Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 316 Growth Weapon Rare Item

Chapter 316 Growth Weapon Rare Item

"It's a sword species, but this is the name given to it by the owner, because he likes to use swords as weapons, and you can give it another name." Mother Tree said.

"Can you tell me the function of this strange object?" Su Ze asked curiously.

The mother tree seemed to be lost in memory, she was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "It is said to be a strange thing, but it is actually a living spiritual plant seed. My own weapon, after a long period of cultivation and transformation, has this strange thing.

"However, the initial level of this strange object was lower than the owner's expectations. He hesitated to continue to spend a lot of time, energy, and resources on cultivating the sword species, and finally chose to temporarily seal it in the treasure house. I didn't expect him to make a decision. , there was an accident.

"The role of the sword species, if you inject a little evolutionary power into it, you will naturally experience it."

Hearing this, Su Ze poured the melon seed-like sword seed into his palm, injecting a bit of evolutionary power.

The sword seed is really like a spiritual planting seed, absorbing Su Ze's evolutionary power as a nutrient for its own growth.

After it absorbed Su Ze's evolutionary power, it immediately began to germinate, pulling out a tiny sprout.

At the same time, a certain connection was immediately established between Su Ze and the sword species.

The sword species is still thirsting for more energy, and it seems to be waiting for Su Ze's instructions, ready to grow according to Su Ze's instructions.

Su Ze thought for a while, increased the injection of evolutionary power, and at the same time recalled the appearance of Guan Erye's Qinglongyanyue knife in his mind.

In an instant, the sword species that had absorbed a large amount of evolutionary power began to grow crazily, and the sprouts that had been pulled out opened branches and leaves, and branches and vines scattered out, weaving and entwining together.

The originally emerald green and tender buds instantly turned into rough-skinned, thick-fleshed, strong and durable old tree vines.

In the blink of an eye, a Qinglong Yanyue Knife woven from tree vines appeared in Su Ze's hand!

The handle of the knife is solid, light, and the thickness is just right, which is very easy to hold.

The blade is also made of wood, cut from a whole piece of wood, but it is sharp and hard. Su Ze stretched out his hand and flicked it, and it felt stronger than his fourth-order crystal sword.

The point is, this knife can also change its shape and size according to Su Ze's thoughts.

As soon as Su Ze had a thought, the vines that made up the "Qinglong Yanyue Knife" changed for a while, and turned into a "Fangtian Painting Halberd" in a blink of an eye. Su Ze played it twice, and then turned it into a "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" appearance.

The sword type can be transformed into any weapon.

The owner of the mother tree named it "Sword Species" just because he prefers to use swords.

The only fly in the ointment is that no matter what kind of weapon it turns into, it is always made of wood, and the color is relatively monotonous, which makes it less handsome.

"The name 'Sword Species' is too ugly. Since any miscellaneous weapon can change, why not change the name...'Bastard'!"

"Boss, are you sure that 'hybrid' sounds better than 'sword species'?" Brother Ya wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"That's called 'device species'."

Although Brother Ya felt that the name "Qi Zhong" was not very good, but at least it sounded much better than "Sword Species" and "Bastards", so he could only praise against his will: "This name is not bad, the boss named it Ghost!"

In this way, Su Ze harvested a sixth-level weapon, a weapon!
Su Ze cut off the supply of evolutionary power to the device species, and the "golden cudgel" in his hand shrank immediately, and all the vines were quickly recovered, and retracted into Su Ze's palm in a blink of an eye, turning back into a melon seed again.

This strange thing is like this, when it is used, it must continuously inject the power of evolution. Once it is "broken", it will immediately retract into the form of a seed.

For Su Ze, no matter how powerful it is, two advantages are enough for the weapon to instantly kill the crystal sword.

The first is of course the ever-changing form of the weapon, which can be turned into any weapon.

The second is that the weapon transformed into a weapon can become infinitely larger. As long as the power of evolution is injected enough, it can grow to a hundred meters and a kilometer, which is very suitable for the "expanded" Su Ze.

