"Speaking of which, today's battle is really dangerous!" Xiao Xiao kicked the gravel next to his feet one after another, a little frustrated, "If it wasn't for Yuhao who stopped Nangong sisters' martial soul fusion skills in advance, and then Under the siege of the Lan sisters, we are trying our best to turn the tide, and in this match, we may really have to expose the specialness of little Yunche in advance."

"Wuhun Fusion Technique was really unexpected, and there were two of them as soon as it appeared." Wang Dong thought of the first battle and felt powerless, "The combination of the two sisters' efforts in Wuhun and Soul Skills is true. I have nothing to say. If it wasn’t for Xiao Yunche’s timely support, I’m afraid I’d have to pay for my underestimation of the enemy if I had just met Nangong sister’s Jasper Wind Frost Blade.”

"I don't blame you for underestimating the enemy." Huo Yuhao stepped forward and snorted on Wang Dong's head, "We are all careless."

"It's true that we were careless." Huo Yunche narrowed his eyes slightly, "We have forgotten one thing all this time. Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win every battle. If we can win every battle after the game After sitting for a while, you will find the specialness of the twin team. We are all too confident in our own strength, as if we have never considered that there are existences among our peers who are comparable to or even surpass our strength. This is not good, and it is easy to capsize in the gutter. "

For a moment, a vague haze seemed to envelope the entire 404 team.

Huo Yuhao frowned when he noticed this.




He flicked the brains of three people, one person and one.

"Brother!" "Yuhao!" "Yuhao!"

Huo Yunche and the three of them all frowned and complained about Huo Yuhao's "violent" behavior just now, and the heavy atmosphere was swept away.

Huo Yuhao looked at the three people who became more and more alike and more vivid after being together for a long time. His blue eyes were slightly curved, as if there were stars shining, and he didn't know whose eyes were burned or whose mind was fascinated.

"A little review is good for your physical and mental health, but it's too much." Huo Yuhao smiled and clapped his hands, made a gesture of flicking his fingers in the air, then turned and ran, "I invite you to a big meal tonight! The last one to arrive pays the bill! "

"You're lying!!!" The three children screamed and rushed forward, Huo Yunche, a little money fan, rushed forward with all his strength, fearing that the purse would be snatched away by a gold-swallowing beast with one step at night .

But, unfortunately, she has short legs! ! !

Huo Yunche, who was the last to arrive, could only hand in the little money he had saved from selling fish for two months in a huff.

(Ahhhhhh! Draw a circle to bless you o(╥﹏╥)o!)
(Incompetent Fury.jpg)

Xiao Xiao was so cute that she couldn't help but grab Huo Yunche's little face and ravish her.

At some point, Wang Dong quietly put his hands behind his back, looking at the sky and the earth but not at Huo Yunche's face.

But the legs and feet seemed to have their own thoughts, and they dawdled to Huo Yunche's side little by little, and patted her on the head restrainedly.

"Wo! Ni Meng! Now! Get back!"

Huo Yunche's inarticulate threats floated out intermittently.

Unexpectedly, the rich and powerful duo didn't care about her threat at all, and directly took out a handful of golden soul coins from the storage ring and stuffed them into Huo Yunche's hands.

Huo Yunche's eyes lit up instantly.

She waved the golden soul coin in her hand towards Huo Yuhao, and shouted inarticulately: "Guoguo! Please be generous! More money! Wo! Rich!"

Huo Yuhao looked at the three of them making a fuss in front of him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Simply choose, do one thing and keep doing it!
Join if you can't beat it!
Sister Rua, he is the best!

Do not accept rebuttal (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


After eating and drinking, the four of Huo Yunche strolled back to the dormitory.

"Do you think Yuhao and Xiao Yunche will also have martial soul fusion skills?" Xiao Xiao glanced at the two brothers and sisters, and the more he thought about it, the more likely he felt that the possibility was very high, "You two practice the same kind of martial arts, and you two are also practicing martial arts. They are brothers and sisters, although the martial spirits are very different, but such a possibility cannot be ruled out?"

No, although there is a difference in Wuhun, it is not so different.

