Douluo 2: I transmigrated as Huo Yuhao's own sister

Chapter 442 Waiting for the wind to come!

Chapter 442 Waiting for the wind to come!
The two wind and sand who never watched the battle:
It's not that the two brothers didn't want to watch the battle, but they didn't know what happened to this egg world. From the first day that the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Fighting Soul Competition officially began, it seemed as if it was playing a joke on the entire academy.

On the first day, the entire academy had stomach upsets and almost had diarrhea on the stage, and they almost failed to make it through the preliminary elimination rounds.

The next day, everyone ate poisonous mushrooms together. Everyone was making circles around them, performing a "shooting the bull from behind the mountain" performance on the competition stage. It was so embarrassing.

On the third day, the team leader and I overslept in the hotel and missed the game. We were all very upset.

Recalling what I have experienced along the way.

Feng Zi and Sha Zi's faces both turned slightly green. It was really unlucky for them to open the door for bad luck. They were extremely unlucky.

Therefore, it is normal not to know that Huo Yunche’s martial soul attribute is the ultimate fire.

But then again, there probably aren't many academies that can sense that her flame is the ultimate fire just through the screen, right?
Feng Zi and Sha Zi's movements became faster.

The students from Xunsha Advanced Soul Master Academy also surrounded them with unfriendly looks.

Obviously, they also heard Huo Yunche's ridicule just now.

"Fighting one against sixteen is not a good idea." Huo Yunche murmured, his palm moved slightly, and the spear flew out of his hand, whistling towards Feng Zi like a dragon.

Feng Zi twisted his toes and turned his whole body to the right. The wind and shadow reunited, and with a fierce wind, he brought down a palm with overwhelming power, and it collided heavily with the tip of the gun.

Wind helps the fire.

The flame on the Vermillion Bird Divine Spear suddenly increased significantly under the influence of the gust of wind, but it was out of the control of its owner. The stored soul pressure was suppressed inch by inch, and the spear body trembled slightly. The next second, it was forced to turn the spear body under the pressure of the wind and shot towards Huo Yunche.

Huo Yunche smiled slightly.

She soared into the air, but did not choose to forcefully suppress her precious magic spear. Instead, she dropped one claw and firmly grasped the spear body. Her soul power poured into the spear body, but there was no sign of stagnation in the human figure and the spear shadow. The next second, the already speeding up spear shadow suddenly increased by several times and rushed straight behind her.


He was actually a member of the reserve team of Xunsha Advanced Soul Master Academy.

A little fellow who is no more than two rings.

Oh, he can't be considered a little guy. In terms of age, he is obviously a little older than Huo Yunche and the other three, but younger than Xu Sanshi and Beibei. He is about the same age as Jiang Nannan.

"Lin Xiaomo! Get out of the way!" Feng Zi's pupils shrank slightly, and he ignited his fourth soul ring without hesitation. The wind shadow and the human shadow instantly alternated. The human shadow raised his hand, and the big hand fell rapidly, tightly grasping the tail end of the Suzaku Divine Spear.

He actually managed to curb some of the spear's momentum.

Sha Zi raised his hand quickly, and sand flowed down from the sky. Within a few breaths, a heavy sand shield was set up in front of the young man named Lin Xiaomo!

“Tsk, two spirit skills are still not enough.” Huo Yunche sighed softly, a hint of regret flashing across his eyes, but—

There was a slight curve on her lips.

"I am waiting for the wind to come, what are you waiting for?"

Waiting for the wind to come?
Some scattered thoughts flashed through Feng Zi's mind, but before he could grasp them, he was burned by the sudden flames on his palms and had to let go.

Fortunately, Huo Yunche withdrew his hand. Otherwise, with the flames that were enough to burn any five-ring evil soul master to death, Feng Zi would have no choice but to go to the underworld to pray.

"Look! Isn't the wind coming?" Huo Yunche tilted his head and glanced at the sky, his eyes slightly raised, then smiled at Feng Zi, "I think those who say that madmen are real madmen and fools are fake fools are wrong." "You are all good people!"

"Not only did he put aside past grudges and helped me gather some teammates, he also--"

Huo Yunche paused for a moment, a hint of cunning showing on his face.

Feng Zi suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Stop her quickly and don't let her speak!"

But no matter how fast he was, how could he be faster than Huo Yunche who was prepared from the beginning?

Birdman mode is activated instantly.

With her wings swooping up, she whirled in the air, clasped her hands together, and bowed to the stunned people in Xunsha. Then she shouted loudly, firmly, and righteously, "Oh, bah, thank you:

"Thanks to the wonderful cooperation of the Xunsha Gemini, we have gathered a large number of cannon fodder for our Shrek Academy. Oh no, points! Friends from the Xunsha Advanced Soul Master Academy, you can rest assured. We swear in the name of Shrek Academy that when we arrive at the central island on the tenth day, we will divide the points with your academy!"

“May the friendship between Captain Feng Zi and our Shrek Seven Devils Captain Ma Xiaotao last forever! May the friendship between Xunsha Advanced Soul Master Academy and Shrek Academy last forever!”

Fuzi & Shazi: Damn!!!
The dozen or so friends left at Xunsha Advanced Soul Master Academy looked at their captain and vice-captain in confusion. Did they really cooperate with Shrek Academy?

After receiving the confused gaze from their little friend, Feng Zi and Sha Zi didn't know what to say for a moment, and they both looked at each other with bitterness on their faces.

"Hi, how are you guys." Xu Sanshi suddenly appeared from behind Sha Zi and greeted everyone in Xunsha in a friendly manner.

"Hello." Xunsha College nodded blankly at Xu Sanshi, then reacted, "No, where did you take Lin Xiaomo?"

That’s right, the unlucky guy who was replaced by Xu Sanshi Xuanming was Lin Xiaomo, who was almost driven out of the battlefield by Huo Yunche’s gun.

"Oh, that kid's name is Lin Xiaomo? Let me think, he should be getting beaten up by the people from Zuo Qing Advanced Soul Instructor Academy right now on my behalf, right? No! Over there." Xu Sanshi pouted and kindly pointed in a direction to the students of the Xunsha team.

"What?!" The Xunsha team academy member cursed and was about to use his martial spirit to beat up the shameless guy who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Wait a minute, I'll just say one word and I'll change it back to him later. If you touch me and delay me for even a minute or half a second, I can't guarantee that he can come back alive." Xu Sanshi raised his hand to stop them with a smile.

Then he looked straight at where Feng Zi and Sha Zi were.

"My junior sister asked me to convey a message."


"Let me think about it. It's the sequel to what you said at that time, you are a pig. Oh, right!" Xu Sanshi grinned, his bright white teeth were bright enough to blind everyone's eyes, "You are a lazy omnivorous organism raised in captivity. You are a desperate and lonely animal under the starry sky, a stupid pig who will never fly into the blue sky!"

"Well, goodbye, friends from Xunsha Advanced Soul Master Academy! Our friendship will last forever!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared instantly, followed by Lin Xiaomo, who was beaten with a bruised face and blood all over his face. From the scars on his face, it is not difficult to see that the college that seduced Xu Sanshi must have been offended by him.

This is the move.

It's obviously revenge!

Naked revenge!

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