Although the crystal sword can also become bigger, it will only be four or five meters long when it is stretched to death, which is no longer enough for the giant Su Ze who can easily expand to 200 meters now.

It was an unexpected joy to get this sixth-order strange object that was suitable for him. Su Ze immediately felt a lot more comfortable. Although he did not find a god-level strange object, the sixth-order strange object is not bad, at least it is the top level in Blue Star .

And according to the meaning of the mother tree, the species still has room to grow.

The mother tree saw that Su Ze stopped the research on the device, and said via voice transmission: "As a living spiritual plant, this strange thing still has a lot of room for growth, and it can absorb external energy to grow, but it needs a lot of energy.

"Every time you use it in the future, part of the energy consumed will be absorbed by it. When you use it to kill an enemy, it will also draw part of the energy from the dead enemy for him to grow."

Su Ze nodded and understood that this is a growth-type wonder with great potential, but it grows slowly.

After all, it is a weapon cultivated by the master of the mother tree for himself, and it must have the potential to grow to the god level.

Su Ze picked up the large bottle of evolutionary liquid again, and asked the mother tree the specific use of the evolutionary liquid.

"Evolutionary liquid is the hard currency in the universe." The mother tree replied, "Only god-level spiritual plants can produce evolutionary liquid, and not all god-level spiritual plants can."

Su Ze looked at the pool of spring water under the trunk of the mother tree... The mother tree can also produce the original evolution liquid, doesn't it mean that she is also a god-level spiritual plant?
But Su Ze remembered that the mother tree had said that she was not a spiritual plant, but a strange thing.

Moreover, the mother tree in complete form may indeed reach the god level, but the current mother tree is not complete.

Even if Su Ze retrieved the alien spaceship for her, the mother tree is still incomplete.

The mother tree continued: "The value of a single drop of evolutionary liquid is indeed not high, but evolutionary liquid is in great demand in the universe, even god-level powerhouses can use it, so it can be used as a 'cosmic currency' to a certain extent. "

"Can it be used as money?" Su Ze thought of the spirit stone in Xiuxian's novel, because it has value in itself, so it can be used as a transaction currency.

"Yes, the evolutionary liquid has a variety of functions, almost omnipotent, strengthens the body, strengthens the soul, strengthens the spiritual power, enhances the affinity with the power of evolution, and heals injuries... In general, it can improve any life of God level and below level of life of the body.

"Of course, this improvement effect will become less obvious as the evolution level of the living body increases, but as long as the amount is large, even the strong Sun God can get a considerable improvement from the evolutionary liquid."

Hearing this, Su Ze recalled his previous experience of taking the evolutionary liquid. He had taken two drops of the evolutionary liquid in total.

The first time I took it was to upgrade the "knowledge is power" skill, so all the power of the evolutionary liquid was used to upgrade the skill, and Su Ze didn't absorb it.

The second time I took it, I did get an all-round improvement. Although the increase was small, it was a real all-round improvement.

What is improved is not only common attributes such as strength, speed, and spiritual power, but also the affinity of the power of evolution, the speed of digesting evolutionary substances, and so on.

At that time, I was only in the cocoon-breaking stage of two evolutions. After taking the evolutionary liquid, the various improvement effects were so small. Now that I have become the supreme, I am afraid that the effect is even more negligible... Su Ze understands that, as the mother tree said, if you want to rely on Taking the evolutionary liquid can obtain a considerable improvement, it can only depend on the quantity.

For example, Su Ze, if he absorbed all of this large bottle of evolutionary liquid, he might be able to obtain some visible improvements.

If it is a god-level powerhouse, the demand will be even more. It may be a large amount of evolutionary liquid, which is naturally of amazing value. After all, this thing is priced in "drops".

Even if Su Ze absorbed all of this large bottle of evolutionary liquid, the improvement in his strength would be limited.

