Douluo 2: I transmigrated as Huo Yuhao's own sister

Chapter 426: Attribute-fixed Soul Guide Cannon

Chapter 426: Attribute-fixed Soul Guide Cannon
"A whole set of fixed-type soul-guided artillery shells!"

"Twelve in total!"

“All level six!”

The three of them were chattering, sighing with emotion, their tone full of shock. After coming back to their senses, they almost simultaneously turned around to look at Wang Yan, the only one who could make the decision. Three pairs of identical bright pupils were filled with desire.

"Teacher Wang! Polish it! Polish it hard! No matter how much it costs! It's worth it! All!" Huo Yunche was so excited that she was even a little incoherent. She had never used a fixed-type soul guide cannon, but she had used it with Cai Tou!

The brilliant fireworks that exploded when we were attacked in Shrek's outer city that night and fought against that group of evil soul masters were no joke!
God knows how many times she has tried to sneak around Teacher Fanyu, but she still hasn't been able to obtain the right to use a fixed-type soul guide shell! !

Therefore, whenever He Caitou carefully wiped his fixed-type soul guide cannon, there would always be a faint look of envy around him.

That’s right, Huo Yunche was extremely envious!

Of course, this was not the reason why Huo Yunche asked Wang Yan to buy this set of fixed-type soul guide shells.

"Just as the distinguished guests thought, these twelve fixed-type soul guide shells, like the previous eighth-level soul guide weapon, the Tyrant Tiger Soul Refining Knife, were also produced by Mingde Hall."

The top auctioneer took a light walk, raised his hands slightly, and the palms were covered with a faint bright yellow halo the moment they were raised. Then he slightly pressed his hands against the pile of fixed soul guide shells, and exerted a little force -

Everyone's heart suddenly hung in suspense, and their eyes were fixed on the fixed-type soul guide cannon that was being lifted up in Jiujiu's palm with great force.

But don't let it explode like this!
It is obvious that their concerns are just useless concerns.

Since it has been presented as an auction item, Starlight Auction House will naturally ensure that the item is in a harmless state when it appears in front of everyone, otherwise wouldn’t it damage their own brand?
Didn’t you see the ripples on Jiujiu’s palm when it was covered with the fixed-type soul guide shell?
It turned out to be a series of protections for the fixed-type soul guide cannons that the Starlight Auction House had installed for safety reasons.

Jiujiu's hand holding the fixed-type soul guide cannon did not tremble at all. On the contrary, every word she said was powerful.

"Although these twelve fixed-installation soul guide shells are sold in sets, each of them has a different effect. Please take a look -

All twelve sizes are standard.

Each one has an extremely sophisticated core magic array, the complexity of which is definitely not inferior to any sixth-level soul guide, and is even not inferior to a mid-level seventh-level soul guide.

More importantly, they are not fixed-type soul-guided shells with a single damage effect."

Not a single type?
He Caitou, who was relatively proficient in this among the crowd, was slightly stunned.

Is it
"That's right! These twelve fixed-type soul guide shells are the only twelve fixed-type soul guide shells with attributes in the world except for Mingde Hall! As far as Jiujiu knows, there is currently no soul guide who is not affiliated with Mingde Hall who can research soul guide shells with attributes, so, all soul guide masters~"

Jiujiu smiled gently: "If you want to become the second soul guide who has the ability to manufacture fixed soul guide shells besides Mingde Hall, you should pay attention. Taking it back for research is also a good choice! Of course, the premise is that you are able to solve the encryption array set up by Mingde Hall (*╰╯`)!"

"Next, let me introduce these twelve fixed soul guide shells. They are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, light, darkness, poison, and paralysis."

"Let me explain the instructions. These twelve fixed-type soul guide shells of ours need to be fired with at least a level 6 fixed-type soul guide cannon. If you use a fixed-type soul guide cannon below level 6, there will be a risk of a 'bang~'."

"In addition, if you need to fire continuously, you will need a higher level fixed soul guide cannon, at least level seven, dears."

"Now, all the distinguished guests will have five minutes of appreciation time~ Please enjoy it (* ̄︶ ̄)!"

"What a risk of 'bang——'~" Huo Yunche covered his mouth and laughed secretly, "The story of the explosion, how wonderful!"

He Caitou finally came back to his senses and nodded to Wang Yan with a serious face: "Teacher Wang, these fixed-type soul guide cannons are definitely of great research value. The most important thing is that this is the first time that Mingde Hall's fixed-type soul guide cannon shells have been released. I'm afraid that their soul guides have made some new progress, so they don't care if these fixed-type soul guide cannons are studied thoroughly by outsiders."

"So, we must take down this set of fixed-installation soul guide cannon shells. The research direction of our soul guide department in recent years has mainly been to make technological breakthroughs in fixed-installation soul guide cannons. With these shells, even if we are just copying others, we can make a qualitative leap in the soul guide department."

"Since Mingde Hall dares to make such a blatant move, we will accept it." Wang Yan nodded, his gentle face slightly tensed. He naturally knew the reason why Mingde Hall bundled and sold these twelve fixed soul guide cannons, which was nothing more than a test and demonstration.
As for who they are testing? Or who are the targets of the demonstration?
Ripples appeared, and everyone knew what was going on.

Qingya: A good auctioneer with strong professional ethics, who is not a "companion", should not have a pair of ears that can hear anything. So, as smart as she is, she is selectively deaf (°°)!
She straightened her shoulders elegantly and looked straight ahead.

He was in a state of aloofness, not caring about anything else outside and not wanting to be bothered by anyone other than the one he was sincere with.

Although the Shrek team dared not to shy away from her and told the truth openly, they had no intention of shying away from her.

But Qingya knew it well.

Knowing less is the key to survival.

You know, there is no shortage of melodramatic plots like “I didn’t kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me” in this world!
She hasn't yet lived the carefree life with a little wolfdog in front of her and a little puppy behind her!

"Time's up." Jiujiu clapped his hands, and then two maids in white dresses descended from the sky, one on the left and one on the right, picked up the twelve fixed-type soul guide cannons on the table, placed them separately on two plates, and then bent down and lifted them up, one on the left and one on the right, and served Jiujiu.

It is protection and also vigilance.

After all, there have always been many desperadoes.

"Dear guests, this set of twelve soul-guided shells has a starting price of 650,000 gold soul coins. Now -"

"The bidding begins!"

The auction started, but the atmosphere off the field was not very enthusiastic. Although there were many whispers, no one broke the undercurrent beneath the seemingly calm. Everyone was watching, as if waiting for someone to be the first to come forward, or waiting for the opponent that Mingdetang was waiting for to appear.

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