Chapter 437 Simulated battlefield
There seemed to be a hint of awkwardness floating in the air.

All the contestants were tense, their faces full of curiosity and anxiety about the unknown schedule, but except for a few idiots, almost no one responded to the host parrot's call.

No, it's not flammable at all.

No brainwashing either.

It didn't stir up their emotions at all.

He yelled when he was a little calmer.

That’s too stupid!

But the host parrot is obviously not the one who would feel embarrassed.

If the mountain doesn't come to me, then I will come to the mountain!
He had experienced so many cold receptions. All the accumulated past experiences made him proudly raise his head at this moment. Without hesitation at this important moment, he raised the amplifying soul guide in his hand and loudly promised: "Ready!"

It's like role playing.

The next second, a sigh of satisfaction followed, and there was even a hint of ripples in the ending tone.

"Now that you're ready~"

"Then I declare~"

"Game! Start~"

In a simulated battlefield.

As soon as Huo Yunche opened his eyes, he quickly took in the surrounding scene.

Very good, the first rule of entering the secret realm in fantasy cultivation novels is random teleportation. No matter if you were holding hands with your teammates or hugging a koala in the last second, you will be ruthlessly separated and thrown into a corner.

Don't ask her how she knew.

The question is, is she the one who attempted the koala hug?

It's so embarrassing :-D

Huo Yunche's mouth twitched slightly as he glanced at the burnt yellow soil in front of him and the corpses that seemed to still be emitting residual heat. Damn! She thought the simulated battlefield was just a random name, and no one told her that there was really a battlefield inside!

You start off with such a big deal!
"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Hoarse "kill" sounds came one after another.

"Heretic." A hoarse voice whispered, "Sure enough, it has descended here. What God said is indeed correct."

Huo Yunche looked in the direction of the voice, but felt a chill all over his body.

Something is wrong.

next moment.

Dozens of sharp spears pierced through the air, and their target was Huo Yunche, who appeared in their field of vision and was regarded as an enemy!

Flickering silver light!

There is no murderous intent, yet killing is everywhere!

Huo Yunche's pupils shrank and his right hand trembled. The red flames carried the madness of burning all the blood in the air. The spear suddenly flew out into the air. He poured all his soul power into the Suzaku spear in his hand without hesitation, and created a gap under the siege of dozens of spears!
Then he pointed the spear forward, slightly bent the gun body, relaxed, and started with a direct shot!

Huo Yunche stepped on the spear at the front, leveraging the force. He took another step, not avoiding any obstacles, and stepped on the helmet of the soldier in front of him, then flipped over!

By the way, it also burned a small hole in his helmet!
The Suzaku divine fire instantly burned through the cave entrance!

In just a few moments, it turned into a raging fire!

The team chasing Huo Yunche was instantly thrown into chaos.

A few soldiers wearing silver helmets wanted to pursue, but after smelling the aroma of meat and hearing their comrades' painful cries, they paused and eventually turned around. The two sides turned away from each other.

Wuhu! Exciting!

After shaking off the pursuers behind him, Huo Yunche galloped across the vast wilderness for about half an hour. During this time, he encountered several small barracks of varying sizes that went crazy at the sight of "heretics", taking advantage of any gaps they could find, bullying the "weak" and fearing the strong.

If you encounter a small group of people, kill them.

When encountering a lot of people, just run away without caring about anything.

After more than half an hour, she really figured out a lot of things.

such as--


Let’s call these NPCs in the “simulated battlefield” the natives of the world.

In the Aboriginal worldview, there is a god.

Suddenly one day, the gods issued a decree that a group of "heretics" would break into their world. Each of these "heretics" possessed unique skills, and their target was the only temple where they worshipped the gods. If the "heretics" got their hands on the temple, the gods would no longer be able to come to the world to save all living beings, and in the future the world would be in ruins and the world would end.

For this purpose, the most powerful high priest among the indigenous people ascended to heaven to offer sacrifices to the gods.

Incarnating everything in the world, he dutifully served the indigenous people in exchange for a hint of divine will.

The initial landing points of all "heretics" have been calculated!
Huo Yunche was squatting in a small trap that she had just dug. The trap was covered with withered yellow weeds that she had pulled here and there along the way. She leaned against the earth wall for a short while, breathing slightly, her messy blue hair twisted into clumps, clinging to her body in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

However, her mind was clearly not on her own plight.

Heretics are probably all the participating students.

That temple should be their final destination, the central island that will be opened in ten days.

Is he the operator of this ninth-level pseudo-life soul guide? Or is he the organizer of the competition who is keen to watch the excitement? Or is he the spirit of the ninth-level soul guide?

However, is there such a thing as weapon spirits in Douluo Continent?
Huo Yunche pondered for a while, silently shook his head and threw away the useless thoughts in his mind. He lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the large number jumping on the back of his left hand.


It was like a blatant mockery.


Huo Yunche stared dimly at the number 250 on the back of her hand, silently lowered her left hand, and let her sleeve cover the eye-catching number. She vaguely remembered that the number should have started to jump when she killed the first native, but because the amplitude of the jump was different and she was busy escaping, she had no time to stop and think.

Think about it now.

The conclusion that can be drawn at present is.

Aboriginals = points.

Participating students = points.

In other words, it would be more cost-effective to wait for a few rounds to fatten up the participating colleges before slaughtering them!
Huo Yunche's pupils lit up slightly.

"I just don't know how the points levels of these natives are divided. I still need to test it again." Huo Yunche stood up and muttered, listening to the ground shaking beside his ear, and sat down silently, shaking his head, "This won't do. It looks like a big guy. I can't eat it."

"I don't know how my brother and the others are doing now."

Huo Yuhao.
Huo Yuhao’s situation was similar to Huo Yunche’s.

The difference is that he was not like Huo Yunche, who was born in this boundless wilderness.

Looking around, there is sea all around.

There was nothing special about the blue sea surface, but upon closer inspection, it was full of murderous intent!
Huo Yuhao held his breath and hid under the sea about ten meters away from the coast. He used his spiritual power to detect the quiet outside world and found that there were searching soldiers all around!

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