The brothers and sisters were taken aback by Xiao Xiao's sudden opening of the brain circuit, and the next second they really thought about this possibility.

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao didn't know, but could Huo Yuhao know about the twin martial souls on Huo Yunche that saved their lives countless times?

If there are two spirit eyes, will there be a martial soul fusion skill?
If Ling Mou + mutated Xie Mou, will martial soul fusion skills appear?
Although there are some differences in cognition between the brothers and sisters, the problem is that they thought of going together.

"Question, how did the martial soul fusion technique come about?"

Huo Yunche sat cross-legged on the ground, looking eager for knowledge.

Although Huo Yuhao didn't speak, his eyes showed curiosity and desire.

"Perhaps, you can try to see if the breath can be integrated?"

It was also the first time for Xiao Xiao to come into contact with the field of martial soul fusion skills, so he was completely confused.

"Or maybe, like Lan Susu Lan Luoluo and the others, they want to hug together to stimulate their soul power?"

Wang Dong was also uncertain and thought about the initial appearance of the martial arts fusion skills he had seen. It seemed that most people would hug first?

He sketched the image of himself hugging Huo Yuhao in his mind, then shook his head in horror.

Why do you want to hug Huo Yuhao?What is he thinking?
"Otherwise, try them all?" Xiao Xiao suggested in a low voice.

"Then give it a try?" Huo Yunche quickly adjusted his sitting posture, and replaced it with an upright one. "Otherwise, shall we all come together? Maybe there will be a pleasant surprise?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong indiscriminately.

She and her brother don't necessarily have martial soul fusion skills, but...

"Okay! Let's go together! If it doesn't work, it's just cultivation!" Xiao Xiao didn't think too much, and sat cross-legged beside Huo Yunche.

Seeing the two girls quickly fall into samadhi, the two men who hadn't had time to express their opinions could only sacrifice their lives to accompany the gentleman.

The four formed a circle and entered the cultivation state one after another.

It's just that, unlike usual, this time's practice is open-ended.

Huo Yunche was the first to feel the fluctuation of Xiao Xiao's breath.

It was a weight and majesty like a historical deposit. Although it was not obvious, the coercion that belonged to the country's most important weapon had already revealed a trace of its own charm.

After that, it comes from the elegance and nobility of Yixiao from Jiufeng, and there is a faint breath of life in it.

Is life the phoenix nirvana?
Huo Yunche was a little confused, but obviously, her and Xiao Xiao's aura did not match.

She began to search for the breath on the other side.

Such a strong sense of tolerance, it should be my brother!
It was an indescribable feeling, maybe it really came from the closeness in blood?

It is a vastness that stretches endlessly and is full of virtue, it is gentle and courteous and tolerant, and it is indescribable warmth and peace of mind.

Vast and inclusive, warm and calm.

Just when Huo Yunche was indulging in this warmth, the aura passed by Huo Yuhao unexpectedly changed.

Aww, Porridge's book will be on the shelves tomorrow!

To be honest, from the signing to the shelf, it is actually still in the fog.Thank you for your company all the time, thank you for all the babies who rewarded porridge, voted for monthly tickets, and voted for recommended votes, thank you for all the babies who gave me strength in the comment area, and thank you for the support of editor Tangtang~ If there is no you, Maybe I may not be able to persist in such day-to-day updates.

After all, porridge and porridge code words are really slow (*I`*) but even if it is a daily order, there are still so many babies willing to accompany me on the journey, porridge porridge is really happy ()
so!Porridge Porridge decided to start the weekend double update tomorrow!But on weekdays, as long as I am not particularly tired on weekdays, I will try my best to double update (I post four! That is, one, three, five can put a fake order to update~ Look at my sincere little eyes (.'▽'.) ) It’s just that the update time can’t be guaranteed. There may be situations where one chapter is early and one chapter is late. Please forgive me dears~
Finally, at the end, Sapo rolls and asks for the first order ╰(*︶`*)╯

Then there is the unwritten rule on the first day of the store (*`▽*)
Three chapters will be updated from time to time tomorrow!One day only!
Okay, let's stop here~
Porridge porridge is going to stay up all night to code words tonight ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃

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