Douluo 2: I transmigrated as Huo Yuhao's own sister

Chapter 419: Carrying the Hospital Bed

Chapter 419: Carrying the Hospital Bed
Huo Yuhao slept soundly for a long time.

It lasted so long that when he first regained consciousness, he seemed to be hallucinating in his ears, with a chattering sound as if someone was saying something non-stop, and from time to time there were bursts of undisguised laughter, which sounded extremely happy.

Even Huo Yuhao, whose consciousness was still hazy, couldn't help but relax his tense face in recent days, and a faint smile appeared on his face without him even noticing.

"Wow! Really?!" Another exclamation.

"Yes, yes! You don't know, the audience was stunned at that time!" Wang Dong nodded like a chick pecking at rice, and a hint of pride in his voice gradually became clear and visible.

“Of course! Xiao Yunche, you don’t know, even though it can’t be said that there are thousands of miles of ice and tens of thousands of miles of snow, but the wild dancing of the silver snakes and the low roar of the silver dragons will surely scare those haters who are pessimistic about it!” Xiao Xiao also nodded frantically, with a lingering burning color in his eyes.

"That's great! I also want to go there to see what the spectacular sight is like." Huo Yunche stretched out his voice, the aftertaste lingering in his ears was full of envy.

“What do you want to see?” Huo Yuhao’s low and hoarse murmur sounded quietly.

"I really want to see the powerful combination of brother and senior sister Ling~"

Let’s go back to a few days ago.

Huo Yuhao woke up in the third game after he fell unconscious, which was about half an hour before the start of the eighth round of the round-robin tournament.

At that time, Ling Luochen was making the final deployment of the troops. When he saw Huo Yuhao waking up, his eyes immediately lit up. Then a doctor hurried over with a large and thick syringe tube in his hand, which he had just taken from the patient's room and used to treat the patient before pressing him to the bed.

The big thick syringe tube is really a giant one.

With such a figure, even Xu Sanshi and He Caitou would have to admit defeat.

Of course, that's not the point.

The key point is that after Huo Yuhao recovered a little, Ling Luochen stared at his bed quietly, like a "peeping maniac", and no one knew what he was thinking.

“Yuhao.” Ling Luochen suppressed the lingering itch from the depths of his soul and the momentary fear on his face, and moved to Huo Yuhao’s side with a little excitement, chatting with his friends beside him, revealing some unknown intentions, “For the competition in half a quarter of an hour, can you adjust your condition? You just need to recover as much soul power as possible.”

“Sister Nan Nan, do you need me to play?” Huo Yuhao supported himself with his hands on the iron pillars on both sides that were used to help him recover temporarily. He pushed himself up and sat up. “But my legs…”

He tapped his legs in distress, already unconscious: "If I go on stage like this, I will only be a burden to all of you. Even if I use mental detection and shared assistance, I may still be a burden."

Being unable to move is undoubtedly as bad as cutting off one's right arm in such a competitive arena. Anyone can come and bully you, and once you get on the stage, you will be the first target of concentrated fire.

But what could he not be satisfied with if he could play? Huo Yuhao placed his palm on his slightly agitated heart, his brows slightly closed, and after a while, he said: "Although my soul power cannot be fully restored, I think I can give it a try!"

"It doesn't matter if I can't move, as long as I can use my soul power."

The two said almost in unison.

Ling Luochen heard this and chuckled, "How courageous! That's good. In that case, let's have the next competition." Let's have the next competition.
What do you mean it's just you and me who have to take the stage?
Huo Yuhao seemed a little confused, but before he could ask, Ling Luochen turned around in a good mood, leaving the space for Huo Yuhao to recover. He then held his hands in front of the window and looked into the distance at the competition stage not far away.

His expression was calm, without a trace of panic.

Instead, there is a hint of eagerness to face the unknown.

He even completely passed by her and was also looking into the distance, his eyes fixed on himself without blinking. No, it should be that he was staring at her through her figure into the ward. Having said that, this gaze was still following him like a flea.

Ling Luochen frowned and looked around, but didn't see any movement.

Could it be an illusion?

But she didn't have time to think carefully.

The bell for the competition rang again. Ling Luochen waved his sleeves, without taking away any dust, and walked forward leisurely. Not surprisingly, he won option number "seven" in a team battle.

"I hereby announce that the eighth round of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Fighting Spirit Competition will be held between Shrek Academy and the Heavenly Soul Empire Yinghuo Advanced Soul Master Academy. The competition item is the 'seven' good card option, which is a team battle. Please ask the contestants of both sides to go to the stage in ten minutes to prepare."

He is still the unshakable Duke of White Tiger.

This time, His Majesty the Emperor of the Xingluo Empire has utilized the value of the Duke of White Tiger to the fullest.

He really doesn't want to suffer any loss.

After all, he was the one who presided over the round-robin tournament. Would it be appropriate to change him later? Unless Xingluo could dig out some more powerful old monsters to take charge, the Duke of White Tiger could be said to be firmly in this position, with no chance of being shaken.

Even though there was a hint of impatience on his face that he couldn't control, he couldn't do that.

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Ling Luochen was the first to throw away his embroidered robe and slowly stood up under the gaze of the entire audience.

When Huo Yuhao was thinking about how to get to the competition stage, he saw Bei Bei, Xu Sanshi, He Cai Tou and Xiao Xiao looking at each other with smiles. Then Bei Bei touched the ring with her fingertips, and a small single bed instantly appeared in the air.

“Eh! No? Senior Brother! Wait!” Huo Yuhao’s pupils trembled instantly. Was it not what he thought?
“It’s just what you think, Yuhao~” Xiao Xiao happily stepped to the side of Huo Yuhao, pushed the wooden wheelchair that carried him, and pushed his figure lightly to the front of the bed. His movements were steady, without any tremor at all.

“Wang Dong, save me!” Feeling that he was about to die, Huo Yuhao turned around with a sad face and asked for help from Wang Dong who was watching the show on the side.

But Wang Dong was also a wounded soldier, and even if he wanted to help, he was powerless. He silently glanced at the wheelchair under him, touched the tip of his nose, gave Huo Yuhao a look that showed he was helpless and told him to wish him the best, then turned his head away with a guilty look.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!
Wang Dong was not stupid. He would not speak at this moment. What if he was thrown up later? Throughout history, Huo Yuhao was the only one who participated in the competition while lying on a hospital bed? It was embarrassing just to think about it!
Wang Dong silently simulated in his mind the scene of Huo Yuhao lying on the hospital bed and dominating the world. He almost laughed out loud. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and held it back the moment he wanted to laugh. Fortunately, he didn't leave him with a huge "handle"!

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