Chapter 493 Return
"Perhaps you had no ill intentions before."

"But what you just did was nothing short of a provocation."

Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao, who originally didn't care and were even slightly curious, suddenly became indifferent.

The brother and sister had very similar faces, with completely similar cold expressions on their faces. It was obvious that Lang Ya's temptation did not have any malicious intentions, but it just hit their bottom line that they could not tolerate the most.

Lang Ya was stunned.

He glanced at the children standing in front of the brother and sister with an understanding heart, then slightly turned sideways, raised his hand to hold down Yu Tao, who was slightly angry because of the disrespectful and impolite attitude of Huo Yunche and his sister, and raised his hand to his chest and leaned forward slightly.

"I'm sorry, Lang Ya acted inappropriately and offended you all. Please forgive me."

"Chief" Yu Tao wanted to say something, but Lang Ya shook his head to stop him. His face immediately turned red, and he could only glare at Huo Yunche and the other man fiercely. Then he crossed his arms angrily, turned around, squatted down, and drew circles back and forth on the ground with his fingers.

The tense atmosphere within the Shrek team relaxed instantly. Everyone looked at each other and awkwardly moved aside to avoid Lang Ya's leaning over.

Huo Yunche, who watched the whole process, raised her eyebrows. She had reason to suspect that Yu Tao was drawing a circle to curse them.

A big fool with only military power.

And a big, stupid boss who seems to have some status.

Huo Yunche's gaze slowly moved back to Lang Ya, his eyes full of inquiry. She didn't think that this big fool was really the brother of Mr. Big Head.

"Mr. Langya, may I ask what you want to do with Huo Yuhao and Huo Yunche from our academy?"

Wang Yan smiled gently. Even though he was confused for a moment by the visitor's spiritual power, it did not affect his mentality.

He was very calm.

There is even a kind of vague feeling——

Ah, our precious pearls have finally been discovered.

A subtle sense of excitement.

Lang Ya looked at Wang Yan, knowing that if he didn't explain something, those protective guys from Shrek Academy would never let him go.

Curved lips.

The lips moved slightly.

"Noumenon Sect."

A hint of surprise flashed across Wang Yan's eyes, but he quickly calmed himself down, turned sideways, and waved slightly at Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao.

"Xiao Yunche, Yuhao, talk to Mr. Langya."

Then he pointed to the open space outside the door.

"We'll wait for you outside."

Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao looked at each other. The brother and sister clearly saw the word "trouble" in each other's eyes. They could only take a deep breath and then sigh.

I always feel like nothing good is happening.

Huo Yunche puffed up his cheeks and reluctantly walked at the end of the team. He lowered his head and walked slowly, step by step, covering the tiny footprints left by his brother's footsteps. He was absent-minded and inexplicably resisted this sudden conversation.

The four of them went to the lounge area on the side of the hotel entrance and sat down.

Huo Yunche was still swinging his legs randomly, looking as if he was wandering around.

Yu Tao frowned, snorted, and turned away without worrying about it. Lang Ya chuckled and shook his head, a hint of smile flashed across his eyes, and he didn't take the little girl's dislike to heart, just like the smile and tolerance of elders when they see their own little ones throwing tantrums.

Huo Yuhao saw it clearly, and a trace of doubt flashed through his mind.

This person! Could he be here to discuss adopting his sister?!
Thinking of this, he immediately became alert, and there was a hint of vigilance and rejection in his eyes when he looked at Lang Ya.

The tone of voice inevitably became a little stiff and hard.

"Mr. Langya, what exactly do you want to see me about?" Realizing that his attitude was awkward, Huo Yuhao silently added an interjection at the moment he closed his mouth to show his current friendly and kind attitude.

In fact, every hair on his eyebrows was about to curl up.

"It's like this. Let me introduce myself again. I'm Lang Ya, from the Body Sect."

The Body Sect?!

Huo Yuhao's pupils shrank slightly and he was shocked.

Huo Yunche's shaking feet paused, and then he changed his posture, leaning back slightly on the chair, with his right hand slightly erected and resting on his forehead to cover up his momentary loss of composure, and then continued to swing his legs in the air indifferently.

But his eyes were a little more serious than before.

This was not the first time they had heard of the name “Body Sect”. Last time, after Teacher Wang Yan blurted out the words “Body Sect” out of control, Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao went to the academy’s library to look up information, but—

There is very little information about the Body Sect in the present world.

However, from the limited information, we can get a glimpse of the mysterious corner of the Body Sect.

The ontology sect, as the name suggests.

Famous in the world for his powerful martial spirit.

In fact, there are not many members of the Body Sect who have appeared in the world. In the past hundred or thousand years, there have been only a handful of them, and they disappear after becoming famous. But whenever they appear, they are all powerful people who can dominate a region.

Some people have also raised doubts, saying that the Body Sect does not want to come out into the world, but that the Body Martial Spirit is scarce, so the number of members in the sect is too small and they live in seclusion.

But no matter which possibility it is.

The mystery level of the Body Sect is comparable to that of the evil soul masters who continue to harm others but whose source cannot be found.

It was even so mysterious that there was a ridiculous rumor circulating in the world that the evil soul master was a thug raised by the main body sect.

As to why it is ridiculous.
As soon as the rumor came out, the mysterious figures from the Body Sect uncovered the source of the rumor overnight, but no one was hurt. They also uncovered the lairs of several evil soul masters in a row within the same year, but no one was hurt either.

A drama begins in which an evil soul master's lair is overthrown because of a rumor. In anger, he starts hunting down the members of the force where the rumor came from.

However, if the group of evil soul masters dared to attack people outside the dispute during the pursuit, their heads would be separated from their bodies and hung high on the tallest building in the area the next day.

This can also be seen.

The Benti Sect is such a vindictive, yet simultaneously good and evil existence.

Lang Ya was not surprised that Huo Yunche and his sister knew about the existence of the Body Sect, nor did he care at all about Huo Yuhao and Huo Yunche's misbehavior. He smiled slightly:
"Little brother, I won't be so shy."

"I'm looking for you because we want to guide you back to the sect. If you are willing, your sister, although she does not have a true martial spirit, we are willing to provide her with the treatment of a sect member."

"Take me back to the sect?"

"Why are you so sure that my brother has a true martial spirit?"

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