Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 306 The Function of Advanced Energy

Chapter 306 The Function of Advanced Energy

After killing the fifth-order puffball bacteria, the remaining fourth-order mutant bacteria are no longer a concern. Su Ze can now safely and boldly try the effect of silver-gray energy.

A large mass of silver-gray energy has been extracted from two fourth-order mutated bacteria and one fifth-order mutated bacteria. Su Ze tried to compress and condense these silver-gray energies, and finally excreted them.

Then, a silver-gray object the size of a fingertip appeared in Su Ze's hand, which had a metallic texture to the touch.

He only left a trace in his body, and now he began to control his body, absorbing that trace of silver-gray energy.

The process went smoothly, and the silver-gray energy easily integrated into Su Ze's body.

Looks like nothing has changed...

It could also be that the amount absorbed is too little.

However, Su Ze has been observing his body with his sensory tentacles, so he can also detect slight changes in his body. He found that after absorbing that trace of silver-gray energy, his size seems to have grown a little bit.

The increase in body size is very subtle, and it would be difficult for Su Ze himself to notice it unless he observed it carefully.

He released the "expansion" state, returned to normal body shape, and released the "liquid life", returned to the state of flesh and blood, and immediately found that his physical body had been slightly strengthened.

He thought for a while, and electrocuted a low-level mutant bacteria that was close to him to delay his "blood-phagating" skill.

Su Ze snapped off a small piece from the silver-gray metal, and put it directly into his body.

After this small piece of silver-gray metal is diluted, the total amount is already dozens of times the silver-gray energy he absorbed just now.

Since there was no danger in absorbing the silver-gray energy just now, Su Ze became more courageous and absorbed more this time so as to observe the effect.

Soon, this small piece of silver-gray energy was easily absorbed by him like eating and drinking, and he immediately felt that his physical body had become significantly stronger!
You know, Su Ze's physical strength has always surpassed that of the same level.

At each stage of his evolution, he absorbs one more tube of extract than others, and these extracts will increase the strength of his physical body.

In addition, he has also used many treasures to improve his physical fitness, such as strengthening the bones with coral stones, strengthening the body with evolutionary liquid, and so on.

In the dice of the gods, his physical strength has also been greatly improved.

The skill "knowledge is power" has strengthened Su Ze's body from the cellular level many times.

Therefore, Su Ze's current physical strength is already comparable to some supreme powerhouses.

At his level, if the fifth evolution is not completed, it will be very difficult for the physical body to improve significantly, and there is not much room for improvement.

It is often the most difficult to go one step further.

But this silver-gray energy seemed to ignore the bottleneck and limitations of the evolutionary level, and easily raised Su Ze's physique again.

It is worthy of high-level energy!
While strengthening his physical body, Su Ze felt that his body size was also getting bigger, he was getting taller and bigger.

He took a little control and allowed himself to return to his original size.

With the "expansion" skill, Su Ze can already transform into a giant, so he doesn't want his normal body shape to develop into a giant.

Fortunately, the essence of the "expansion" skill is to control the size of the body to grow and shrink, so he can adjust himself to the original size.

Next, he tried again, "inflated" to his limit body size, and found that his maximum body size had also been significantly improved after absorbing the silver-gray energy.

This increase is also scaled up proportionally.

That is to say, his original body height increased by one centimeter, and after he expanded a hundred times, the expanded centimeter became one meter.

This made Su Ze very happy. This silver-gray energy is very suitable and useful for him. It is more effective and cost-effective than ordinary evolutionaries.

Others absorb this silver-gray energy just to strengthen their physique and increase their size, but when Su Ze is in a state of expansion, his size is his strength!
The bigger he is, the stronger he is.

Moreover, as his physique strengthened, it would be easier for him to leapfrog the absorption of extracts later on.

"This silver-gray energy is tailor-made for me!" Su Ze's eyes lit up, looking at the remaining fourth-order mutant bacteria in the distance, "You mutant bacteria are poisoning living beings, damn it!"

