Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 20 Big Sister's Personal Expert

Chapter 20 Big Sister's Personal Expert
There are still several places like the Black and White Bar in Heiyan City. The Black and White Bar is not the most famous among them. The most famous and credible one is the Association of Evolvers.

The Evolutionary Association claims to be a non-governmental organization, but it has inextricable connections with the government. Under the banner of "serving every evolutionary", they spread their influence to the entire Lin Huazhou. They are the largest middlemen. Earn amazing wealth by raking in commissions.

Su Ze wanted to find a reliable team, and it would be more convenient to go to the Evolutionary Association, but he was worried that people from the Zhao family and mysterious organizations would also be following the Evolutionary Association, so after much deliberation, he chose the less famous team. Big but relatively hidden black and white bar.

The information scrolling on the big screen of the black bar was too slow. Su Ze looked at it for a long time, but couldn't find a suitable team. He directly asked the bartender: "Is there any team that wants to go deep into the Black Rock Mountain Range recently?"

"That's too much. Since the gophers and water-spraying frog extracts are not accepted in every family, it is basically impossible to find anything valuable outside the Black Rock Mountain Range. If you want to make some money, you can only go deep into the Black Rock Mountain Range. "

As the saying goes, relying on the mountain to eat the mountain, the Black Rock Mountain Range supports a large group of Heiyan City Evolvers, they often form a team into the mountain to hunt exotic beasts, the exotic beasts are full of treasures, the most valuable are the extracts, and the corpses of the alien beasts can also be used as pharmaceutical materials.

Sometimes if you are lucky, you can pick up strange things in the mountains, or find spiritual plants, which are evolved plants. They are precious materials for making tonics, and they are more valuable than ordinary extracts.

These evolutionaries who live by hunting in the mountains are called hunters.

In the era of evolution, hunting is a high-risk, high-yield, high-threshold job, and non-evolved people are not competent.

The bartender handed Su Ze a tablet: "Look for yourself, all recent tasks are on it."

Su Ze took the tablet and screened it, showing all the tasks of recruiting people into the Black Rock Mountain Range. After searching for a long time, he found that it was either a weaker team that had no intention of going deep into the Black Rock Mountain Range, or a stronger team. The team also has high requirements for the people recruited into the team, and the strength of Su Ze's chrysalis can't meet the threshold of joining the team at all.

It's not that he never thought of posting a mission by himself and hiring some strong men to escort him. He has the financial resources, but that would be equivalent to telling others: Come and kill me to explode gold coins!
When the time comes, the person who escorts him may be the person who took his life. The barren mountains of the Black Rock Mountains are a good place to kill people and throw their bodies.

Therefore, the safest plan is for him to sneak into a powerful team in a low-key manner, follow the team to cross the most dangerous area, and then find a chance to leave the team and go to Luo Fan Country by himself.

From west to east, the Black Rock Mountains are like a natural barrier between the two countries, and Su Ze has to cross this barrier from south to north.

Most of the outer areas of the Black Rock Mountain Range are Tier [-] alien beasts. Su Ze still dares to venture in, mainly in the inner area, where there are a large number of Tier [-] alien beasts rampant. If you are not lucky, you may encounter Tier [-] alien beasts. Only by finding a team composed of many seasoned and seasoned experts in the cocoon breakout stage can a certain degree of security be guaranteed.

After searching through all the missions, Su Ze didn't find any qualified team. The team he liked didn't like him, and the team he liked didn't like him.

It seems that what I think is still too simple... Su Ze sighed, it is really impossible, he can only hire a few evolutionaries with good reputation to escort him.

Just as Su Ze was about to return the tablet, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he directly searched for the mission to Luo Fan Kingdom.

He is also at the edge of his head, and he is thinking of joining the hunting team in the Black Rock Mountains. If there is a team that goes directly to Luo Fan Country, wouldn't it be much easier?

This search really made him find a mission.

Su Ze carefully read the content and requirements of this task, and his eyes lit up.

This is an escort mission, and the mission content is to escort the employer across the Black Rock Mountains to Luofan Country, and there is no limit to the number and strength of the docking mission.

In Su Ze's view, this mission was tailor-made for him, so that he immediately wondered if this was a mission deliberately issued by the Zhao family or a mysterious organization, with the purpose of catching him out.

However, Su Ze also quickly discovered that this mission was unusual. This is a new mission that was just released today. The employer asked to start early tomorrow morning, which seemed to be in a hurry.

In addition, the task did not indicate the remuneration, only said to be negotiable.

The most important point is that the employer clearly stated in the task content that taking this task may be life-threatening!
"There is no limit to the strength and the number of people. It also states that life may be in danger. It feels like asking for cannon fodder. And everyone knows the dangers in the Black Rock Mountains. This employer has an additional reminder that life is in danger, indicating that this danger does not come from Black Rock. Mountains, but from the employer herself, she got in trouble!"

Su Ze was a little hesitant for a moment whether he should accept this mission. He felt that it was a pitfall after accepting it, but this mission perfectly met his needs. He could follow the large army all the way to Luofan Kingdom. It would be a pity if he missed it.

Let’s take a look first, why think so much?
In case I attract someone from the Zhao family or the mysterious organization, who is going to trick whom... Su Ze made up his mind, got up and paid for the orange juice, and took out a few red bills as tips to pay the bartender Teacher, and then asked him about the escort mission.

The bartender put away the red banknotes, smiled until crow's feet appeared on the corners of his eyes, and said, "If you are interested in this task, I can directly introduce you to an employer. She is a sincere lady. If you have any questions, you can directly ask She, I believe she will tell the truth. But before that, you have to tell me how much commission you expect."

"How much is the commission for a general pupae evolutionary?" Su Ze didn't know much about this aspect, so he asked one more question.

"The chrysalis change depends on the strength, and the general commission for a day's employment ranges from [-] to [-]..."

"Then I'll give you [-]."

The bartender nodded: "It's a relatively reasonable price for novices who are new to the chrysalis transformation stage. If you are confident in your own strength, you can strive for a higher commission."

Su Ze shook his head and said, "No need, I've always been self-aware."

Five thousand or fifty thousand, it doesn't matter to Su Ze, but it's too strange not to have one point, simply asking for ten thousand, which is more in line with his strength when he first entered the chrysalis stage.

If possible, Su Ze is even willing to pay the other party 5000 million, as long as the other party can ensure safety and bring him to Luo Fan Country.

Just looking at Su Ze's age, the bartender also guessed that Su Ze should have just entered the pupa stage, so he stopped persuading him, pointed to a hidden corner of the bar, and said: "You are lucky, the employer happens to be here, I Take you to meet her."

Su Ze looked towards the dining table in the corner, there were three people sitting there, the man among them was ignored by Su Ze, and Su Ze's eyes fell on the two women opposite the man.

One of them has exquisite facial features and elegant temperament. She is a gentle and intellectual big sister. The gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her small nose give her a bit of a bookish look.

The intellectual beauty is about 27 or 17 years old, and Su Ze feels that it is not too much for the [-]-year-old to call her a big sister.

And next to the intellectual beauty is a 50-year-old lady. As soon as she saw her, Su Ze knew that she was a master!
She has an aura similar to that of Zhang Fantie and the stinking old man, perhaps the so-called master aura.

So this pair is, big sister and her personal expert?
(End of this chapter)

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