Chapter 7 Soul Skills

The sputtering fire brought the perspective back to the newly formed Tang Sect foursome——

Beside the warm bonfire, two teenagers, one big and one small, were roasting freshly processed fish in their hands, while the two girls sat aside and whispered, and occasionally there were a couple of cute sounds. exclaimed.

"Ache, sister Xiaoya, come eat grilled fish~"

"Ang, good~"

"Hey, here we come~"

Huo Yunche and Tang Ya held hands and came to the grill, and started a celebratory feast of grilled fish.

I saw Tang Ya raised the grilled fish in her hand towards the star-studded night sky, as if she was holding a bowl of fine wine in her hand, and shouted, "To Tangmen!"

"Respect Tang Sect!"

"Respect Tang Sect!"

"Respect Tang Sect!"

The few people looked at each other and smiled, this warm and beautiful night was deeply engraved in the hearts of the Huo Yunche brothers and sisters, and became a beautiful scenery that they did not want to forget.

Fish and rice are full.

Tang Ya touched her round belly that was supported by grilled fish, sighed in satisfaction, and turned to serious matters.

"Beibei and I came out this time to hunt suitable three rings. According to the original plan, we can return to Shrek Academy after we find a suitable soul beast in the next few days."

"But now there are two more of you in the plan. Since you two are here to hunt soul beasts, it proves that you still lack soul rings, right?"

Ah this.

Huo Yunche and Huo Yuhao's bodies swayed slightly at the same time. Both of them had some unknown "little Jiujiu" in their hearts, and it was even more impossible to tell Tang Ya and the others who had just met, even if they had already recognized it in their hearts. Tang Ya and Bei Bei couldn't do it either, so the siblings chose to hide it by coincidence.

"I didn't know what soul ring I absorbed when I was unconscious, and now I'm a one-ring soul master."

As Huo Yuhao said, he released his martial soul with his own body, and a crystal clear white soul ring suddenly appeared on his body.

"Spiritual detection sharing."

The million-year soul ring comes with soul skills, and spiritual detection + spiritual sharing are activated at the same time.

On the surface, there were no other signs, but at the next moment, Beibei and Tang Ya both shook their bodies at the same time, and their eyes showed shock.

In their perception, the flow of time seems to have slowed down, and everything around them is exceptionally clear. Wherever the eyes can see, no, no, there is no need to see, as long as they want, within a radius of 30 meters, There is no need for eyes to see, all the scenes are presented in their minds in a three-dimensional form, and any slight changes in any place will be immediately reflected in their brains.

This is……

Is this Huo Yuhao's first soul skill?
The skills provided by a ten-year soul ring are so powerful?
How can it be so amazing?
Is it because of the rare spiritual mutation attribute Martial Soul?
Different from Beibei and Tang Ya's shock, Huo Yunche has long known that his brother is different. Although the effect of sharing the mental detection has brought her a certain degree of shock, it is far less than the novelty she felt. and a sense of security.

Tsk tsk, this is the only million-year soul beast skill on the mainland, and her brother's first cheat!
As the only person in this world who knew this secret, Huo Yunche said that he was really happy, even though his brother didn't know that she knew it.

Beibei suppressed the shock in her eyes, and turned to look at Huo Yunche curiously.

The junior juniors are all so extraordinary, so the junior junior sisters shouldn't give in too much?

As everyone knows, his little junior sister did give him a super super super subversive surprise. Of course, if he knew that Huo Yuhao's soul ring was a million-year soul ring, he probably wouldn't be shocked by Huo Yunche's abnormality. .There is a high probability that you will only think, oh, you said these two perverts?Such a reaction.

Cough, far away.

Huo Yunche received Beibei and Tang Ya's curious gazes, blinked his wet eyes, and said obediently: "I do have one missing soul ring, and I broke through after fighting with the butterfly beast that day."

Huo Yunche quickly mobilized his soul power, and two quaint gates stood obediently behind her, like soldiers escorting her, loyal and reliable.

"My Wuhun, uh, the Wuhunmen, an unknown weapon, belongs to the summoning system. I named it the Gate of Summoning."

"The bronze one is the Imperial Gate, and the silver one is the Dharma Gate."

Huo Yunche's small hand stroked the two huge doors inch by inch, and in his light blue eyes, there was a nostalgia that few people could not understand.

Following the infusion of soul power, two purple soul rings rose from Huo Yunche's feet.

"Millennium Soul Ring!"

"Millennium Soul Ring!"

The Douluo Continent has developed for tens of thousands of years, and it is not that there are wonderful talents. Tens of thousands of years ago, the generation of Tang San's ancestors appeared as the suzerain of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect based on the black soul ring, but that was also an adventure in the later period It is unheard of for Huo Yunche to be able to have a full thousand year soul ring in two rings.