Fourth-order mutant bacteria:? ?
It is the fifth-order puffball bacteria that suck humans as nutrients, what is the relationship with them?
Su Ze didn't immediately clean up those fourth-order mutant bacteria, but asked Ya Ge, "Did you catch the stealth mushroom?"

"It's already been slaughtered." Brother Ya took out a small mushroom the size of a fist, which had already been cut in two. "Now wait for the blood to crystallize."

Su Ze nodded, and said: "When I eradicate all those fourth-order mutant bacteria, we will leave immediately. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Although the pope's avatar can't immediately feed back information and memory to the main body, the pope will definitely be able to sense the death of the avatar, and it may not be long before a master of the evolutionist sect will come to check the situation.


Su Ze maintained the extreme strengthening effect of "Blood Devouring", and his combat power reached its peak. Without the protection of the fifth-order puffball bacteria, the other fourth-order mutant bacteria were completely vulnerable to him.

In a devastating manner, he killed all the fourth-order mutant bacteria in the core area of ​​the psychedelic fungus forest.

Also harvested a lot of silver-gray energy.

So far, the dangerous psychedelic fungus forest in the Lianshui Rainforest has been reduced by at least [-]%.

However, in order to extract silver-gray energy, Su Ze can only devour all these fourth-order mutant bacteria with the "blood-phagating" skill. In this way, the body materials and extracts of these mutant bacteria lose their value, which can be regarded as a considerable loss. Only in exchange for these silver-gray energies.

Su Ze looked at the core area of ​​the psychedelic fungus forest that had been razed to the ground by him, and the scattered bones on the ground. He took out his mobile phone and took a video.

Chen Suifeng asked him to help collect evidence of the Evolution Cult's crimes. Although these corpses alone cannot prove that this matter is related to the Evolution Cult, if other evidence can be obtained later, it may form a chain of evidence.

It's not that Su Ze didn't think about waiting for a rabbit, so he stayed here, waiting for the people from the Evolution God Sect to come.

I'm afraid that the Evolution God Sect will send a strong man they can't deal with, or even if the Pope himself comes in person?
So to be on the safe side, they decided to leave first.

"The pope parasitized the fifth-order puffball fungus, and has been guarding this psychedelic fungus forest, most likely because of the silver-gray energy, but he transported a large number of refugees to feed the puffball fungus, why?" Su Ze Can't help but think about this question.

If it is only for the silver-gray energy in these high-level mutant bacteria, the pope can kill all these mutant bacteria like Su Ze, and absorb or extract all the silver-gray energy.

He must have the means to absorb or extract silver-gray energy.

"Could it be that these high-level mutant bacteria can continuously produce silver-gray energy? And through feeding, can the production be increased?

"The Pope keeps this fungus forest, is it because he wants to keep the water flowing for a long time, and continuously obtain silver-gray energy?"

Su Ze felt that his guess was probably the truth, but even so, he did not regret his act of destroying those high-level mutant bacteria.

It seems that his move seems to be exhausting the fish.

But he can't keep this psychedelic fungus forest, so he might as well grab all the benefits and run away.

Even if he left a few high-level mutant bacteria and transplanted them elsewhere, it would still require a lot of time and energy, and the silver-gray energy output is estimated to be average.

It is impossible for him to capture a large number of innocent people to feed mutant bacteria like the Pope.

"Blue Star is so big, there must be more than one place like this." Su Ze is not worried that there will be no place to obtain silver-gray energy in the future.

Having ruined the Pope's plan, Su Ze was in a pretty good mood.

Before, he could only be driven around the world by the pope, but now he has the strength to fight back.

This can be regarded as a tabloid report of the previous two popes' pursuit and killing.

He is a broad-minded person who never holds grudges, this small revenge can be regarded as the end of the grievances between the two of them.

