Chapter 416

"Wuhun is damaged?" Beibei raised an eyebrow and quickly grasped the key words. "Didn't the doctors say..."

"The spirit is broken, right?" Xiao Xiao quickly took over the conversation, "The story starts from the night when we attended the treasure appreciation meeting. In short, thanks to Xiao Yunche and Yuhao, the ten thousand year old tortoise shell Ganoderma lucidum that I spent a huge amount of money to buy was well put to good use~"

"Xiao Xiao." He Caitou, who rarely spoke, called Xiao Xiao softly. His eyes fell on Xiao Xiao's pale face, and he felt a dull pain in his heart from time to time.

Still too weak.
"What's wrong, with senior brother?" Xiao Xiao raised her face and responded slightly obediently.

He Caitou clenched his fists, pursed his lips and asked, "You refined this ten thousand year old tortoise-shell Ganoderma lucidum the night before the match with Zhengtian. Did you already make the decision to self-destruct your martial spirit?"

Xiaoxiao met He Caitou's persistent and all-seeing eyes. Her eyes dimmed slightly and the smile on her face gradually faded. She turned her face away silently and lowered her head. Her dark green twin ponytails leaned forward slightly, and coincidentally, they were blocking her in front of her.

The whole face was buried under the "shadow" of the twin ponytails.

half an hour.

"Brother He, I'm just an ordinary person."

"It doesn't count that much."

"It's just that I don't want to lose, especially not in such a cowardly way."

"With Senior Brother, Senior Brother, and Sister Nannan." Xiao Xiao lowered her head, her toes constantly scratching the ground. After a while, her voice came out a little muffled, and it seemed to be filled with regret and a flash of "jealousy," "Xiao Yunche and the others are really too bright."

"She was so strong that sometimes I didn't even know whether I was standing in the audience as her teammate or as her 'opponent'."

"Especially on the stage of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, they are so dazzling that they make my soul tremble."

“As a partner, I am happy for their strength.”

"But as a partner, I don't want to be left too far behind by them."

There was a flash of confusion in Xiao Xiao's eyes. She was a little incoherent, and expressed her thoughts in a confused manner. But as she spoke, she found that she did not seem to be like everyone else, trying her best to "love" Shrek Academy. From her starting point, Shrek Academy was not even in the top ten.

Is this right?

she does not know.

There was even a hint of shame on her face for her selfishness, and a hint of embarrassment appeared on her pale cheeks. She couldn't tell whether that moment of "enlightenment" was good or bad. She just subconsciously followed her instinct and revealed all her feelings.

"I'm ashamed." Xiao Xiao blinked her eyelashes, "I'm not 100% enthusiastic about defeating my opponents and protecting the glory of Shrek Academy.

I have a family. Although there are constant disputes within my family, I have a mother and father who love me, and a grandfather who has done his best to train me and loves me. So... unlike everyone else who regards Shrek Academy as their home, deep in my heart, I always have a place to belong.

Therefore, it is difficult for me to love and protect Shrek Academy with 100% enthusiasm like everyone else, even if it means sacrificing my life for it.

I just want to prove to Xiao Yunche and the others that although I, Xiao Xiao, am still weak, I am not a useless person who can only be protected by everyone, but a partner who can shoulder the burden and stand by everyone through thick and thin. "

Ling Luochen's eyebrows softened. "Xiao Xiao, listen to me." Ling Luochen whispered softly, her slightly cool palms gently placed on Xiao Xiao's cheeks, her eyes met Xiao Xiao's nervous gaze as she waited for judgment after a deep self-analysis, "This is not your problem."

"If you don't have a full sense of belonging, it's because the academy is too incompetent. It's the academy's problem. You are here to study, not to carry the academy around with you. No one stipulates that the students of Shrek Academy must be responsible for Shrek Academy. There is no such logic in the world. It's the same everywhere."

“Moreover,” she chuckled, her clear voice ringing in Xiao Xiao’s ears, “Even if your initial purpose was just to prove it to Xiao Yunche and the others, you also indirectly achieved the goal of protecting the glory of Shrek’s inheritance for thousands of years, didn’t you?”

“Sometimes, purpose and results don’t need to be separated so much.”

“Even if you have selfish motives, you still have to risk your martial spirit being shattered to prove to Xiao Yunche and the others that you are capable of protecting what everyone wants to protect. Isn’t this actually protecting Shrek Academy?”

"So, you are already great, Xiaoxiao."

Jiang Nannan lowered her head and her forehead touched Xiaoxiao's.

Strands of cool air suddenly spread out, penetrated into Xiaoxiao's slightly dilated pores due to stimulation, and a refreshing chill broke out instantly.

Xiaoxiao shivered from the cold.

The uncomfortable feeling in his heart disappeared instantly. When he recalled what nonsense he had just said, he pulled the corners of his mouth a little embarrassedly and slapped himself in the face with his hand.

Depend on!


Xiaoxiao, you are already great.

"Hehehe~" Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao suddenly laughed like a pervert. Sister Nan Nan praised her! She was even pinched on the face by the beauty! Wow! And there are stickers!

When Xiao Yunche wakes up, she will definitely go to her bed and show off!
Sweet and soft sister Nan Nan, Wuhu!
Beibei and Xu Sanshi looked at each other blankly. It was obvious that they did not quite understand the girl's thoughts. One second she was still dying in that sad breath, wilted like rice that had died of drought, and the next second she was full of energy and vitality again. Anyone who saw her would doubt whether these two states separated by just one second were due to the risk of being possessed by a ghost.


Not that it's a bad thing.

Beibei and Caitou were keenly aware of the changes in Xiaoxiao. The sudden increase in their soul power and the uncontrollable aftertaste of their soul power all proved one thing - the cleansing and purification of their mind.

I guess this girl Xiaoxiao is not far from the Fourth Ring Road.

A hint of joy surged in the hearts of both of them, as the saying goes, "Misfortune often brings good fortune, and good fortune often brings misfortune."

Xiao Xiao managed to get through this crisis beautifully!

As for whether or not to make Shrek the master, the two brothers unanimously ignored the issue. After all, they were all students of Shrek Academy and they all loved and respected it. Wasn't that enough?
Why bother to dwell on this dead end?

Whether it is home or not, let time tell and write it.

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