Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 325 Becoming a Legend

Chapter 325 Becoming a Legend
The fight just now was just a lot of thunder and rain.

Su Ze just filled up the special effects, and then fused the avatar with the main body underground.

He weighed the sledgehammer in his hand, as if he just got a new weapon and was familiar with the feel.

In the eyes of others, this is indeed the trophy he just got.

Su Ze stretched his body, threw the hammer casually, and killed a passing filthy man in the distance to delay the "Blood Devouring" skill.

And immediately followed the gravitational chain, pulled the sledgehammer back into his hand... and unlocked a new use of the weapon.

The next step is to deal with the dirty soil organization. He doesn't need to wear a vest anymore, and can finally use his real identity.

He can use any skill at will, and he doesn't need to be restrained, which also means that he will not have any difficulty in killing the strong at the same level.

Su Ze brandished a sledgehammer and rushed towards the Supremes of the Dirty Soil Organization.

Lin Huaguo's strong men looked excited. With such strong support, their confidence was greatly boosted. They all took out their trump cards and started to counterattack from the counter-trend defense.

Su Ze gave priority to those he knew, and hit Elder Kang with the first hammer. Elder Kang took out a fourth-order strange sword to resist, the two collided, sparks shot out, and the fourth-order sword was cut on the spot.

Elder Kang is actually not good at using weapons to fight, so he doesn't have any good weapons at hand, but he is still shocked by Su Ze's strength and the sledgehammer in his hand.

What level of strange object is this hammer?

Elder Kang's strength definitely belonged to the first echelon among the several filthy organization supremes at the scene, but he suffered a small loss under Su Ze's blow, and his palm bone was shattered.

Although he healed himself from this injury in an instant, he also realized that he couldn't deal with Su Ze alone.

"Two more people to help me! This kid is full of strange strength, so it's hard to deal with!"

Elder Kang resolutely asked for help, and two of the supreme leaders of the dirty soil organization came to help him.

This time, the situation became balanced again. Both the Dirty Earth Organization and Lin Huaguo had six supreme beings, and the numbers were even, because Su Ze helped Lin Huaguo share the pressure.

He alone had to deal with the three Supremes including Elder Kang.

But it doesn't matter, the "Blood Devouring" skill has already provided him with a considerable increase in strength, and he hasn't done his best yet.

Su Ze didn't keep his hand anymore. He was really aggrieved just now when he was fighting in a vest. He desperately needed a hearty battle.

He directly activated his strongest fighting form.

"Ant Power" + "Liquid Life" + "Unyielding Will" + "Expansion", plus "Blood Devouring", the five major skills are fully activated!

Su Ze instantly turned into a giant, overlooking his three opponents.

Elder Kang and the three were as insignificant as ants in front of him.

Sensing Su Ze's rising aura as his size grew, Elder Kang panicked, but seeing that his two companions were also completely suppressed by Su Ze in terms of aura, he had no choice but to cheer up:
"Don't panic, it's not that the taller you are, the stronger you are. The three of us are more than enough to deal with him alone."

The other two nodded repeatedly, feeling that what Elder Kang said made sense.

The two of them looked old and young, but the young one had white hair, and the old one had black hair.

The white-haired youth greeted: "Let's go! Quick battle!"

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in attacking Su Ze, and condensed a bloody long whip in his hand to whip towards Su Ze, who was 200 meters high.

Elder Kang and the black-haired old man hurriedly followed the attack.

The black-haired old man pounced on Su Ze in the form of a shadow, while Elder Kang cut his wrist artery, blood gushed out, and the spewed blood condensed into fierce blood spirits. There were dozens of them, each with their mouths open. The illusory fangs surrounded Su Ze in a ring shape.

Su Ze didn't care about the attacks of the three of them. At this time, he was huge and difficult to defend carefully, but he was also rough and thick, so he couldn't die after two hits.

Therefore, in the state of expansion, the output is the best defense. If you kill the enemy, you don't need to defend.

He injected a large amount of evolutionary power into the device, and the hammer in his hand quickly grew in size like a balloon, turning into a sledgehammer with a length of [-] meters.

Swinging the sledgehammer, Su Ze still hit Elder Kang first, nothing else, just want to "kill familiarity".

Elder Kang's complexion changed drastically, why did Xin Dao focus on me?
He just wanted to dodge, but found that he seemed to be trapped in the mud at some point, his movements were sluggish, and he was restrained by the surrounding gravity.

Seeing that the sledgehammer was about to fall on top of his head, Elder Kang gritted his teeth, and suddenly his body exploded, turning into a puddle of blood.