If he deals with the Pope in the future...it must be to punish evil and uphold justice!
"Brother Ya, get ready, let's leave."

Su Ze ended the "Blood Devouring" skill, returned to normal form, and prepared to evacuate.

The preparation he said was to leave a mobile phone here and monitor the situation here live.

Ya Ge used to be a full-time anchor, and he had all these equipments. He immediately found a hidden corner, set up signal enhancement equipment, and hid a mobile phone for monitoring.

The lens can just capture the core area of ​​the psychedelic fungus forest. If someone comes over, they can take a clear picture.

In fact, it is safer to monitor here through these technological means and electronic equipment than Su Ze's sensory tentacles.

If someone as strong as the Pope came over, he would definitely be able to detect the existence of Su Ze's sensory tentacles, and he might follow the vine to find him.

However, there is no such concern when live broadcasting through mobile phones, and you can monitor the situation here without being nearby.

The biggest disadvantage is that the power of the mobile phone is limited, even if it is connected to a mobile power supply, the battery life will not be too long.

But Su Ze believes that it won't be too long before the Evolution God Sect will send someone over.

After doing all this, the two left immediately.

But suddenly Su Ze stopped.

"What's wrong?" Ya Ge asked suspiciously.

"someone is coming!"

Su Ze's sensory tentacles sensed that someone was approaching outside the psychedelic fungus forest.

A man in a red robe was approaching the core area of ​​the Psychedelic Fungus Forest carefully. Su Ze recognized his attire. This is the red-clothed archbishop of the Evolution God Sect, and he is usually of the holy level.

Behind him, a transport vehicle was parked outside the psychedelic fungus forest, and two clergymen of the Evolutionary Sect came down from it, both of them were apologist warriors wearing gold-rimmed white armor.

In the car, there were twenty or thirty trembling refugees. From the clothes of these people, Su Ze could tell that they were refugees from the peninsula country.

Looking at it like this, it seems that they were not attracted by us, but the team that originally planned to transport refugees... Su Ze judged that these people were just routinely transporting refugees as nutrients for puffball fungus, but they happened to bump into Psychedelic fungus Lin had an accident.

So the strength of this team is not too strong, there is only one holy archbishop, and the others are only in the butterfly stage or even the cocoon stage.

To be careful, Su Ze didn't immediately clash with these people, but immediately fled to the transport vehicle with Ya Ge to observe the actions of those apologist warriors.

A short child-like guardian warrior anxiously asked in a shrill voice: "What the hell happened? Why did the bacteria forest explode! Why are those few hundred-meter mutant bacteria invisible?"

Another apologist with a deformed face scolded: "Be quiet, dwarf! Wait for Bishop Matil to come back!"

The dwarf seemed to be a little afraid of his companions, and he didn't say anything after being scolded. Instead, he went to vent his anger on the refugees in the transport truck, and cursed: "If any of you dare to cry again, I will send him to see the God of Evolution now!" !"

Su Ze looked at the dwarfs and the two apologists with deformed faces, and thought of the human experiments done by the Evolutionary God Sect before, using people with congenital diseases to promote their mutation evolution... These two should be mutation experiments product.

"Boss, do you want to do it?" Brother Ya asked via voice transmission.

This is indeed a good time to rescue these refugees, and they are also the best witnesses. In this way, there is also evidence of the Evolution Cult's crimes.

"It's no problem to do it. Even if the archbishop is the supreme level, we are not afraid, but how to deal with so many refugees?" Su Ze frowned.

It is impossible to send these [-] or [-] refugees to the nearest Luo Fan Country and Ancient Ang Country, these two places are unreliable.

Brother Ya thought for a while and said, "Let's escort them all the way from the wild to the desert country."

Su Ze thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's the only way to go. I will contact Brother Feng to pick us up on the way. I'm afraid that the Evolution God Sect will send people to chase and kill us after getting the news. With so many people, our It’s definitely not going any faster.”