In short, it is impossible to directly complete evolution by absorbing the original evolution liquid.

Su Ze doesn't really need these upgrades for the time being, so he has no intention of absorbing all of these evolutionary liquids, but plans to keep them for a rainy day.

If he really has the opportunity to go to the universe and starry sky in the future, this kind of universe currency will definitely be useful.

Of course, if Brother Ya needs it, Su Ze can give him part of it. After all, this is the joint income of the two. Without Brother Ya's "Nothingness" skill, it is impossible for Su Ze to get the treasures in the central treasure house.

After clarifying the role of the device species and the evolutionary stock solution, the rest is a large amount of materials and evolutionary medicine.

However, as she herself said, the mother tree is not very knowledgeable. She only recognizes most of these materials and medicines, and there is still a small half that he doesn't know the use of.

These materials are all sixth or seventh grade, and they all come from alien creatures. Even if Su Ze and Ya Ge knew their functions, it would be difficult for Blue Star to make full use of them given Blue Star's current resources and level of evolution.

So they can only temporarily put away these materials, which may be needed in the future.

For the rest of the various natural medicines, Su Ze and Ya Ge divided the digestive medicines, healing medicines, poisons, etc. that they knew the use of equally.

Of course, what Su Ze values ​​most is digestive medicine. What is gratifying is that he has harvested several high-level digestive medicines from aliens, many of which are more effective than pure green heart-shaped fruits.

This will definitely save him a lot of time for subsequent digestion of evolutionary materials.

So far, the treasures that the two of them obtained in the treasury have been processed temporarily.

Considering that Liu Wenyin's base station has not yet been completed, Su Ze did not return to Dongli immediately, but planned to train in Miracle Oasis for a few days first.

But the next day, there was another latest development about the Evolutionary God Sect.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the Alien Party had to compromise, announcing sanctions against the Evolution Sect, arresting the clergy of the Evolution Sect within the entire Lin Huazhou area, and strictly prohibiting the Evolution Sect from continuing to preach.

Of course, the so-called capture is actually a lot of thunder and rain, and it is estimated that only three or two small fish and shrimps will be caught in the end.

Most of the clergy of Evolution Theology will still be escorted out of the country in the name of expulsion.

But no matter what, in Lin Huazhou in the future, there will be no trace of the evolutionist religion.

"Boss, I plan to go to the border of Luo Fan Country and wait for a rabbit." Brother Ya said after seeing the news.

He intends to go to the border of Luofan to intercept and kill the people of Evolution Theology.

Ya Ge has always hated the Evolution Religion, which may be related to his growing up in Luofan Country, and also because his dead parents had foolishly believed in the Evolution Religion.

When his parents were still alive, they used all their savings to turn to the priest of Evolutionism for his affairs. He was the most powerful "big man" they could get in touch with.

As a result, he donated all his life savings to Evolution Theology, but it didn't work.

Su Ze didn't persuade him either, but just asked, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, boss, if you have something to do, go and do it first."

Su Ze nodded, not worried about Brother Ya's safety, but still told him: "Be careful."

After sending Brother Ya away, Su Ze continued to practice hard in the spaceship for a few days, and tried the alien digestive medicine that he had just obtained, and the effect was gratifying.

Although Su Ze still has a lot of sands of time in his hand, which is enough to help Su Ze quickly digest the mirage king extract in his body, but he will not do so until the next tube of extract is available.

Still give priority to self-digestion.

A few days later, Su Ze left Miracle Oasis and returned to Dongli University.

At this time, Liu Wenyin had successfully made the big head of the spiritual supreme Penny into a communication base station.

Moreover, with the help of Principal Zhou Wenshan, dozens of mental communication phones were also produced.

Su Ze took both the new base station and the spiritual communication phone, and was about to set off for Lin Huaguo.

As for the base station made with Amida's head, it was naturally eliminated, but Su Ze did not discard it, but put it on his body temporarily.