Su Ze's hammer landed on a puddle of blood, which splashed everywhere.

At this time, the white-haired young man's bloody long whip also hit Su Ze's body. This long whip has a blood-sucking effect, but Su Ze is in a liquefied state at this time, without blood, and his whole body is composed of liquid.

This bloody long whip crazily devoured Su Ze's body, and used it to strengthen himself, becoming longer and thicker.

Su Ze grabbed the long whip, but the long whip was still devouring his palm.


Su Ze used the long whip as a conductor to transmit a large amount of current.

The white-haired young man was so shocked that he had no choice but to abandon the bloody long whip.

At the same time, the shadow of the avatar of the black-haired old man also penetrated into Su Ze's body. The effect of this shadow is somewhat similar to the pope's "flesh and blood parasite". The essence is to achieve the purpose of parasitizing and controlling the target by invading the brain and spirit.

However, Su Ze in liquid form actually has no brains, and his current human form is only pinched for himself.

The black-haired old man cannot invade the brain, so naturally he can only invade the soul.

But after turning on "Unyielding Will", Su Ze's soul is integrated with the body, and is protected and amplified by the body.

Unyielding Will (Level [-] S): Spiritual will and physical consciousness are integrated. In this state, the physical body provides an increase in spiritual power. The stronger the physical body, the stronger the effect of the spiritual power increase. If you are attacked by the spirit, the damage will be reflected to attacker.

The black-haired old man sensed where Su Ze's soul was, and the shadow he transformed was invisible and intangible, so he tried to blend into Su Ze's body to eat away at Su Ze's spirit.

It's just that in this way, it is equivalent to another form of mental attack on Su Ze. After being judged as a mental attack by the "unyielding will" skill, the "damage rebound" is naturally triggered.

The power of the rebounded mental attack is not determined by the mental attack Su Ze received, but by the strength of Su Ze's mental power.

Su Ze's mental strength already surpassed the same level after being strengthened many times, and now it has been boosted by the two skills of "Blood Devouring" and "Unyielding Will", and has stabilized at the legendary level.

So the black-haired old man was equivalent to suffering a legendary mental attack.

The black-haired old man vomited blood and flew out of Su Ze's body, unable to maintain the previous shadow state.

The black-haired old man looked sluggish, but he didn't suffer much physical damage, mainly because he suffered a lot mentally.

This is too good... Su Ze couldn't help but want to ridicule a few words, he didn't do anything, the black-haired old man pounced on himself and seriously injured himself, and he abolished a supreme combat power of the other party without any effort .

It's just that Su Ze didn't have time to mock the black-haired old man. He was dealing with the blood spirit released by Elder Kang.

These blood spirits are like a swarm of wasps, buzzing around people, and they will come to them whenever they find time, which annoys Su Ze.

The blood spirits are very fast. Every time they bite off a piece of Su Ze's body, they will grow a little bit, getting bigger and bigger, and biting harder and harder.

Su Ze tried to attack with electric current, but it was ineffective against them, and gravity could hardly limit them.

Su Ze resolutely gave up dealing with these blood spirits, because the time for the "Blood Devouring" skill was approaching.

All this took a long time, but in fact it only took a few seconds. Elder Kang and the three attacked Su Ze at the same time, and Su Ze also launched a counterattack at the same time.

He must now get the head to continue the time of the "Blood Devouring" skill.

Su Ze naturally targeted the mentally traumatized black-haired old man first, and swung a sledgehammer at the black-haired old man.

The black-haired old man wanted to escape, turned into a shadow and fled a hundred meters away, but was pulled back to his original place by a gravitational chain.

At this time, Elder Kang, who had turned into a puddle of blood and splashed everywhere, finally re-condensed into shape, except for his pale face, there was nothing else.

Elder Kang and the white-haired young man saw Su Ze kill the black-haired old man, so they rushed to rescue him immediately.

Seeing that Su Ze's sledgehammer was about to fall, the white-haired young man gathered another one... this time it was not a long whip, but a tentacle.

This tentacle was long and fast, and it wrapped around the black-haired old man at a critical moment and dragged it back for about ten meters.

According to this distance, Su Ze couldn't hit the black-haired old man with this hammer, and at best, the scattered aftermath would hurt him a little.

But at this moment, the giant hammer suddenly grew ten meters!
Su Ze injected the power of evolution and directly increased the length of the hammer handle by ten meters.

So, being impartial and hitting the bullseye...

