Chapter 414: Rain
Swaying in the breeze.

A petal of pear blossom fluttered down, and the next moment, the voices of twins suddenly rang out, one was domineering yet a little naive, while the other was timid yet with a hint of crying. The two completely different male voices mixed together, resounding between heaven and earth!

"Martial Soul Fusion Technique, Pear Blossoms with Rain!"

Flowers bloomed all over the sky.

It's drizzling.

Beibei's mouth twitched slightly. Was this actually the literal interpretation of "pear blossoms in the rain"? Although he had seen it many times when watching games before, he could not get rid of the weird feeling of absurdity when he experienced it in person.

His eyes were soon blocked by the continuous drizzle. The pear blossoms transformed by the twins quietly disappeared in the hazy drizzle, but -

Beibei's ears moved slightly.

Although the drizzle could block his vision and confuse his hearing, the sound of raindrops splashing was completely different from the sound of the flowers falling off the branches and being bewitched by the drizzle.

Got you.

There seemed to be a flash of blue-purple lightning in his eyes, and then he actually closed his eyes, slightly tensed his toes, and his soul power suddenly flowed out from his dantian and merged into his limbs and bones!
The next moment, the whole person turned into a blue-purple thunder and shot out like a flash of lightning!

"The third soul skill, Thunder's Fury."


"The fourth soul skill, Thunder Dragon Head!"

A huge dragon head turned out from the misty rain, with brilliant lightning and thunder roaring. The thunder dragon raised its head and slightly opened its sharp eyes. A terrifying pressure suddenly surged between heaven and earth. The drizzle didn't even have time to get close to its body before it was burned to pieces by the crazy lightning and thunder and evaporated directly.

The deep and high-pitched dragon roars continued.

The Thunder Dragon Head stepped out fiercely, its deep and cold eyes fixed on the direction of the twins whose tree was full of pear blossoms but had no branches to block the view. There seemed to be thoughts surging in its pupils, and even more like raging rage!
Twins: How come this guy is not afraid of the tearful Ah Shuai at all?
You know, their martial soul fusion technique is not a useless fusion technique that simply turns into pear blossoms and then causes a drizzle to appear!

You know, although "pear blossoms with rain" looks delicate and fragile, it actually hides a lot of secrets. The falling drizzle is poisonous! It is equivalent to the effect of super-effective muscle softening powder! !
But not only Beibei seemed unaffected, even Jiang Nannan and Ling Luochen were not affected at all. How could this not make the twins feel depressed?
However, they soon ran out of time to be depressed.

The Thunder Dragon shook its head very quickly, not even leaving the twins any time to think. The thunder fell, and the raging lightning instantly tore into pieces many pear blossom petals that flew like sharp blades!
The twins were shocked!
The two of them were in sync with each other, and they went all out, pouring all their soul power into the martial soul fusion technique. The next moment -


The pear petals all over the ground seemed to be inspired in an instant. They suddenly flew into the air, with sharp silver light rippling on the edges of the petals. With a "whoosh", they flew straight away, with murderous intent everywhere!
He went straight towards the Thunder Dragon's head!

The thunder dragon raised its head and opened its mouth wide, and a flash of lightning that turned completely white quietly emerged!

The two collided directly without any hesitation!


A dazzling white light suddenly tore through the sky!

I don't know if it's a sign.

After a hole was torn in the gloomy sky, the gray rain clouds seemed to feel threatened and fled in all directions.

The sky suddenly brightens, and everything is good.

Apart from--


"Bang——" Two more sad figures fell to the ground.

Duke Baihu remained silent. With a wave of his hand, he no longer had the mood to report. He picked up the unconscious Changning twins, and then used his soul power to send them to the newly expanded tent of the medical staff.

As of this time.

The only one left in Changning Academy was Ning Changze, who was at the Soul King level. The auxiliary soul master beside Ning Changze, who saw his teammates being sent off the field one after another, muttered with a sullen face, "You call me brother again in vain." There was another person. Hmm? There was another person? !

After Jiang Nannan sent Su San away with a cold face, her eyes kept searching in the direction of Changning Advanced Soul Master Academy, but she could not find the specific whereabouts of the other person she was responsible for.

"This guy's hiding skills are quite strong." Jiang Nannan thought to herself, "Forget it, if I can't find him, I'll just change my target."

Zuo Xiaoliu, the poor assistant of the Changning Advanced Soul Master Academy team, suddenly felt a chill on his back. With a sad face, he glanced back cautiously, but saw nothing.

I looked again, but still saw nothing.

Even though he looked back several times to confirm, he was still uneasy.

So, Zuo Xiaoliu bravely moved step by step to the side of his captain Ning Changze. His eyes were filled with panic, and he swallowed unconsciously, and spoke in a trembling voice:
"Captain, why do I feel like I'm the next one to go?"

Ning Changze closed the book of answers in his hand with a "snap" again, but was still seen by Zuo Xiaoliu.

There are three large gold-plated characters written on it:

"if not?"

There was a hint of sarcasm.

Zuo Xiaoliu turned his face away silently, stretched out his hand in front of his mouth and made a zipper motion, then turned off the microphone.

He still doesn't want to humiliate himself.
At this moment, Jiang Nannan's figure suddenly appeared!

The second soul ring suddenly flashed again!

A heavy gravity blockade suddenly descended from the sky, and the weak assistant Zuo Xiaoliu was instantly crushed and staggered. The cheerleading ball in his hand instantly lit up, and two floating whiskers suddenly broke away from the ball and turned into two beams of light, one on the left and one on the right, which enveloped him and the captain Ning Changze beside him.


This trick might work against others, but it's a perfect match for Jiang Nannan, who is asking for trouble!
Jiang Nannan kicked the light column and her first soul skill suddenly lit up!

"The first soul skill, waist bow!"

After all, the light column was only a pillar that existed to protect people, and it was not a stone pillar that had taken root in the ground. So Jiang Nannan just kicked it, and the people inside lost their composure due to the shaking and vibration of the light column, and with a "bang", they fell backwards on the square along with the light column!

This makes it easier to use the waist bow.

Jiang Nannan took out a long stick from her storage ring, lifted the light column into an arc, and then transformed her soul power into a rope, instantly binding the light column tightly!
Then, he stepped one foot on the beam of light and suddenly exerted force on his waist.




Zuo Xiaoliu was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground. He was so dizzy that even the light column didn't have time to dissipate. He vomited all over the place. In the end, he was suffocated by his own vomit and fell backwards with a crisp "Duang" sound. He hit the ground with the back of his head and fainted.

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