Before setting off, Su Ze contacted Brother Ya to confirm that this guy was still alive and well, and that he was killing well on the border of Luofan Kingdom.

He waited on the sidelines in this wave, and even assassinated several overlords of the Evolution God Sect.

And he shot a shot to change the place, so that the supreme powerhouses of the Evolution God Cult can't do anything to him. After all, Su Ze killed the four supreme powers of the Evolution God Cult, leaving them in short supply of supreme powerhouses, and they couldn't draw too much. Manpower against Ya Ge.

Su Ze didn't take transportation to Lin Huaguo this time, but flew there by himself, so he arrived at his destination that morning.

Chen Suifeng came to pick him up in person, and it was almost lunch time. Chen Suifeng, who never missed three meals a day, immediately dragged Su Ze into a small restaurant on the side of the road.

The two asked for a private room, ordered a few side dishes, and chatted while eating.

Chen Suifeng took the initiative to start the topic: "This time, it is mainly Ke Lao who wants to meet you. Last time I reported the information you asked from the mouth of Mu Wang to Ke Lao. His old man and I have the same idea, that is, we need to cultivate the human race by ourselves. He is a god-level powerhouse, and he cannot be allowed to be under the control of the Nian tribe. He must be sent quietly into the universe to help him escape from the cage of Blue Star.

"Only in this way, we Blue Star humans trapped in the cage can have some hope of escape in the distant future.

"And under my persuasion, Mr. Ke and I have now reached an agreement that you are currently the most worthy candidate for training."

"So you all think that I am the most suitable candidate, what if I fail? Wouldn't it ruin the hope of the human race?" Su Ze asked with a shrug.

"First of all, I believe in you, I don't think you will fail." Chen Suifeng paused, "Secondly, what Ke Lao meant is that don't put all your eggs in one basket, so if you are really sent into the universe, after you , we will also train other candidates, after all, one more person means more hope."

Su Ze nodded, and he didn't mind about it. He hoped that Mr. Ke and the others would cultivate more so-called "hopes", so that his pressure would not be so great.

Chen Suifeng put a piece of twice-cooked pork into his mouth, and said while chewing: "That's what I said, but it's really too difficult to cultivate a human evolutionary who can become a god on Blue Star without the help of Nian clansmen. , maybe in my lifetime, I will never meet another person with this potential except you."

Su Ze didn't say a word, didn't answer, and put a piece of meat into his mouth.

After a while, he changed the subject as if nothing had happened, and asked, "Brother Feng, did you hear anything about the black man who might master the puzzle that I told you earlier?"

This is what Su Ze is most concerned about.

It is about unlocking the third piece of the puzzle of the mysterious inheritance. Su Ze is now determined to win the mysterious inheritance.

Chen Suifeng nodded, and said: "The people from Yandizhou and I made indirect inquiries, and we have a few suspects. After all, there are not many black filthy people who fit your description."

Black man, filthy, short in stature, and a saint-level powerhouse more than ten years ago... There are not many who can meet these requirements.

Chen Suifeng handed over his mobile phone, on which were three wanted warrants for black men, all with photos attached.

Su Ze recognized the skinny black man he saw in Draco's vision at a glance.

"it's him!"

He carefully checked the profile of the little black man.

Name: Pramon
Age: 76
Strength: Holy Supreme

Identity: Great Elder of the Dirt Organization!
At the bottom, there is also a text introduction, which tells about Plamond's background, general growth experience, several well-known achievements and so on.

Chen Suifeng added: "This information is already five years ago. In recent years, he has rarely appeared in public, and he has never made a move in public. Of course, it is unlikely that he will break through and become a legendary powerhouse in these five years. "

Su Ze nodded, thinking that he was right to ask Chen Suifeng and the others for help. With his own connections, he didn't know how long it would take to lock Plamond's identity.

However, Chen Suifeng's information channel was also unable to determine the whereabouts of Plamond. This great elder of the dirty soil organization, like other elders of the dirty soil organization, was elusive and hard to find.

