Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 2 Prison Break Plan

Chapter 2 Prison Break Plan
The criminals held in Panshi Prison are all vicious criminals who have committed heinous crimes, the kind who cannot be shot ten times.

In this world, to commit a heinous crime often requires great strength.

The blue star is different from the earth. Since the "evolution rain" 1000 years ago, all life forms on the blue star have awakened the power of evolution. The cells and even the genes of the whole body have been transformed by the power of evolution, and they have the ability to evolve into a higher-level life form. possibility of evolution.

The way humans evolve is different from other animals and plants. Humans need to absorb the extracts of higher-level life forms than themselves to have a chance to complete evolution.

Every time humans evolve, they need to absorb three tubes of extracts from higher-level life forms. After absorbing the extracts every time, in addition to improving their overall physical fitness, they will also randomly obtain a skill from the owner of the extracts.

For example, the neighbor next door to Su Ze, who has undergone two evolutions, is a cocoon-breaking strongman who has the ability to suck blood and control blood. He once imprisoned and raised thousands of "blood slaves" for himself through kidnapping and human trafficking. No less than 200 people were killed by smoking for pleasure.

His blood-sucking ability comes from the extract of a leech beast, and his ability to control blood comes from a third-order mosquito beast that has evolved three times.

Su Ze nicknamed him "Vampire" in his heart.

In the cell opposite to Su Ze, there was a middle-aged man who looked like a sick child. His face was pale and skinny. A village builds an army of walking corpses.The brutal and inhumane behavior angered the whole country.

Su Ze often feels out of place in Panshi Prison because he is not perverted enough.

Of course, he also lowered the average strength of the entire Panshi Prison by himself.

It can be said that the existence of Panshi Prison is dedicated to detain those criminals who have committed the most crimes and are powerful. Ordinary criminals, if they are too weak or have killed too few people, are not eligible to be imprisoned here.

Su Ze was able to be imprisoned in Panshi Prison, thanks to Mu Wang's special care.

However, under the deterrence of Mu Wang, a saint-level life form that has evolved four times, the entire Mu country has been relatively peaceful in recent decades, so more than [-]% of the cells in Panshi Prison are vacant.

And around Su Ze's cell, there are only two inmates, "Vampire" and "Sick Younger", because the three of them are the same batch of prisoners who will be executed tomorrow morning.

Therefore, if Su Ze wants to escape from prison, only these two people can rely on him.

"Brother, do you want to escape from prison?"

Hearing Su Ze's question, the "vampire" next door sneered: "If you have nothing to do, just send two more shots, don't bother me."

Su Ze could hear the disdain in the vampire's tone, but he didn't care. It's not difficult to convince the vampire and sick man to help him escape from prison together. The two will definitely cooperate actively.

After all, they are all death-row prisoners who only have one day to live. If they fail to escape from prison, they are just dead. If they succeed, it is equivalent to saving their lives.

Su Ze said: "You don't want to just end your sinful life like this, do you? You might as well listen to my plan first and measure whether it is feasible."

"You? Plan?" The vampire laughed. "You cast a good pregnancy, but you made yourself a death row prisoner. You played a good hand of cards and played badly. I dare not listen to the plan of an idiot like you."

Su Ze was speechless. Even though he accepted Zhao Lingxiao's memory, he still couldn't figure out why Zhao Lingxiao would do something that would destroy his future. As far as he knew, Zhao Lingxiao was not a fool with a big brain, nor was he some playboy. On the contrary, he is very ambitious and ruthless, and Zhao Lingxiao has no shortage of women around him.

Zhao Lingxiao raped and killed Princess Zhu Zhi, there must be something hidden in it, but Su Ze didn't think about it for the time being, the most important thing right now is to find a way to escape.

Ignoring the vampire's taunt, Su Ze said to himself: "I already have a preliminary plan, but this plan requires you, me, and the guy opposite, and the three of us can only complete it together, and the details still need to be completed." Discuss."

"You can choose to continue laughing at me, or you can choose to help me perfect this plan and fight for a chance to escape."

After Su Ze finished speaking, the cell next door fell silent.

After a long while, the vampire's deep and depressed voice sounded from the metal wall again: "You are not the first to want to escape from the prison. This Rock Prison has been built for more than 100 years, and there have been many strong people in the butterfly stage who have evolved three times. There has never been a precedent for a successful jailbreak, why should I believe you can?"

"Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the monitoring in the aisle outside the prison door. The prison guards are watching 24 hours a day. If we make any changes, it will alarm the warden of the Panshi Prison. He is a strong butterfly... "

Su Ze interrupted him directly: "What if I can temporarily turn off this monitoring?"

"How do you do that?" the vampire questioned.

"I am not as good as you in terms of strength, but in terms of status, you are not worthy of carrying my shoes. I may not be able to do what you can't do." Su Ze said, "Since you know my status, you should also know that money can make me feel better." Ghost grinder."