"At that point, we can only abandon these refugees and take away one or two witnesses at most." Ya Ge said.

"That's okay, I'll take pictures of the evidence first, and then you'll do the math for me. If there's no danger, we'll do it." Su Ze took out his phone to take pictures of the evidence while talking.

Brother Ya told Su Ze's fortune. After confirming that there was no danger, Su Ze made a plan, and the two of them attacked the archbishop first.

Kill the strongest first, and the weak ones won't be able to escape.

After deciding on a plan, the two attacked quickly.

The Archbishop Matil had already explored the core area of ​​the Psychedelic Fungus Forest. Looking at the empty core area in front of him, only the core area full of dead bodies, he suspected that he had come to the wrong place.

What about those fourth-order giant mutant bacteria?
What about the fifth-order mutant bacteria parasitized by His Excellency the Pope?
What's gone?

who did it!
Matil suddenly felt a chill down his spine, no matter who did it, the other party is beyond his ability to deal with!
"Let's go! Report this matter!" Matil hurriedly flew back.

However, before he could move two steps, he felt a gust of wind blowing over his head. With a bang, a big shovel hit his forehead, making his eyes stare, and his head was barely blown.

This is because Ya Ge didn't use the sharp edge of the shovel to chop him, otherwise Matil's skull would have been split open at this time.

"Be obedient and grab it!" Ya Ge's figure suddenly disappeared, but voices came from all directions, which put great psychological pressure on Matil.

After confirming that Matil is only a holy-level overlord, Su Ze and Yage are naturally free to choose. Either of them can beat Matil, let alone team up.

Did not kill directly, but also wanted to get some information from Matil.

"The glory of the Lord will protect me!" Martil took off the hood of the red robe, revealing a face with a huge blue birthmark and black hair on the birthmark.

He has a devout face, holds the statue of the God of Evolution in his hand, and his aura is rising rapidly. The birthmark like a tumor on his face is constantly wriggling, and suddenly a gap opens, revealing a vertical eye!
The white light burst out from the vertical eyes, covering the surroundings, exposing Ya Ge who was prowling.

"What is this?" Brother Ya was feeling uncomfortable all over. After being enveloped by the light, he felt as if he was stuck in a spider's web, and his movements became much slower.

"He's brainwashed again, I guess he won't be able to ask anything, let's kill him." Su Ze suddenly appeared next to Matil with a "rhino bump" and punched Matil.

He gave up his plan to torture Martil and ask for information. These brainwashed bishops are extremely devout, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to ask anything.

Like blasting a rotten watermelon, Matil's head was punched by Su Ze until it exploded, and all kinds of red and white things sprayed out.

But the vertical eye still seemed to be alive, still exuding white light, falling from Matil's head.

Su Ze activated the "Blood Devouring" skill before he hit Matil. After he smashed Martil's head, he immediately felt a large amount of flesh and blood energy fed back by the "Blood Devouring" skill.

This means that Matil is dead!

But the vertical eye seemed to be still alive.

It doesn't seem to be one with Matil.

Su Ze aimed at the vertical eye, and sent it with a "needle strike", which immediately popped the weird eyeball.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ze felt the feedback of the "Blood Devouring" skill, but this time the feedback came not from flesh and blood energy, but a faint white energy.

"Another high-level energy that cannot be transformed?"

Su Ze was secretly surprised, thinking what day it is today, he extracted two new high-level energies in one day!

This white energy is different from silver-gray energy and golden energy. It dissipates very quickly. Su Ze didn't absorb it for a while, and he had already begun to dissipate slowly.

The previous two times of absorbing high-level energy had only advantages and no disadvantages, which also made Su Ze more courageous.

Seeing that if he didn't absorb it, the white energy would dissipate completely, so he quickly controlled his body to absorb it.

