Douluo 2: I transmigrated as Huo Yuhao's own sister

Chapter 496: If you don't take advantage of an opportunity, you are a fool

Chapter 496: If you don't take advantage of an opportunity, you are a fool
"A slap in the face? I get excited when you mention this~" Wang Dong's eyes lit up, and he moved closer to Xiao Xiao. The two began to whisper, with expressions of surprise, resentment, and vulgarity on their faces. One shocking melon after another took shape under their descriptions.

It's like this -


The people behind them looked as if they were realizing “Wow, this is how it can be done.”

Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao in the hotel naturally had no idea what kind of drama their dear friend had imagined.

"Oh, you're welcome." Huo Yunche frowned and nodded indifferently in response to Yu Tao's gratitude.

Although it was an unexpected situation that was not caused by his intention, he was still a fool who could be controlled by others without knowing it, and was used to deal with them. It would be strange that Huo Yunche had a good impression of him.

It's simply a disaster.

She curled her lips and reached out to tug at the hem of Huo Yuhao's clothes.

Huo Yuhao blinked, stepped forward with a slightly amused look, and imitated Bei Bei's usual manner, speaking in an official tone: "Mr. Langya, since the matter has been resolved, let's say goodbye. My friends are still waiting for us to return to the academy together. I think you must have some important sect matters that need to be dealt with urgently."

"Alright." After this incident, Lang Ya also lost interest in recruiting the brother and sister. He turned his head slightly to greet Yu Tao, then turned around and said, "Then we will go ahead. My two friends, goodbye."

"Sir, take care, and all goes well."

The brother and sister just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lang Ya, who had turned around and walked a few steps, suddenly stopped and smiled at them:
"You two, Langya's invitation is valid at any time."

“If one day, Shrek Academy or Tang Sect makes you unhappy, you can consider coming to our Benti Sect. I will welcome you at any time.”

"Oh, by the way, my last name is Huo, just tell me my name when the time comes."

Your surname is Huo?

Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao looked at each other, and combined with Lang Ya's previously gentle attitude towards them, an image of a "dandy" young man who claimed that he was suave, elegant, and there was no one in the world more handsome than him, and who was self-pitying and narcissistic all the time suddenly emerged in their hearts.

Could it be that Huo Langya is Brother Xiujing/Huo Xiujing’s elder?

"The Body Sect."

A faint ripple spread out beside Huo Yunche.

Old Xuan looked indifferently in the direction where Lang Ya and the other man left. As soon as the game was over, he changed his rather neat appearance of the past few days and returned to his usual laziness and sloppiness, with a greasy chicken leg in his mouth and playing with the big wine flask that he never left in his hand, his eyes were distant and deep.

"Master Xuan." Huo Yunche approached with a smile, "Didn't you say that you would not show up until a matter of life and death before returning to the academy? How come now, aren't you afraid that Master Shen will catch you and nag you?"

"Nonsense, when have I ever been afraid?" Xuan Lao's expression froze, and he stuffed the chicken leg into his mouth angrily and swallowed it whole. "I just don't want to discourage young people."

“Yes, yes, yes~” Huo Yunche grinned, with an obedient look, as if saying, “I have already seen through you, but I will not expose you for your sake.” However, there is always something else in this obedience.

The main point is something that can only be understood but not expressed in words.

“Little bastard.” Old Xuan cursed with a smile, and his eyes became calm again, as if the sarcasm and hostility just now were just the imagination of Huo Yunche and the others.

He turned around. "Yuhao."

"Yes, Master Xuan."

"If you don't take advantage of an opportunity, you're a fool. Next time you meet me, don't reject me so thoroughly. For the Benti Sect... Well, you can just use the favor as an excuse to repay me. Forget it, just ignore what I said. It's not good to teach a child bad things."

Old Xuan shook his head, his back even showing a bit of hunchback. Then he slowly stepped forward and stepped into the vortex that suddenly appeared.

"You have to remember that the research of the body spirit of the body sect is far beyond the imagination of the world. Even our Shrek Academy knows very little about the information of the body spirit. Therefore, if there is a chance, you should strive for the second awakening of the body spirit in a way that you think is legitimate."

The second awakening of the original martial soul?

Huo Yuhao exchanged glances with Huo Yunche without leaving a trace, and Huo Yunche shook his head slightly.


The brother and sister nodded respectfully, then turned and walked out of the hotel.

"By the way, brother, don't you think it looks a bit strange to choose old white hair?"

Shrek Academy.

Poseidon Island.


There was a sudden knock on the door. Without waiting for the person inside to respond, the door suddenly opened. Two figures, one tall and one short, one aged and the other still handsome, suddenly stepped into the encirclement of black flames.

The tall and handsome one turned out to be Yan Shaozhe, whose eyes were dark due to the heavy workload.

And the old man.
The old man looked very old. He couldn't even straighten his back. His back was bent at 90 degrees and he was barely supported by a crutch. It seemed that all his strength came from the ordinary little wooden stick in his hand. He looked weak, but people couldn't help but respect him.

"let me out!"

Ma Xiaotao growled, hunched her body slightly, and looked warily at the two strangers who came in.

"Let you out?" The visitor's eyes seemed to be a little more surprised. The crutch in his hand knocked on the ground twice, "Shaozhe, you imprisoned Xiaotao without telling me?"

"Teacher, how could that be! I'm not the kind of person who likes to punish children by locking them in a small dark room. Don't make such nonsense. I'm not, I didn't, I don't admit it." Yan Shaozhe hurriedly touched his glasses, which were slipping off, and retorted very quickly, "I think Master Xuan was afraid that Xiaotao would wake up and run away, so he knocked her out in advance and brought her back."

It has to be said that Yan Shaozhe's understanding of Master Xuan is 80% complete.

The old man and the young man made a lot of fools of themselves on the way back. Not only did they fight with wits and courage for eight hundred rounds, but Old Xuan was the one who lost more than he won. Specifically, the hair that was burned into a head of natural curls was a testament to this.

Fortunately, we are strong.

In the end, he simply used force to overpower her, knocking her out, and knocking her out again, and again, for about seven or eight times in a row, before he managed to send the mutated little girl Ma Xiaotao back.

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