After another moment of silence, the vampire asked, "In your plan, what do you need me to do?"

Su Ze smiled, knowing that the vampire had already taken the bait.

"First, help me open the door of this cell."

"I can't do this. The console that controls the opening and closing of the cell door is at least 50 meters away from here. Although I can control blood, the range is limited to ten meters around my body, and the console needs to be verified by the fingerprints of prison guards above the captain level to operate. .”

"Then help me collect the fingerprints of the prison guard at the captain level, it shouldn't be difficult for you."

"Also, help me kill another person!"


"You'll know then."

Su Ze took a deep breath: "Now, let's talk about our plan with the guy opposite."


At noon, Su Ze heard footsteps getting closer and closer in the aisle, and knew that it was the prison guard who came to deliver lunch.

Although there are not many prisoners in this Panshi Prison, almost all of them are evolutionaries with special abilities, so even delivering food is dangerous.

So every time the prison guards delivered meals, they would be accompanied by a prison guard captain.

"Eat a chicken leg to replenish your strength, and you can go on the road tomorrow."

The prison guard said this to the vampire in the next cell, but Su Ze was still refreshed when he heard it... There are chicken legs today!

After eating steamed buns for a few days, the birds almost faded out of my mouth.

He hurriedly walked behind the heavy metal door, opened the small window on the door, and saw the young prison guard outside the door, and the burly prison guard leader behind him.

Su Ze looked forward with anticipation, but then a steamed bun was thrown in.

Su Ze caught the cold and hard steamed bun, paused for a moment and then asked, "Brother Prison Guard, where are my chicken legs?"

According to Muguo's practice, the food for the death row inmates will be improved the day before their execution. Obviously, Su Ze is being treated differently.

The captain of the prison guard outside the door laughed: "Master Ling Xiao, don't you look at what you have committed. It would be nice to have steamed buns to eat. What chicken legs do you want?"

Su Ze sighed. Seeing that the two prison guards were about to turn around and leave, he quickly shouted, "Master Captain, don't rush away, I have something to tell you."

The burly prison guard paused, thought for a while, and said to the prison guard who delivered the meal: "You go out first."

Immediately, he walked to the door of Su Ze's cell and said, "What do you want to tell me?"

Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief. In the whole plan, he was most worried about the first ring. There were three prison guard captains in Panshi Prison. He was afraid that he would ignore him if he met an upright prison guard captain.

Now that the captain of the prison guard is willing to listen to him, he has also explained his attitude.

"I would like to trouble the captain to bring a message to my family. My Zhao family will definitely not let the captain run away in vain."

The captain of the prison guard neither agreed nor refused, but asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Come closer." Su Ze said.

The captain of the prison guard hesitated for a moment. He wouldn't dare to be careless if he was replaced by other prisoners in this prison, but Zhao Lingxiao was just a mortal life form that hadn't evolved, and he didn't pose any threat to him, so he took a step forward and came. Go to the cell door.

He put one hand on the door of the cell and turned his head slightly.

However, he didn't notice that where his fingers touched the door of the cell, there were fine drops of blood flowing, imprinting a shallow fingerprint.

Su Ze stepped forward and lowered his voice.

"When you come to my house, find a person named Zhao Qiang, and ask him, 'Where did the doll go?'." Su Ze paused, "Another thing to ask him is that I can have a full meal before I die. Food is even better."

Where did the doll go?
The captain of the prison guard just felt that this sentence had no beginning and no end, and he didn't understand what it meant.

But he didn't ask carefully, turned and left.

Su Ze knew that if he didn't refuse, he had already agreed, but under this surveillance, he needed to cover up his actions.

After the captain of the prison guard left the prison, he drove to Zhao's house without delaying too long.

Although Zhao Lingxiao committed a serious crime, Muguo was not an ancient feudal dynasty, and ruled the country by law, and there was no saying that the nine clans were implicated, so Zhao Yuanyi was not too implicated.

Coupled with the fact that Zhao Yuanyi personally arrested Zhao Lingxiao and brought him to justice, the whole country praised the act of righteously exterminating relatives. Even if King Mu was angry with Zhao Yuanyi in his heart, it was not easy to show it.

Therefore, the Zhao family is still prosperous, and it is worth letting a captain of prison guards cling to and curry favor with him.

Su Ze waited for the captain of the prison guard to leave, and said to the vampire next door and the sick man opposite: "You two probably don't like chicken legs, why don't you give them to me?"

The two pretended not to hear.

Su Ze said again: "You are all masters at the cocoon breaking stage, even if you don't eat or drink for ten and a half months, it will not be affected, unlike my mortal body, which is weak, if you go hungry, I'm afraid it will be a mistake! "

"You don't want to have problems with your plan, do you?"

 New book for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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