Douluo 2: I transmigrated as Huo Yuhao's own sister

Chapter 439: Seeking the Wind Gemini

Chapter 439: Seeking the Wind Gemini

"Encirclement and suppression of Shrek."

A faint breeze carried these intermittent whispers into Huo Yunche's ears.

Huo Yunche blinked, turned sideways, and looked at the huge rock blocking the road less than five meters away from him.

With those few slow steps and a slight right turn, her figure moved closer to the roadblock that was less than ten meters away from her.

As a result, I also heard some "whispers" that I shouldn't have heard.

"The sound is behind the rock," Huo Yunche murmured thoughtfully, then patted his body, stood up and took a running start, stepped on tiptoe with light steps, and quickly grabbed the cracks on the rock that had been polished smooth by wind and frost over the years and only left a trace of the crack, and climbed up.

His body is as agile as that of a nimble monkey.

Just a few breaths.

The figure completely disappeared on the stone wall.

"Are we really not going to participate in the encirclement and suppression order issued by the Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy team?"

Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy?
The tip of Huo Yunche's ear twitched.

"It's better not to participate. The most urgent thing is to find the captain and reunite with him first. Otherwise, we may not be able to get out of this thousand-mile wasteland with only two of us in ten days."

"That's true. But the Sun Moon Royal Soul Guidance Academy is really rich. Not only did they issue a siege order against Shrek Academy, they also gave each person a seventh-level soul guide device."

Oh~ Encirclement and suppression order~

Huo Yunche changed his posture and freed his numb right leg.

"Who says it's not true? Not only that, even the reserve team of Shrek Academy is worth this price."

"If our strength wasn't insufficient, we would have to get involved anyway. This is a seventh-level soul guide."

As they spoke, the two looked at each other silently, and after seeing the identical look of contempt in each other's eyes that said "Why are you so useless", they sighed deeply.

"Who says it's not?"

The girl's pure voice echoed between heaven and earth.

"Who?!" The two people under the rock looked around vigilantly, but they couldn't find any trace of anyone.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"The important thing is——"

"You once had the qualification to obtain a genuine seventh-level soul guide in front of you, but you didn't cherish it. It was only after you lost it that you regretted it!"

"If God could give you one more chance."

"I want to say three words to you."

"Which three words?" The two men tensed up cautiously and answered subconsciously.

“Since you asked sincerely, I will mercifully tell you!” Huo Yunche smiled as he propped up his little face and lay on top of the rock, just in a position where the two people below couldn’t see him. His little feet were raised and swayed up and down, and he was holding a homemade soul guide microphone in his hand. “In order to prevent the world from being destroyed and to protect world peace, oh, sorry, I got off topic!”

The two people below looked up again with dark faces to explore.

"Well, I want to say three words to you." She cleared her throat, a little anger on her face, "You are a pig!"

Huo Yunche paused tactically for a moment.

Then he began to scold with an expressionless and angry face at a very fast speed:
"You are a wild boar, a porcupine, a spotted pig, a naked pig, a stupid pig, a dumb pig, a Ukrainian suckling pig! You are hi~ you have been discovered (°°)!"

Huo Yunche smiled and greeted the two "colleagues" with dark faces. Immediately, he climbed up from the stone and nodded to them in a friendly and kind manner. Then he turned around, as if nothing had happened, put his hands behind his back, and stepped forward. "I say, this little sister from Shrek Academy scolded us, the Fengxun Gemini, and she wants to leave like this, right?"

"Xunsha Gemini?"

Haha, what a childish name!

Huo Yunche's lips curled up in a strange arc, and she quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, fearing that the faint smile would be accidentally revealed by her.

“Could it be the Xunsha twins from the famous Shaxun Advanced Soul Master Academy, a fool and a madman?” Huo Yunche turned around, blinking his big innocent eyes, his slightly raised tone was full of exaggeration, and it sounded full of admiration.

"Yes, it's us." Shazi raised his head proudly.

"Idiot! What's right?" Feng Zi slapped him on the head without holding back, "It's Xunsha Advanced Soul Master College, not Shaxun Advanced Soul Master College!"

“Oh, so you’re a top student from the Xunsha Advanced Soul Master Academy~ Sorry, sorry~” Huo Yunche said sorry, but there was no trace of embarrassment on his face.

Feng Zi looked at Huo Yunche.

He pulled Shazi back a step with a slight look of caution.

Huo Yunche:
Her lively eyes swept downwards, her long eyelashes slightly blinked, and she asked with a hint of curiosity: "Excuse me. If you are on guard, shouldn't you take a step back?"

"Yes, shouldn't we take a step back?" Shazi responded with a look of wonder how could you make such a stupid mistake.

"Shut up!" Feng Zi's forehead twitched and he turned his head to scold.

Then he simply ignored the suicidal remarks of this idiot who couldn't tell his teammates apart.

He raised his eyes and looked at Huo Yunche, with no emotion in his eyes.

"We have no ill will towards Shrek Academy. Little Sister Huo can leave on her own."

Huo Yunche raised his hand and gently hooked his flowing ponytail.

"But I don't believe you have no ill intentions. What should I do?" Huo Yunche smiled and curved his innocent eyes. Before he finished speaking, his figure disappeared instantly. "I have stayed on this stone for so long, not just lying there and peeping~"





The girl smiled and folded her wings, then landed lightly on the still barren wasteland with her toes.

Behind him was a sky full of rubble and ash.

She raised her eyes and looked towards the not-so-distant distance, where a group of black "ants" were running towards her as if they had smelled some love. She waved her sleeves, left without taking any dirt with her, and concealed her merit and fame.

"Cough, cough, cough—"

Two shiny black "monsters" crawled out from the fireworks. If you look closely, you can still see some slight traces of human beings.

It turned out to be the twin duo Feng Zi and Sha Zi of the Xunfeng Gemini!
"Feng Zi, you didn't!" Sha Zi yelled.

"Idiot, shut up! Run away!" Feng Zi grabbed Sha Zi's collar angrily, turned around and rushed towards the fork in the road.

He was nearly dragged backwards, but trust in Feng Zi was always engraved in his bones, so he did not resist and let Feng Zi drag him away. He just kept yelling, but the moment he turned his head, he saw the huge army rushing towards them, and he was so scared that he raised his hand and stuffed a fist into his mouth.

He just covered his mouth and didn't move.

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