It seems that if you want to find this Pramon, you must follow the clues inside the dirty soil organization... Su Ze thought of Ya Ge's fellow villager Draco. He has always served the dirty soil organization, but he can use this line as a breakthrough.

With a plan in mind, Su Ze didn't talk too much on this topic, and soon the two talked about the Evolutionary God Sect.

"This time the Alien Party was forced to cut off its own arm and cut off the cancer of the Evolution Cult. Although it was our victory, it also intensified the conflict between us and the Alien Party.

"They have seriously suspected that we know their identities, but there is no proof, and we have been pretending on the surface, never piercing the last layer of window paper, and not tearing our face.

"But this is not a long-term solution. It is only a matter of time before conflicts break out."

Ke Lao, who had retired before, suddenly reappeared and competed for power and profit with the current master, which puzzled many people.

But the alien party didn't think it was because their identities were exposed.

However, with the constant conflict and friction between the Alien Party and the Blue Star Party, all signs have made the Alien Party suspicious.

Su Ze raised his eyebrows: "So you plan to... withdraw Gu Anguo to attract firepower?"

Chen Suifeng nodded slightly: "We also sent people to clean up the Evolution Sect this time, but the Alien Party's name is Qing Suppression, but they are actually escorting the members of the Evolution Sect out of the country one by one, and our people are absolutely Be merciful, catch what you should catch, and kill what you should kill.

"As a result, a lot of evidence was seized, including key evidence that could prove the collusion between Evolution Theology and the Alien Party's high-level leaders. However, after discussing with Ke Lao, we did not publish these evidences, because we did not want to further intensify the conflict.

"After all, the conflict has completely intensified, which is not good for us. Now we have no chance of winning against the alien party, so the next step is when the time is right. We plan to launch Gu Anguo to attract firepower and buy us time to develop."

Su Ze was thinking that once the ancient Anguo was pushed out, the alien party would definitely clean up the ancient Anguo. If the dirty soil organization did not want to give up the fertile soil of the ancient Anguo, they must send more experts to support the ancient Anguo.

I don't know if the short black man Pramon will show up by then?

"By the way..." Su Ze took out a storage ring and put it in front of Chen Suifeng, "The base station built with the brain of the spiritual master has been completed, here are more than 30 spiritual communication mobile phones, if there are not enough, I will let Dong Li Produce some."

Chen Suifeng showed joy: "More than 30 units are enough for the time being. The senior members of the Blue Star Party each have a spiritual communication mobile phone. In the future, we will no longer have to worry about being eavesdropped and monitored."

Chen Suifeng took out a mobile phone and started to play with it. He couldn't put it down. He has been thinking about this thing for a long time. With this mental communication mobile phone and brain base station, the communication can be guaranteed to be absolutely safe.

In the end, the meal ended quickly as the two ate and chatted.

After the meal, Su Ze moved into Chen Suifeng's house again.

"I'll take you to see Mr. Ke tomorrow morning. Now Mr. Ke only wakes up for a while every morning to deal with affairs, and sleeps the rest of the time." Chen Suifeng said.

Mr. Ke is at the end of his life, and the fire of life may be extinguished at any time. He must keep a long sleep in order to live for a longer period of time.

This made Su Ze a little worried. Mr. Ke is the backbone of the Blue Star Party. Once he falls, no one can take his place.

Even Chen Suifeng was lacking in strength, after all, the Blue Star Party did not have a second legendary powerhouse.

Su Ze nodded in agreement, then handed a list to Chen Suifeng, and said, "Brother Feng, help me find out if I can find these materials."

On the list are some materials that he may need to upgrade and strengthen his skills, which he and Liu Wenyin drafted together.

Chen Suifeng agreed immediately: "Okay, I'll help you go to the state treasury."

Now they are not stingy with the resources in the national treasury, wishing they could use them up, and leave nothing to those alien parties.

(End of this chapter)

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