With a loud bang, the black-haired old man was hammered into a piece of meatloaf.

The storage tool he was carrying also broke under the hammer, and all kinds of messy things scattered all over the floor.

"Old stuff, it really exploded gold coins..."

The "Blood Devouring" skill has been extended, and the huge flesh and blood energy fed back made Su Ze sure that the black-haired old man was dead.

In an instant, Su Ze recovered from all the injuries he suffered in the siege of the three supreme beings, and his strength went even further, because the increase he received was even greater.

He sensed the tentacles to sweep over a pile of items that exploded from the black-haired old man's storage props, picked out a few valuable ones, and casually carried them into his hands using the gravitational field.

Elder Kang and the white-haired young man felt chills all over their bodies. They didn't expect that the three of them would join forces, and one of them would be killed by Su Ze in an instant.

Elder Kang intends to call more teammates to support, but the other side is evenly matched with six-on-six.

Moreover, seeing that a bunch of blood spirits he summoned were still biting Su Ze around, Elder Kang felt that there was still hope of defeating Su Ze.

The blood spirits he summoned are extremely difficult to deal with. If they are not dealt with early, these blood spirits will become stronger as they go later.

Su Ze's huge body is the best nourishment for the blood spirits, which can continuously supply them with growth.

Su Ze really doesn't know how to get rid of these annoying blood spirits, but these blood spirits can't cause too much damage to him for the time being. With the self-healing effect of "regenerated body", the attack of blood spirits is very difficult for Su Ze. It is also painless.

Of course, he really didn't intend to let these blood spirits grow. He knew that there was an absolutely effective way to make these blood spirits disappear, and that was to get rid of the people who cast the skills.

These blood spirits are not life, but created by skill effects. As long as Elder Kang, the person who uses the skill, is killed, the skill will naturally be interrupted.

Su Ze locked Elder Kang directly, and rushed towards Elder Kang with a "rhinoceros collision".

After devouring the black-haired old man, Su Ze's body was nearly 300 meters at this time, and then he used "rhino bump".

The white-haired young man wanted to stop Su Ze and resorted to various attack and control methods, but the upgraded "rhinoceros strike" skill was immune to all damage and control during the charge.

Su Ze is unstoppable at this moment!
When Elder Kang saw this, he turned around and ran very fast, and even used the substitute skill to attract hatred, but once the sixth-level "rhinoceros collision" skill locked the target, how could he be so easily deceived.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Su Ze, Elder Kang repeated his old trick and turned into a puddle of blood again. His skill is similar to Su Ze's liquid clone, and can resist physical attacks very well.

The pool of blood fled in all directions, which made it difficult for Su Ze's "rhinoceros collision" skill to determine the target. After all, every drop of blood is a locked target. If this continues, Su Ze will only hit the largest one. That puddle of blood.

Su Ze will not let him succeed for a trick that has been used once.

The "gravitational field" spread out, and the powerful gravitational force reunited the scattered blood beads in one place, making it impossible to escape.

Su Ze's body several hundred meters hit the pool of blood, as if hitting a mosquito with an anti-aircraft gun.

That is to say, Su Ze is using gravity to fix the blood melted by Elder Kang in one place, otherwise the pool of blood may have already flown into the sky at this time.

The sixth-level "rhinoceros collision" skill, the impact damage attached to the skill alone is not to be underestimated. If Elder Kang was not in a liquid state at this time, the impact would make him fall apart, and even break into several sections.

However, the dizziness effect still took effect, and Elder Kang, who had turned into blood, fell into a dizziness and temporarily lost consciousness.

Su Ze took the opportunity to go straight to the big move, and the "strongest punch" that combines the three skills of "acupuncture", "rageous waves", and "impact gun (current gun)" is ready.

In fact, the upgraded "Strongest Punch" can integrate four skills, but Su Ze can't find a fourth usable skill, unless he uses "Instant Simulation" to copy someone else's attack skill.

But it is not necessary.

Elder Kang couldn't bear this blow, and combined with other skills, the damage had already overflowed.

Elder Kang, who had turned into a puddle of blood, had a perverted ability to resist physical attacks, but Su Ze's "strongest punch" was not a purely physical attack skill.

It has the explosion and toxin of "needle strike", the air wave attack of "Raging Waves", the electric shock of "Electric Cannon", and the "Destruction" effect attached to the skill of "Ant Force".

On Su Ze's huge fist, various lights shone, and the current kept jumping.

A punch fell, and all kinds of energy exploded under this punch, and the effects of various skills were intertwined.

