterfly beast turn around and run away without caring about killing the cub in front of it.

At this point in the battle, Huo Yunche's mental power and soul power have basically both won. She just relied on the perseverance to avenge her brother to support herself so that she would not fall down.

She must!want!watch!Butterfly!die!
She grabbed the butterfly beast's tail feathers, and relying on the anger in her heart, she climbed onto its body vigorously, opened her small mouth, and bit its neck with all her strength.


The double bite of the soul and the body made even the Butterfly Beast feel unbearable pain. It reversed its flying direction and crazily hit the giant tree beside it, trying to knock Huo Yunche off.

But what it didn't know was that the moment Huo Yunche bit its neck, she had already lost consciousness, leaving only her body's instincts, so it was destined to die in this game made by human cubs it despised. In the catastrophe.

The blood and the poisonous gas needed to maintain life were exhausted by the swallowing of the cubs behind it, and the butterfly beast finally hit the ground with its head, and a purple with a little black halo floated out of it.

This butterfly beast is actually a thousand-year soul beast that is about to evolve into ten thousand years!

A brother and sister of Huo Yunche, who were both two-ring and one-ring soul masters, actually consumed a thousand-year-old soul beast that was about to evolve for ten thousand years!

Unheard of!

Of course, this might become a secret that even their brothers and sisters don't know.

The bronze-colored phantom flashed past, and the slightly black halo in the purple fell down as if being pulled, the fusion and transformation began in Huo Yunche's unconscious state.

At the same time, the unconscious Huo Yuhao also had his own adventure.

"I finally met a human being with a spiritual attribute. It's a pity that I can't cry, otherwise I must have burst into tears!"

"Too weak, too weak. This is too tragic. I am so pitiful! How many seals do I have to attach to myself to make your weak body bear it. This wisdom soul ring is really not good. "

After going around and going around, Brother Tianmeng still brought Huo Tangsan's established son-in-law, the peerless Tang Sect's biggest relative, soul vested interest, Yuhao's biggest cheat-a million-year-old soul-Tianmeng The ice silkworm himself appeared on the stage.

"Wahaha, no matter what, brother is finally free. Those bastards who treat brother as food, you have no chance. Wahahahahahahahahahahaha."


(End of this chapter)

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