Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 10 Identity Exposed

Chapter 10 Identity Exposed
Su Ze originally wanted to share a room with Zhang Fantie, so that it would be convenient for him to escape at night, but Zhang Fantie insisted, so he could only book a deluxe twin room.

Zhang Fantie felt that this was the best way to protect Su Ze, but it also cut off Su Ze's idea of ​​running away at night. He couldn't escape without disturbing the butterfly-turning powerhouses around him.

"It seems that we can only wait until Luo Fan Kingdom, and then find a chance to escape."

Su Ze didn't think about it any more, and went to take a shower after dinner. After taking a shower, he still didn't forget to spray the same pungent perfume that Zhao Lingxiao used.

Every second when Zhang Fantie was by his side, he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, so he had to try to show his flaws as little as possible.

Frowning and swallowing two small blue pills, Su Ze lay down under the covers and played with his mobile phone.

For nourishing medicines like Qiangshen pills, it is best to cooperate with exercise after taking them, so as to absorb the effects of the medicine better and faster.Su Ze lying down after eating like this will cause part of the medicine to be wasted, but he doesn't care, who told him to be rich.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Ze gradually felt a little sleepy and fell asleep.

In a daze, he was shaken awake, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhang Fantie with a serious expression, covering his mouth with one hand.

Su Ze was shocked... Could it be that my identity was revealed?

But then he saw Zhang Fantie made a silent gesture to him, and pointed out the window.

Is there someone outside the window?

This is the 12th floor!

Su Ze understood, got up immediately, and stood by the wall away from the window.

Zhang Fantie appeared by the window in a blink of an eye, so fast that Su Ze couldn't see it clearly, and then Zhang Fantie pulled the curtain aside, seeing the scene behind the curtain, Su Ze's eyes widened unconsciously.

A human face was pressed against the window glass!

It was a lean old man with an unhealthy gray complexion, looking like a dead body from the morgue.

The old man passed Zhang Fantie's eyes like a dead fish, and stared directly at Su Ze, and he spoke every word with a hoarse and dry voice.

"I hope you haven't forgotten the deal with us, did you bring anything?"


Su Ze's heart moved, and he already had a guess about the identity of the old man.

He shook his head and said, "I never make deals with people who can't see the light."

"Interesting, it looks like you absorbed that tube of extract yourself." The old man grinned, "It's okay, it's the same when you extract it from your body."

Zhang Fantie at the side finally made a move. He took a step forward, pushed open the window, and punched the old man outside the window.

The old man fell back, floating like a kite outside the window, and a disgusting stench poured in from the window.

Smelling this stench, Su Ze has thoroughly confirmed the identity of the other party. He is no stranger to this stench. The mysterious person who ordered Zhao Lingxiao to kill Princess Zhu Zhi had this stench on him. Obviously, they are from the same organization.

In addition, Su Ze had also smelled this stench from Zhao Lingxiao's corpse, but it was much weaker in comparison, and could be barely covered up with pungent perfume.

The old man outside the window let out a strange laugh: "The deals reached by the organization will never be abandoned halfway. We will take back what you owe us."

The figure of the old man disappeared into the night outside the window, Zhang Fantie's face was solemn, he locked the window again, drew the curtains, and said to Su Ze: "We will set off as soon as the sun is light."

Su Ze nodded and asked, "Uncle Tie, what strength is that old man?"

"Same as me, butterfly stage." Zhang Fantie said.

Su Ze's heart trembled. If Zhang Fantie wasn't around him to protect him, it would be a very bad night.

The target of that unknown mysterious organization was Princess Zhu Zhi's extract, or the skill of "Evolution of Divine Grace", but the extract was absorbed by Zhao Lingxiao, and now Su Ze replaced Zhao Lingxiao's identity.

So now the mysterious organization can only recreate the extract containing the evolutionary grace skill by killing Su Ze and extracting the evolutionary substance in his body.

Co-authoring me is now a BOSS, and if you kill me, you can explode your magical skills... Su Ze has a headache, and what makes him even more incomprehensible is how did the other party find him?

He arrived in Heiyan City by private plane, and it stands to reason that there is no possibility of being followed, and he has crossed more than half of the Shepherd Country from Qinggu City to Heiyan City. He only got off the plane at noon, and staying in this hotel at night was also a temporary idea. How did the people from the mysterious organization track down this hotel that night?
Although the mysterious organization is powerful, Su Ze doesn't think they can control everything. There must be some kind of tracking method to track his location.

"There are countless tracking skills, but they often need to leave marks on the target, but I am not Zhao Lingxiao. I have never been in contact with people from the mysterious organization before. It is possible for them to leave marks on Zhao Lingxiao, but there should be no chance. Leave a mark on me." Su Ze suddenly looked stunned, and turned to look at the handbag he put on the bedside table.

This bag originally belonged to Zhao Lingxiao, and he kept it with him all the time. The most precious thing in the bag was the fourth-order extract!

And that fourth-order extract was originally the deposit paid to Zhao Lingxiao by the mysterious organization.

"That is to say, they obtained my location by tracking this fourth-order extract..." Su Ze understood in his heart, but did not tell Zhang Fantie his guess.

After this incident, Su Ze couldn't sleep anymore, and lay on the bed with his eyes closed, analyzing his current situation.

He seems to be very rich now, and he is protected by a strong man in the butterfly stage. He seems to be stable, but in fact it is tantamount to walking a tightrope on a cliff. If he is not careful, he will be doomed.

People from the mysterious organization wanted to kill him to use his skills. Once the Zhao family knew that he was not Zhao Lingxiao, they would definitely kill him to avenge Zhao Lingxiao.

He needs Zhang Fantie's protection, but also fears that Zhang Fantie will see his flaws.

"Whether it's the Zhao family or the mysterious organization, I can't deal with it, and now I can only take one step at a time."

In a blink of an eye, it was already daylight, Zhang Fantie woke Su Ze up, the two of them washed up together and went downstairs to have breakfast, the taxi driver from yesterday was already waiting for them outside the hotel.

The two walked out of the hotel gate and walked towards the taxi. At this moment, Zhang Fantie's cell phone rang suddenly.

Zhang Fantie didn't have any friends or family, and he came out with a mission this time, so the only person who would contact him was Zhao Yuanyi.

Su Ze glanced at Zhang Fantie's cell phone screen, and it was indeed Zhao Yuanyi who called. For some reason, Su Ze felt disturbed for no reason when he heard the rapid ringtone of the cell phone.

"Minister." Zhang Fantie stood still and answered the phone with a respectful tone.

"Is Ling Xiao by your side?"


Zhao Yuanyi's voice could not hear any fluctuations: "Catch him and bring him back, he is not Ling Xiao."

"Remember, catch alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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