The huge impact force split the ground apart like a spider web, and the underground water spewed out.

And the puddle of blood melted by Elder Kang continued to evaporate under this punch, turning into a bloody mist.

Vaguely, everyone around seemed to hear Elder Kang's screams coming from the bloody water.

In the sound of sizzling, the blood that Elder Kang had melted was completely evaporated without leaving any traces.

A pile of items exploded on the ground with a bang, apparently Elder Kang's storage props were also blown up, and the items inside fell out.

Those blood spirits that were constantly gnawing around Su Ze also disappeared in an instant.

Su Ze casually put away the spoils on the ground, but he was a little puzzled.

After killing Elder Kang, the "Blood Devouring" skill has indeed absorbed and transformed a lot of flesh and blood energy, and there is also a joyful emotion from the weapon, which proves that Elder Kang is dead.

The flesh and blood energy transformed by Elder Kekang is obviously not as much as that transformed by the black-haired old man before.

Both of them are supreme powerhouses, and even Elder Kang is even stronger, which is very strange.

Su Ze has a vague guess...Elder Kang may have resurrection skills!
As a supreme powerhouse, it is nothing surprising that Elder Kang mastered the resurrection ability. After all, even the overlord Bai Guishou has been resurrected many times, and Brother Ya also has the resurrection ability.

Su Ze doesn't care if Elder Kang can be revived. Su Ze is also happy to hear that the dirty soil organization is stronger and loses a little bit of the alien party's strength.

He turned his head to look for the white-haired young man. Both Elder Kang and the black-haired old man died at his hands, and now his opponent was only the white-haired young man.

But in the end, the white-haired young man hid far away and ran to the side of his other six teammates.

What a joke!Three hits and one killed two, how could he have the guts to fight Su Ze one-on-one.

Su Ze killed the two supreme powerhouses of the dirty soil organization in a devastating manner, and once again smoothed out the difference in the number of people between the dirty soil organization and the supreme powerhouse of Lin Huaguo.

If Su Ze is included in Lin Huaguo's side, the two sides are now seven against seven.

However, Su Ze obviously cannot be regarded as an ordinary supreme class.

In the eyes of others, Su Ze's vest died in Su Ze's hands, so on the surface, he killed three supreme powerhouses in a row.

This frightened the powerful members of the dirty soil organization. Originally, they still had the chance to win and had the upper hand, but they didn't expect that with the appearance of Su Ze, the situation took a turn for the worse, and they turned from an advantage to a disadvantage in a blink of an eye.

The seven Soil Organization Supremes stopped fighting one after another, drew back and took a defensive posture.

Su Ze randomly electrocuted a few filthy people from a long distance to continue the "Blood Devouring" skill, and then slowly rose into the air.

The seven supreme beings of the dirty soil organization were facing the enemy, and their hairs stood on end, like cats with fried hair.

Su Ze killed three Supreme Beings in a row, and his power was too fierce, which made them all terrified.

Even the two legendary powerhouses in the air couldn't help but pay more attention to Su Ze's eyes, especially Plumon, this little black boy's eyes shot fiercely, and he wished he could swallow Su Ze alive.

At this time, all the people on the ground fled if they could, and almost died if they didn't. Many people were paying attention to the battle here from afar.

The level of this battle is too high, without the strength of the holy-level overlord, it is impossible to intervene at all, and even the overlord is just soy sauce, without the supreme strength, it will not have any impact on the situation.

Therefore, many evolutionaries who have not reached the holy level can only wait and see from a distance.

A small number of people know what happened, but most people are still in the dark. They don't know why this doomsday war started.

Among the crowd, a blond man with a sword on his back had complicated eyes, looking at the figure hundreds of meters high in the distant sky.

Su Ze's size is so big that he is more eye-catching than the two legends above the sky.

"Is the gap between me and him so big..." Yaerlin sighed dejectedly, almost swallowed by frustration.

Although he had heard all kinds of news about Su Ze a long time ago, when Su Ze really stood in front of him, he saw the gap between the two more clearly.

A few months ago, he also competed with Su Ze on the stage of the exchange competition between the highest universities in the six countries. Although he lost miserably, he felt that it was not impossible to catch up.

But now, he is only in the butterfly stage, but Su Ze has become the supreme being, an existence he can only look up to.

Even his master, the supreme powerhouse "Holy Sword" Adams, took Su Ze's fierce power and shunned Su Ze.

Some people are doomed not to be able to catch up, they can only look at his back and watch him become a legend step by step... Until this moment, Yarlin finally recognized the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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