After all, the origin of the white energy is a bit strange. If you miss this opportunity, you don’t know when it will happen next time.

The white energy quickly integrated into Su Ze's body... Su Ze knew its effect immediately.

His mental strength immediately increased a little!

The effect of white energy is to enhance spiritual power.

The golden energy helps digest evolutionary substances, the silver-gray energy strengthens the physical body and increases body size, and the white energy enhances mental strength...all good things!
High-level energies are good things, and it was only at this time that Su Ze truly realized the true power of the prototype of the magical skill "Blood Devouring".

Without this skill, he would not be able to extract these advanced energies at all.

As long as there is enough of these advanced energies, Su Ze's growth rate will be raised to a higher level.

Su Ze still has some clues about the golden energy and the silver-gray energy, but he doesn't know where the white energy comes from.

"What is that weird vertical eye?"

Su Ze shook his head. If he couldn't figure it out, he was too lazy to think about it. He searched for Martil's storage items, and the two went straight to the transport truck outside the psychedelic fungus forest.

Even Matil, the holy overlord, was killed by Su Ze at will, and the remaining two weaker guardian warriors had no power to fight back in front of them.

Su Ze directly cast mental coercion, which made the dwarf and the deformed man tremble and gave up resistance.

That is oppression from the level of life, and it cannot be resisted simply by relying on the devout belief in the God of Evolution.

What's more, dwarves and deformed men are obviously not very successful in brainwashing, and they are not so loyal to the god of evolution that they are willing to give their lives.

When Su Ze and Ya Ge walked to the transport vehicle, the dwarf and the deformed man were already kneeling on the ground, trembling.

The refugees on the transport vehicle looked at Su Ze with hope and fear, and they were not sure whether Su Ze came to rescue them.

For the sake of unnecessary trouble, both Su Ze and Ya Ge made disguises at this time, not showing their true colors to others, so no one recognized their identities as the patron saints of Dongli.

"Come with me." Ya Ge stepped forward and said to the refugees, "I will escort you to the desert country, who of you can drive?"

When they heard that Brother Ya came to rescue them, the refugees were overjoyed. Several people raised their hands to indicate that they could drive.

Brother Ya picked a middle-aged man and asked him to drive, while he sat in the co-pilot.

Su Ze didn't keep up now, he wanted to interrogate the dwarf and the deformed man.

When the transport vehicle drove away, he kicked the deformed man over, picked up his mobile phone to take pictures, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"We followed Bishop Matil to do daily maintenance on the bacteria forest." The deformed man trembled.

"Maintenance? Be specific!"

"This..." The deformed man hesitated for a moment.

But the dwarf at the side seized the opportunity and quickly replied: "It is to send the refugees from the peninsula country to the core area of ​​the psychedelic fungus forest to feed the high-level mutant bacteria."

"Not bad." Su Ze praised the dwarf, and kicked the deformed man in the face by the way, smashing all his ugly teeth.

The deformed man let out a cry of pain, and gave the dwarf a resentful look.

Next, Su Ze didn't need to use any tricks. He asked a question, and the dwarf and the deformed man rushed to answer, asking what they said.

Occasionally someone is incomplete, and the other person will add to it.

Because the two of them are just apologists and not high-level members of the Evolution Cult, they don't know much about many things. They don't know that the fifth-order puffball in the fungus forest was parasitized by the Pope.

They only know that during the recent period, they have transported a large number of refugees from the peninsula country every day, and sent them to the psychedelic fungus forest to feed the mutated bacteria.

As for the silver-gray energy, they have never heard of it, and naturally they don't know the purpose of the Pope's cultivation of these mutant bacteria.

Seeing that he couldn't find any more information about Junlin, Su Ze ended the video recording on his mobile phone and asked, "Where did you come from? Is there a stronghold of your Evolution God Cult nearby? How many refugees are still being held?"

He is considering whether to go to the stronghold of Evolution Theology.

(End of this chapter)

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