This can no longer be said to be surprising, it should be said to be shocking!
However, the soul ring ratio gap between brother and sister is too big, right?

Could it be that Yuhao's soul ring was hunted and killed by the brother and sister after his family passed away?
Beibei and Tang Ya didn't ask any further questions. They were afraid of poking the scars in their hearts, so they finally found a reasonable explanation.

Huo Yuhao looked at the two purple rings rising from his younger sister, and a trace of doubt and curiosity flashed in his eyes. Even if he absorbed the butterfly beast's soul ring, it should only be one ring. Why are there two rings, and why is there an extra ring? A silver door?But he didn't say much. My sister probably had an adventure, so now is not the time to discuss it.

"Ahem, you brother and sister are really perverted to compete with each other."

Tang Ya looked at Huo Yunche sadly, she was finished, the newly recruited apprentice was not only about to become a third-ring soul master like herself, but the quality of the soul ring was still at the crushing level.

No, no stickers are not enough to comfort her poor and helpless young heart at the moment.

Ever since, the little Huo Yunche, who hadn't had time to introduce the effects of the martial soul and the soul ring, was grabbed by her teacher Xiaoya and hugged her in front of her chest, starting a crazy wave of happy posting.

Regarding this, Huo Yunche said that besides being almost suffocated, she can come again!

The unilateral devastation is over.

"My martial spirit is a bit special."

Huo Yunche stretched out his hand to hold down the little hair that was raised up on his head.

"Yumen and Famen can be summoned respectively, well, they should be regarded as tanks and witchcraft mages. Every time you add a soul ring, you can increase the number of summons.

The existence time of the summoned object starts from the initial 5 minutes. Well, every time one level of soul power is increased, the existence time can be increased by 1 minute.

My current soul power is level 30. If I only summon one summoned object, it can exist for up to 25 minutes.

The more summons there are, the shorter the duration will be, depending on the consumed soul power. "

"The restriction is that two summoning gates cannot be used at the same time."

"Then, it's soul skills~"

Huo Yunche withdrew the bronze imperial gate, and left the silver method for everyone to demonstrate.

"The first soul ring, the shield of encouragement."

Silver streamers whizzed out from the giant silver gate, just like the name implies, a white veil-like membrane shield appeared around the three of them, with 360-degree protection without dead ends, and it can change with people's movements .

"My first soul skill, if it works on a real person, the group will provide 25% defense, 20% frenzy, and 5% movement speed; if it works on a summoned object, the effect will be doubled."

After Huo Yunche demonstrated the first soul ability, he did not immediately demonstrate the second soul ability. Instead, he pulled out the sharp-edged dagger hanging from his waist, and without hesitation wanted to cut it on his own hand. one knife.


As everyone knows, Huo Yuhao didn't end the sharing of mental detection among several people. The three of them rushed to reach out their hands to try to block the falling dagger. In the end, Huo Yuhao, who was aware of his sister's intentions at the first time, blocked it.

"elder brother!"


A bright red color flashed before Huo Yunche's eyes.

The corners of Huo Yunche's mouth were slightly pursed, his soul power roared out, and his whole body was brightly purple.

"The second soul skill, Xingquan!"

A light green ripple spread out from the silver method and established a link with Huo Yuhao. A steady stream of supplies poured down and poured into Huo Yuhao's body. In about three seconds, only a faint trace of white was left in the gushing wound. mark.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Huo Yuhao's intuition told him that not only the knife mark was repaired, but even the more or less hidden wounds and stubborn diseases left in his body were repaired. The missing nutrients seemed to be supplemented a lot, and he had never felt so relaxed in his body.

"My second soul skill Xingquan is a group recovery skill. If it is a real person, it can currently restore 300% of the physical and mental state of people who can establish a link with me within a range of 35m from me, and at the same time can increase their soul power by 25%." The recovery speed of strength and mental power will decrease by 5% according to the order in which the link is established, and the effect of summoned objects will be doubled.

The only limitation is that if you are attacked while recovering, all effects will be reduced by 20%, and the effect reduction of summons will also be doubled.Moreover, the skill can only be used once every 2 minutes. "

Huo Yunche looked at the white marks on Huo Yuhao's hands that gradually dissipated, heaved a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of warmth in his eyes.

She raised her eyes to look at the giant gate stagnant in the air, raised her small hand slightly, the Famen turned into a stream of light and fell down, and the Yumen also appeared in her petite and white hands at the same time.

The shrunken green and white gates lost a touch of quaint atmosphere, and more delicate and lovely.

In the flickering light, it turned into the left and right guardians, and became a cute pendant on the girl's round and small earlobe, one green and one white, complementing each other.

(End of this chapter)

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