Chapter 453 Chaos
Just when Huo Yunche and others arrived late.

The situation on the field has evolved from its original chaos to a state of refinement after a slight barbarism, and its value has skyrocketed due to the struggle of another group of people.

As time went on, those groups of people who were so powerful here just a second ago were actually worn out and disappeared on the spot.

As for where to go?

The camera naturally has to move to outside the venue.

(Smiling shyly in the simulated battlefield, to be honest, I am a skilled worker.)
Huo Yunche and his companions traveled thousands of miles in a hurry, trekking through mountains and rivers, but they just happened to catch the end.

Halos of light suddenly appeared on the dim sky.

Shooting stars are flashing.

The sky is vast.

Just like dazzling blue gems, they drew graceful arcs on the sky, and a whistling sound suddenly came!

A meteor fell, and everything in front of them seemed to collapse. Civilization gradually disappeared. He Caitou and Ling Luochen watched with sullen faces as one ferocious gaze after another left. They also saw many cries of joy turning into anger.


The battlefield is the battlefield.

Reality is the present world.

The reality at this moment is that the Shrek Academy team made a huge profit at one time!

That’s right, the owner of this meteor was none other than Dai Yueheng who had come from afar, and all the members of the Shrek team except Ma Xiaotao.

It's probably the cruelty of the secondary battlefield.

Many students who came upon hearing the news paused for a moment of brief thought when approaching, then paused and walked silently towards the battlefield further away.

Shrek Academy Team,

Can't afford to offend,
Just stay away!

"So, the captain has mutated?" Ling Luochen struggled to come up with the word "mutation" amidst everyone's explanations.

Well, that's how she thought.

It is more likely that Ma Xiaotao is a pervert than a mutant. After all, they have been paying close attention to Ma Xiaotao's "perversion" all the time over the years, but they didn't expect that the sudden disaster of the Shrek Seven Devils caused them to lose sight of the captain and let him mutate.

This time, not only did she look unhappy, but Dai Yuheng, the deputy captain, did not feel any joy at all about defeating Ma Xiaotao and taking the position.

The two men's faces became more and more upset.

I even began to reflect on myself in my heart. If Gong Yang knew about the change of Ma Xiaotao/the captain, hiss——

His face instantly turned ten shades more bitter.

It even felt like the future was bleak for a moment.

Without him.

The person Gong Yang cares about most is his childhood sweetheart Ma Xiaotao, who grew up with him. Although he always smiles and looks easy to get along with, he is actually the most cunning and sinister person in their team.

Even the rare times when he got angry and mad were almost all to protect Ma Xiaotao. It was generally acknowledged that it was okay to offend Gong Yangmo, but if you offended Ma Xiaotao, Gong Yangmo would let you know "why flowers are so red, and not blue, purple, or yellow."

Of course, this is just an exaggeration.

But it is enough to show how vigilant everyone is about the "blackening" of Yang Mo.

"Seniors, seniors, aren't you worried about senior Xiaotao?" Xiao Xiao raised her hand to interrupt some of the not-so-pleasant memories of Ling Luochen and Dai Yueheng.

Are you worried about Ma Xiaotao herself?
Ling Luochen and Dai Yueheng looked at each other.

"What are you panicking about?" Ling Luochen chuckled. "There's a big old man who loves to drink squatting outside this simulated battlefield. I guess he's standing in front of the soul guide with a covetous look in his eyes, ready to knock Ma Xiaotao out and take her back as soon as she's eliminated or our game is over."

Dai Yaoheng nodded in agreement.

"Maybe our leader is still muttering that these little bastards are always looking for things to do for him. When we return to the academy, we must give us extra training to avoid being schemed against every day."

off the field.

Old Xuan sneezed violently.

He rolled his eyes fiercely at the two people on the big screen who didn't shy away from him at all, and kept muttering: "Hiss, why do you study the old man so thoroughly? Doesn't the old man have any face?"

He hid his body, rolled up his sleeves, and sat down at the exit of the simulated battlefield, staring at the hole with his bright eyes, as if in the next second, he would be able to catch the person he wanted to catch at the hole that was constantly swallowing up human figures.

Wang Yan curled the corners of his mouth and ignored the looks from all directions, but privately he couldn't help but smooth out his clothes, straighten his body, and make his expression even calmer, looking awe-inspiring without even getting angry.

But I still couldn't help but complain in my heart.

Why, does he look so much like a little old man?

Of course, complaints are complaints.

No Shrek member was any less worried about Ma Xiaotao.

But, in the current situation.

Obviously it would be more appropriate to focus on the game first.

After all, neither the organizer of the competition nor the provider of the simulated battlefield soul guide dared to secretly take advantage of Ma Xiaotao, the darling of Shrek Academy.

at this point.

The members of the Shrek team still have a little confidence.

No one can take Ma Xiaotao away from them easily, not even the evil Ma Xiaotao herself.

No matter how wild their captain's thoughts are or how much he changes, he is still their best captain.

"I wonder what will happen after the central island opens." Dai Yuheng rubbed his brows, thought for a while, and warned the eight little ones in the reserve team, "If we get separated again like at the beginning, you little guys should pay attention to your safety. If you can't do it, retreat. Don't resist."

"If we run into our evil Captain Xiaotao." Ling Luochen frowned and decisively gave the order, "Just retreat. It's normal that we can't beat the captain. It's not shameful if we can't beat her. We can't beat her anyway, so we might as well surrender directly and let her down."

“Or... let Xiao Yunche use some honey trap or something, doesn’t seem like a bad idea?” Ling Luochen recalled the description of Ma Xiaotao’s attitude towards Huo Yunche that everyone had just talked about, and his eyes turned to look at Huo Yunche and gave a friendly suggestion.

Huo Yunche blinked.

Huo Yunche opened his mouth into an O shape.

Huo Yunche understood and nodded seriously, as if he had taken on an important task.

Several people were whispering.

Directly arranged Ma Xiaotao's "ending".

Little did they know that in a hidden corner not far away, there was a person who seemed to be quietly clenching his "pink fist" and gritting his teeth. It was none other than Ma Xiaotao, whom the Shrek team kept talking about!
(End of this chapter)

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